
This phase makes all JS classes explicit (their definitions and references to them).

This phase is the equivalent of the two phases ExplicitInnerJS and ExplicitLocalJS from Scala 2. It performs the following transformations:

(A) For every inner JS class Inner in a class or trait Outer, create a field Outer.Inner$jsclass to hold the JS class value of Inner. (B) For every exposed object Inner in a static owner Outer, create an explicit exposed getter Outer.Inner$jsobject. (C) For every local JS class Local, create a local val Local$jsclass to hold the JS class value of Local. (D) Desugar calls like x.isInstanceOf[C] into js.special.instanceof(x, js.constructorOf[C]) when C is a nested JS class. (E) Wrap every new C call and super[C] reference of a nested JS class C with withContextualJSClassValue(js.constructorOf[C], ...). (F) Desugar calls to js.constructorOf[C] (including those generated by the previous transformations) into either runtime.constructorOf or access to the $jsclass fields/vals. (G) Adjust the NoInits flag of traits: - for JS traits, always add the flag - for Scala trait that contain a JS class, remove the flag

Note that in this comment, and more largely in this phase, by "class" we mean only classes. traits and objects are not implied.

(A) Inner$jsclass fields

Roughly, for every inner JS class of the form:

class Outer {
  class Inner extends ParentJSClass

this phase creates a field Inner$jsclass in Outer to hold the JS class value for Inner. The rhs of that field is a call to a magic method, used to retain information that the back-end will need.

class Outer {
  <synthetic> val Inner$jsclass: AnyRef =
    createJSClass(classOf[Inner], js.constructorOf[ParentJSClass])

  class Inner extends ParentJSClass

These fields will be read by code generated in step (F).

A $jsclass field is also generated for classes declared inside static JS objects. Indeed, even though those classes have a unique, globally accessible class value, that class value needs to be exposed as a field of the enclosing object. In those cases, the rhs of the field is a direct call to js.constructorOf[Inner], which becomes runtime.constructorOf(classOf[Inner]).

For the following input:

object Outer extends js.Object {
  class InnerClass extends ParentJSClass

this phase will generate

object Outer extends js.Object {
  @ExposedJSMember @JSName("InnerClass")
  val InnerClass$jsclass: AnyRef = runtime.constructorOf(classOf[InnerClass])

The $jsclass fields must also be added to outer classes and traits coming from separate compilation, therefore this phase is an InfoTransform.

(B) Inner$jsobject exposed getters

For modules declared inside static JS objects, we generate an explicit exposed getter as well. For non-static objects, dotc already generates a getter with the @ExposedJSMember annotation, so we do not need to do anything. But for static objects, it doesn't, so we have to do it ourselves here.

For the following input:

object Outer extends js.Object {
  object InnerObject extends ParentJSClass

this phase will generate

object Outer extends js.Object {
  @ExposedJSMember @JSName("InnerObject")
  def InnerObject$jsobject: AnyRef = InnerObject

(C) Local$jsclass vals and vars

Similarly to how step (A) creates explicit fields in the enclosing templates of inner JS classes and traits to hold the JS class values, this phase creates local vals for local JS classes in the enclosing statement list.

For every local JS class of the form:

def outer() = {
  class Local extends ParentJSClass

this phase creates a local val Local$jslass in the body of outer() to hold the JS class value for Local. The rhs of that val is a call to a magic method, used to retain information that the back-end will need:

  • A reified reference to class Local, in the form of a classOf
  • An explicit reference to the super JS class value, i.e., the desugaring of js.constructorOf[ParentJSClass]
  • An array of fake new expressions for all overloaded constructors.

The latter will be augmented by LambdaLift with the appropriate actual parameters for the captures of Local, which will be needed by the back-end. In code, this looks like:

def outer() = {
  class Local extends ParentJSClass
  val Local$jsclass: AnyRef = createLocalJSClass(

The third argument ??? is a placeholder, which will be filled in by AddLocalJSFakeNews with fake new invocations for the all the constructors of Local. We cannot do it at this phase because that would require inventing sound type arguments for the type parameters of Local out of thin air.

