
abstract class InspectorAssertingImpl[T, R] extends InspectorAsserting[T, R]

Abstract subclass of InspectorAsserting that provides the bulk of the implementations of InspectorAsserting methods.


trait InspectorAsserting[T, R]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def forAll[E](xs: Iterable[E], original: Any, shorthand: Boolean, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position)(fun: E => T): R

Implementation method for Inspectors forAll syntax.

Implementation method for Inspectors forAll syntax.


def forAtLeast[E](min: Int, xs: Iterable[E], original: Any, shorthand: Boolean, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position)(fun: E => T): R

Implementation method for Inspectors forAtLeast syntax.

Implementation method for Inspectors forAtLeast syntax.


def forAtMost[E](max: Int, xs: Iterable[E], original: Any, shorthand: Boolean, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position)(fun: E => T): R

Implementation method for Inspectors forAtMost syntax.

Implementation method for Inspectors forAtMost syntax.


def forBetween[E](from: Int, upTo: Int, xs: Iterable[E], original: Any, shorthand: Boolean, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position)(fun: E => T): R

Implementation method for Inspectors forBetween syntax.

Implementation method for Inspectors forBetween syntax.


def forEvery[E](xs: Iterable[E], original: Any, shorthand: Boolean, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position)(fun: E => T): R

Implementation method for Inspectors forEvery syntax.

Implementation method for Inspectors forEvery syntax.


def forExactly[E](succeededCount: Int, xs: Iterable[E], original: Any, shorthand: Boolean, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position)(fun: E => T): R

Implementation method for Inspectors forExactly syntax.

Implementation method for Inspectors forExactly syntax.


def forNo[E](xs: Iterable[E], original: Any, shorthand: Boolean, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position)(fun: E => T): R

Implementation method for Inspectors forNo syntax.

Implementation method for Inspectors forNo syntax.
