
See theInspectors companion object
trait Inspectors

Provides nestable inspector methods (or just inspectors) that enable assertions to be made about collections.

For example, the forAll method enables you to state that something should be true about all elements of a collection, such as that all elements should be positive:

scala> import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest._

scala> import Assertions._
import Assertions._

scala> import Inspectors._
import Inspectors._

scala> val xs = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
xs: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> forAll (xs) { x => assert(x > 0) }

Or, with matchers:

scala> import Matchers._
import Matchers._

scala> forAll (xs) { x => x should be > 0 }

To make assertions about nested collections, you can nest the inspector method invocations. For example, given the following list of lists of Int:

scala> val yss =
    |   List(
    |     List(1, 2, 3),
    |     List(1, 2, 3),
    |     List(1, 2, 3)
    |   )
yss: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 2, 3), List(1, 2, 3), List(1, 2, 3))

You can assert that all Int elements in all nested lists are positive by nesting two forAll method invocations, like this:

scala> forAll (yss) { ys =>
    |   forAll (ys) { y => y should be > 0 }
    | }

The full list of inspector methods are:

  • forAll - succeeds if the assertion holds true for every element

  • forAtLeast - succeeds if the assertion holds true for at least the specified number of elements

  • forAtMost - succeeds if the assertion holds true for at most the specified number of elements

  • forBetween - succeeds if the assertion holds true for between the specified minimum and maximum number of elements, inclusive

  • forEvery - same as forAll, but lists all failing elements if it fails (whereas forAll just reports the first failing element)

  • forExactly - succeeds if the assertion holds true for exactly the specified number of elements

The error messages produced by inspector methods are designed to make sense no matter how deeply you nest the method invocations. Here's an example of a nested inspection that fails and the resulting error message:

scala> forAll (yss) { ys =>
    |   forAll (ys) { y => y should be < 2 }
    | }
org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: forAll failed, because:
 at index 0, forAll failed, because:
   at index 1, 2 was not less than 2 (<console>:20)
 in List(1, 2, 3) (<console>:20)
in List(List(1, 2, 3), List(1, 2, 3), List(1, 2, 3))
    at org.scalatest.InspectorsHelper$.forAll(Inspectors.scala:146)

One way the error message is designed to help you understand the error is by using indentation that mimics the indentation of the source code (optimistically assuming the source will be nicely indented). The error message above indicates the outer forAll failed because its initial List (i.e., at index 0) failed the assertion, which was that all elements of that initial List[Int] at index 0 should be less than 2. This assertion failed because index 1 of that inner list contained the value 2, which was indeed “not less than 2.” The error message for the inner list is an indented line inside the error message for the outer list. The actual contents of each list are displayed at the end in inspector error messages, also indented appropriately. The actual contents are placed at the end so that for very large collections, the contents will not drown out and make it difficult to find the messages that describe actual causes of the failure.

The forAll and forEvery methods are similar in that both succeed only if the assertion holds for all elements of the collection. They differ in that forAll will only report the first element encountered that failed the assertion, but forEvery will report all elements that fail the assertion. The tradeoff is that while forEvery gives more information, it may take longer to run because it must inspect every element of the collection. The forAll method can simply stop inspecting once it encounters the first failing element. Here's an example that shows the difference in the forAll and forEvery error messages:

scala> forAll (xs) { x => x should be < 3 }
org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: forAll failed, because:
 at index 2, 3 was not less than 3 (<console>:18)
in List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    at org.scalatest.InspectorsHelper$.forAll(Inspectors.scala:146)

scala> forEvery (xs) { x => x should be < 3 }
org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: forEvery failed, because:
 at index 2, 3 was not less than 3 (<console>:18),
 at index 3, 4 was not less than 3 (<console>:18),
 at index 4, 5 was not less than 3 (<console>:18)
in List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    at org.scalatest.InspectorsHelper$.forEvery(Inspectors.scala:226)

