
trait Notifying

Trait that contains the note method, which can be used to send a status notification to the reporter.

The difference between note and the info method of Informer is that info messages provided during a test are recorded and sent as part of test completion event, whereas note messages are sent right away as NoteProvided messages. For long-running tests, note allows you to send "status notifications" to the reporter right away, so users can track the progress of the long-running tests. By contrast, info messages will only be seen by the user after the test has completed, and are more geared towards specification (such as Given/When/Then messages) than notification.

The difference between note and the alert method of Alerting is that alert is intended to be used for warnings or notifications of potential problems, whereas note is just for status notifications. In string reporters for which ANSI color is enabled, note notifications are shown in green and alert notifications in yellow.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def note: Notifier

Returns an Notifier that can send a status notification via an NoteProvided event to the reporter.

Returns an Notifier that can send a status notification via an NoteProvided event to the reporter.