If the body of Local references itself, then the val Local$jsclass is instead declared as a var to work around the cyclic dependency:

def outer() = {
  var Local$jsclass: AnyRef = null
  class Local extends ParentJSClass {
    def newLocal = new Local // self-reference
  Local$jsclass = createLocalJSClass(...)

(D) Insertion of withContextualJSClassValue calls

For any nested JS class C, this phase performs the following transformations:

  • new C[...Ts](...args) desugars into withContextualJSClassValue(js.constructorOf[C], new C[...Ts](...args)), so that the back-end receives a reified reference to the JS class value.
  • In the same spirit, for D extends C, D.super[C].m[...Ts](...args) desugars into withContextualJSClassValue(js.constructorOf[C], D.super[C].m[...Ts](...args)).

For any nested JS object, their (only) instantiation point of the form new O$() is rewritten as withContextualJSClassValue(js.constructorOf[ParentClassOfO], new O$()), so that the back-end receives a reified reference to the parent class of O.

A similar treatment is applied on anonymous JS classes, which basically define something very similar to an object, although without their own JS class.

(E) Desugar x.isInstanceOf[C] for nested JS classes

They are desugared into js.special.instanceof(x, js.constructorOf[C]).

(F) Desugar js.constructorOf[C]

Finally, this phase rewrites all calls to js.constructorOf[C], including the ones generated by the previous steps. The transformation depends on the nature of C:

  • If C is a statically accessible class, desugar to runtime.constructorOf(classOf[C]) so that the reified symbol survives erasure and reaches the back-end.
  • If C is an inner JS class, it must be of the form path.D for some pair (path, D), and we desugar it to path.D$jsclass, using the field created by step (A) (it is an error if C is of the form Enclosing#D).
  • If C is a local JS class, desugar to C$jsclass, using the local val created by step (C).
class MiniPhase
class Phase
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def changesMembers: Boolean
Definition Classes
override def infoMayChange(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean
Definition Classes
override def initContext(ctx: FreshContext): Unit
Definition Classes
override def isEnabled(using Context): Boolean
Definition Classes
override def phaseName: String
Definition Classes
override def prepareForBlock(tree: Block)(using Context): Context
Definition Classes
override def prepareForTemplate(tree: Template)(using Context): Context
Definition Classes
override def prepareForTypeDef(tree: TypeDef)(using Context): Context
Definition Classes
override def prepareForUnit(tree: Tree)(using Context): Context
Definition Classes
override def runsAfter: Set[String]
Definition Classes

Adjust the NoInits flag of Scala traits containing a JS class and of JS traits.

Adjust the NoInits flag of Scala traits containing a JS class and of JS traits.

Definition Classes
override def transformApply(tree: Apply)(using Context): Tree
Definition Classes
override def transformInfo(tp: Type, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Type
Definition Classes
override def transformSelect(tree: Select)(using Context): Tree
Definition Classes
override def transformTemplate(tree: Template)(using Context): Tree
Definition Classes
override def transformTypeApply(tree: TypeApply)(using Context): Tree
Definition Classes
override def transformTypeDef(tree: TypeDef)(using Context): Tree
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

final def <=(that: Phase): Boolean
Inherited from

If set, implicit search is enabled

If set, implicit search is enabled

Inherited from

Can this transform change the base types of a type?

Can this transform change the base types of a type?

Inherited from

Can this transform change the parents of a class?

Can this transform change the parents of a class?

Inherited from
def checkPostCondition(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit

Check what the phase achieves, to be called at any point after it is finished.

Check what the phase achieves, to be called at any point after it is finished.

Inherited from
Inherited from
def end: PhaseId
Inherited from
final def erasedTypes: Boolean
Inherited from
Inherited from
final def flatClasses: Boolean
Inherited from
final def hasNext: Boolean
Inherited from
def id: Int

The sequence position of this phase in the given context where 0 is reserved for NoPhase and the first real phase is at position 1. -1 if the phase is not installed in the context.