Note that if you're using matchers, you can alternatively use inspector shorthands for writing non-nested inspections. Here's an example:

scala> all (xs) should be > 3
org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: 'all' inspection failed, because:
 at index 0, 1 was not greater than 3
in List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    at org.scalatest.InspectorsHelper$.forAll(Inspectors.scala:146)

You can use Inspectors on any org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable, java.util.Collection, java.util.Map (with Entry), Array, or String. Here are some examples:

scala> import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest._

scala> import Inspectors._
import Inspectors._

scala> import Matchers._
import Matchers._

scala> forAll (Array(1, 2, 3)) { e => e should be < 5 }

scala> import collection.JavaConverters._
import collection.JavaConverters._

scala> val js = List(1, 2, 3).asJava
js: java.util.List[Int] = [1, 2, 3]

scala> forAll (js) { j => j should be < 5 }

scala> val jmap = Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2).asJava
jmap: java.util.Map[String,Int] = {a=1, b=2}

scala> forAtLeast(1, jmap) { e => e shouldBe Entry("b", 2) }

scala> forAtLeast(2, "hello, world!") { c => c shouldBe 'o' }


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object Inspectors.type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

inline def forAll[E, C[_], ASSERTION, RESULT](xs: C[E])(fun: E => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that all elements in a given collection pass the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

Ensure that all elements in a given collection pass the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

The difference between forAll and forEvery is that forAll will stop on the first failure, while forEvery will continue to inspect all elements after the first failure (and report all failures).

Type parameters


the type of collection


the type of element in the collection

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the collection of elements


inline def forAll[K, V, MAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](xs: MAP[K, V])(fun: ((K, V)) => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[(K, V), Iterable[(K, V)]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that all elements in a given scala.collection.GenMap pass the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

Ensure that all elements in a given scala.collection.GenMap pass the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

The difference between forAll and forEvery is that forAll will stop on the first failure, while forEvery will continue to inspect all scala.collection.GenMap entries after the first failure (and report all failures).

Type parameters


the type of key in the Map


subtype of java.util.Map


the type of value in the Map

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the java.util.Map


inline def forAll[K, V, JMAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](xs: JMAP[K, V])(fun: Entry[K, V] => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that all elements in a given java.util.Map pass the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

Ensure that all elements in a given java.util.Map pass the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

The difference between forAll and forEvery is that forAll will stop on the first failure, while forEvery will continue to inspect all java.util.Map elements after the first failure (and report all failures).

Type parameters


subtype of java.util.Map


the type of key in the Java Map


the type of value in the Java Map

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the java.util.Map


inline def forAll[ASSERTION, RESULT](xs: String)(fun: Char => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that all characters in a given String pass the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

Ensure that all characters in a given String pass the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

The difference between forAll and forEvery is that forAll will stop on the first failure, while forEvery will continue to inspect all characters in the String after the first failure (and report all failures).

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the String


inline def forAtLeast[E, C[_], ASSERTION, RESULT](min: Int, xs: C[E])(fun: E => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that at least min number of elements of a given collection pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that at least min number of elements of a given collection pass the given inspection function.

Type parameters


the type of collection


the type of element in the collection

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the minimum number of elements that must pass the inspection function


the collection of elements


inline def forAtLeast[K, V, MAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](min: Int, xs: MAP[K, V])(fun: ((K, V)) => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[(K, V), Iterable[(K, V)]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that at least min number of elements in a given scala.collection.GenMap pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that at least min number of elements in a given scala.collection.GenMap pass the given inspection function.

Type parameters


the type of key in the scala.collection.GenMap


subtype of scala.collection.GenMap


the type of value in the scala.collection.GenMap

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the minimum number of elements that must pass the inspection function


the scala.collection.GenMap


inline def forAtLeast[K, V, JMAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](min: Int, xs: JMAP[K, V])(fun: Entry[K, V] => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that at least min number of elements in a given java.util.Map pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that at least min number of elements in a given java.util.Map pass the given inspection function.

Type parameters


subtype of java.util.Map


the type of key in the java.util.Map


the type of value in the java.util.Map

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the minimum number of elements that must pass the inspection function


the java.util.Map


inline def forAtLeast[ASSERTION, RESULT](min: Int, xs: String)(fun: Char => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that at least min number of characters in a given String pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that at least min number of characters in a given String pass the given inspection function.

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the minimum number of characters in String that must pass the inspection function


the String


inline def forAtMost[E, C[_], ASSERTION, RESULT](max: Int, xs: C[E])(fun: E => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that at most max number of elements of a given collection pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that at most max number of elements of a given collection pass the given inspection function.

Type parameters


the type of collection


the type of element in the collection

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the maximum number of elements that must pass the inspection function


the collection of elements


inline def forAtMost[K, V, MAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](max: Int, xs: MAP[K, V])(fun: ((K, V)) => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[(K, V), Iterable[(K, V)]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that at most max number of elements in a given scala.collection.GenMap pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that at most max number of elements in a given scala.collection.GenMap pass the given inspection function.

Type parameters


the type of key in the scala.collection.GenMap


subtype of scala.collection.GenMap


the type of value in the scala.collection.GenMap

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the maximum number of elements in the scala.collection.GenMap that must pass the inspection function


the scala.collection.GenMap


inline def forAtMost[K, V, JMAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](max: Int, xs: JMAP[K, V])(fun: Entry[K, V] => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that at most max number of elements in a given java.util.Map pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that at most max number of elements in a given java.util.Map pass the given inspection function.

Type parameters


subtype of java.util.Map


the type of key in the java.util.Map


the type of value in the java.util.Map

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the maximum number of elements in the java.util.Map that must pass the inspection function


the java.util.Map


inline def forAtMost[ASSERTION, RESULT](max: Int, xs: String)(fun: Char => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that at most max number of characters in a given String pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that at most max number of characters in a given String pass the given inspection function.

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the maximum number of characters in String that must pass the inspection function


the String


inline def forBetween[E, C[_], ASSERTION, RESULT](from: Int, upTo: Int, xs: C[E])(fun: E => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure the number of elements of a given collection that pass the given inspection function is between from and upTo.

Ensure the number of elements of a given collection that pass the given inspection function is between from and upTo.

Type parameters


the type of collection


the type of element in the collection

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the minimum number of elements that must pass the inspection number


the inspection function


the maximum number of elements that must pass the inspection number


the collection of elements


inline def forBetween[K, V, MAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](from: Int, upTo: Int, xs: MAP[K, V])(fun: ((K, V)) => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[(K, V), Iterable[(K, V)]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure the number of elements in a given scala.collection.GenMap that pass the given inspection function is between from and upTo.

Ensure the number of elements in a given scala.collection.GenMap that pass the given inspection function is between from and upTo.

Type parameters


the type of key in the scala.collection.GenMap


subtype of scala.collection.GenMap


the type of value in the scala.collection.GenMap

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the minimum number of elements in the scala.collection.GenMap that must pass the inspection number


the inspection function


the maximum number of elements in the scala.collection.GenMap that must pass the inspection number


the scala.collection.GenMap


inline def forBetween[K, V, JMAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](from: Int, upTo: Int, xs: JMAP[K, V])(fun: Entry[K, V] => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure the number of elements in a given java.util.Map that pass the given inspection function is between from and upTo.

Ensure the number of elements in a given java.util.Map that pass the given inspection function is between from and upTo.

Type parameters


subtype of java.util.Map


the type of key in the java.util.Map


the type of value in the java.util.Map

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the minimum number of elements in the java.util.Map that must pass the inspection number


the inspection function


the maximum number of elements in the java.util.Map that must pass the inspection number


the java.util.Map


inline def forBetween[ASSERTION, RESULT](from: Int, upTo: Int, xs: String)(fun: Char => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure the number of characters of a given String that pass the given inspection function is between from and upTo.

Ensure the number of characters of a given String that pass the given inspection function is between from and upTo.