The sequence position of this phase in the given context where 0 is reserved for NoPhase and the first real phase is at position 1. -1 if the phase is not installed in the context.

Inherited from

Output should be checkable by TreeChecker

Output should be checkable by TreeChecker

Inherited from
Inherited from

Is this phase the standard typerphase? True for FrontEnd, but not for other first phases (such as FromTasty). The predicate is tested in some places that perform checks and corrections. It's different from ctx.isAfterTyper (and cheaper to test).

Is this phase the standard typerphase? True for FrontEnd, but not for other first phases (such as FromTasty). The predicate is tested in some places that perform checks and corrections. It's different from ctx.isAfterTyper (and cheaper to test).

Inherited from
final def iterator: Iterator[Phase]
Inherited from
Inherited from
def lastPhaseId(using Context): Int

The last phase during which the transformed denotations are valid

The last phase during which the transformed denotations are valid

Inherited from
final def next: Phase
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
def prepareForApply(tree: Apply)(using Context): Context
Inherited from
Inherited from
def prepareForBind(tree: Bind)(using Context): Context
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
def prepareForIdent(tree: Ident)(using Context): Context
Inherited from
def prepareForIf(tree: If)(using Context): Context
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
def prepareForMatch(tree: Match)(using Context): Context
Inherited from
def prepareForNew(tree: New)(using Context): Context
Inherited from
def prepareForOther(tree: Tree)(using Context): Context
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
def prepareForStats(trees: List[Tree])(using Context): Context
Inherited from
def prepareForSuper(tree: Super)(using Context): Context
Inherited from
def prepareForThis(tree: This)(using Context): Context
Inherited from
def prepareForTry(tree: Try)(using Context): Context
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
def prepareForTyped(tree: Typed)(using Context): Context
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
final def prev: Phase
Inherited from
final def refChecked: Boolean
Inherited from
final override def relaxedTyping: Boolean
Definition Classes
Inherited from

If set, use relaxed typing for all phases in group

If set, use relaxed typing for all phases in group

Inherited from
override def run(using Context): Unit
Definition Classes
Inherited from
Inherited from

List of names of phases that should have finished their processing of all compilation units before this phase starts

List of names of phases that should have finished their processing of all compilation units before this phase starts

Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
protected def singletonGroup: MegaPhase
Inherited from
def start: Int
Inherited from
override def toString: String
Definition Classes
Phase -> Any
Inherited from
def transformAllDeep(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree

Transform tree using all transforms of current group (including this one)

Transform tree using all transforms of current group (including this one)

Inherited from
Inherited from
def transformAssign(tree: Assign)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformBind(tree: Bind)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformBlock(tree: Block)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformCaseDef(tree: CaseDef)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformClosure(tree: Closure)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformDefDef(tree: DefDef)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformFollowing(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree

Transform single node using all transforms following the current one in this group

Transform single node using all transforms following the current one in this group

Inherited from

Transform tree using all transforms following the current one in this group

Transform tree using all transforms following the current one in this group

Inherited from
def transformIdent(tree: Ident)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformIf(tree: If)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformInlined(tree: Inlined)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformLabeled(tree: Labeled)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformLiteral(tree: Literal)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformMatch(tree: Match)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformNew(tree: New)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformOther(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
Inherited from
def transformReturn(tree: Return)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
Inherited from
def transformStats(trees: List[Tree])(using Context): List[Tree]
Inherited from
def transformSuper(tree: Super)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformThis(tree: This)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformTry(tree: Try)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
Inherited from
def transformTyped(tree: Typed)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformUnApply(tree: UnApply)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformUnit(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformValDef(tree: ValDef)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def transformWhileDo(tree: WhileDo)(using Context): Tree
Inherited from
def validFor(using Context): Period

The validity period of the transformed denotations in the given context

The validity period of the transformed denotations in the given context

Inherited from

Inherited fields

Inherited from