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the minimum number of characters in the String that must pass the inspection number


the inspection function


the maximum number of characters in the String that must pass the inspection number


the String


inline def forEvery[E, C[_], ASSERTION, RESULT](xs: C[E])(fun: E => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that every element in a given collection passes the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

Ensure that every element in a given collection passes the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

The difference between forEvery and forAll is that forEvery will continue to inspect all elements after first failure, and report all failures, whereas forAll will stop on (and only report) the first failure.

Type parameters


the type of collection


the type of element in the collection

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the collection of elements


inline def forEvery[K, V, MAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](xs: MAP[K, V])(fun: ((K, V)) => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[(K, V), Iterable[(K, V)]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that every element in a given scala.collection.GenMap passes the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

Ensure that every element in a given scala.collection.GenMap passes the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

The difference between forEvery and forAll is that forEvery will continue to inspect all entries in the scala.collection.GenMap after first failure, and report all failures, whereas forAll will stop on (and only report) the first failure.

Type parameters


the type of key in the scala.collection.GenMap


subtype of scala.collection.GenMap


the type of value in the scala.collection.GenMap

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the scala.collection.GenMap


inline def forEvery[K, V, JMAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](xs: JMAP[K, V])(fun: Entry[K, V] => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that every element in a given java.util.Map passes the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

Ensure that every element in a given java.util.Map passes the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

The difference between forEvery and forAll is that forEvery will continue to inspect all elements in the java.util.Map after first failure, and report all failures, whereas forAll will stop on (and only report) the first failure.

Type parameters


subtype of java.util.Map


the type of key in the java.util.Map


the type of value in the java.util.Map

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the java.util.Map


inline def forEvery[ASSERTION, RESULT](xs: String)(fun: Char => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that every character in a given String passes the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

Ensure that every character in a given String passes the given inspection function, where "pass" means returning normally from the function (i.e., without throwing an exception).

The difference between forEvery and forAll is that forEvery will continue to inspect all characters in the String after first failure, and report all failures, whereas forAll will stop on (and only report) the first failure.

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the String


inline def forExactly[E, C[_], ASSERTION, RESULT](succeededCount: Int, xs: C[E])(fun: E => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that exactly succeededCount number of elements of a given collection pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that exactly succeededCount number of elements of a given collection pass the given inspection function.

Type parameters


the type of collection


the type of element in the collection

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the number of elements that must pass the inspection function


the collection of elements


inline def forExactly[K, V, MAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](succeededCount: Int, xs: MAP[K, V])(fun: ((K, V)) => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[(K, V), Iterable[(K, V)]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that exactly succeededCount number of elements in a given scala.collection.GenMap pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that exactly succeededCount number of elements in a given scala.collection.GenMap pass the given inspection function.

Type parameters


the type of key in the scala.collection.GenMap


subtype of scala.collection.GenMap


the type of value in the scala.collection.GenMap

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the number of entries in the scala.collection.GenMap that must pass the inspection function


the scala.collection.GenMap


inline def forExactly[K, V, JMAP <: (Map), ASSERTION, RESULT](succeededCount: Int, xs: JMAP[K, V])(fun: Entry[K, V] => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that exactly succeededCount number of elements in a given java.util.Map pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that exactly succeededCount number of elements in a given java.util.Map pass the given inspection function.

Type parameters


subtype of java.util.Map


the type of key in the java.util.Map


the type of value in the java.util.Map

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the number of elements in the java.util.Map that must pass the inspection function


the java.util.Map


inline def forExactly[ASSERTION, RESULT](succeededCount: Int, xs: String)(fun: Char => ASSERTION)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], asserting: InspectorAsserting[ASSERTION, RESULT], prettifier: Prettifier): RESULT

Ensure that exactly succeededCount number of characters in a given String pass the given inspection function.

Ensure that exactly succeededCount number of characters in a given String pass the given inspection function.

Value parameters


the implicit Collecting that can transform xs into a org.scalactic.ColCompatHelper.Iterable


the inspection function


the number of characters in the String that must pass the inspection function


the String
