
See theGeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks companion object

Trait containing methods that faciliate property checks against generated data using Generator.

This trait contains forAll methods that provide various ways to check properties using generated data. It also contains a wherever method that can be used to indicate a property need only hold whenever some condition is true.

For an example of trait GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks in action, imagine you want to test this Fraction class:

class Fraction(n: Int, d: Int) {

 require(d != 0)
 require(d != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
 require(n != Integer.MIN_VALUE)

 val numer = if (d < 0) -1 * n else n
 val denom = d.abs

 override def toString = numer + " / " + denom

To test the behavior of Fraction, you could mix in or import the members of GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks (and Matchers) and check a property using a forAll method, like this:

forAll { (n: Int, d: Int) =>

 whenever (d != 0 && d != Integer.MIN_VALUE
     && n != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {

   val f = new Fraction(n, d)

   if (n < 0 && d < 0 || n > 0 && d > 0)
     f.numer should be > 0
   else if (n != 0)
     f.numer should be < 0
     f.numer should be === 0

   f.denom should be > 0

Trait GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks provides overloaded forAll methods that allow you to check properties using the data provided by Generator. The simplest form of forAll method takes two parameter lists, the second of which is implicit. The first parameter list is a "property" function with one to six parameters. An implicit Generator generator object needs to be supplied for. The forAll method will pass each row of data to each parameter type. ScalaTest provides many implicit Generators for common types such as Int, String, List[Float], etc., in its Generator companion object. So long as you use types for which ScalaTest already provides implicit Generators, you needn't worry about them. Most often you can simply pass a property function to forAll, and the compiler will grab the implicit values provided by ScalaTest.

The forAll methods use the supplied Generators to generate example arguments and pass them to the property function, and generate a GeneratorDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException if the function completes abruptly for any exception that would normally cause a test to fail in ScalaTest other than DiscardedEvaluationException. An DiscardedEvaluationException, which is thrown by the whenever method (defined in trait Whenever, which this trait extends) to indicate a condition required by the property function is not met by a row of passed data, will simply cause forAll to discard that row of data.

== Supplying argument names ==

You can optionally specify string names for the arguments passed to a property function, which will be used in any error message when describing the argument values that caused the failure. To supply the names, place them in a comma separated list in parentheses after forAll before the property function (a curried form of forAll). Here's an example:

forAll ("a", "b") { (a: String, b: String) =>
 a.length + b.length should equal ((a + b).length + 1) // Should fail

When this fails, you'll see an error message that includes this:

Occurred when passed generated values (
 a = "",
 b = ""

When you don't supply argument names, the error message will say arg0, arg1, etc.. For example, this property check:

forAll { (a: String, b: String) =>
 a.length + b.length should equal ((a + b).length + 1) // Should fail

Will fail with an error message that includes:

Occurred when passed generated values (
 arg0 = "",
 arg1 = ""

== Supplying generators ==

ScalaTest provides a nice library of compositors that makes it easy to create your own custom generators. If you want to supply custom generators to a property check, place them in parentheses after forAll, before the property check function (a curried form of forAll).

For example, to create a generator of even integers between (and including) -2000 and 2000, you could write this:

import org.scalatest.prop.Generator

val evenInts = for (n <- Generator.chooseInt(-1000, 1000)) yield 2 * n

Given this generator, you could use it on a property check like this:

forAll (evenInts) { (n) => n % 2 should equal (0) }

Custom generators are necessary when you want to pass data types not supported by ScalaTest's Generators, but are also useful when some of the values in the full range for the passed types are not valid. For such values you would use a whenever clause. In the Fraction class shown above, neither the passed numerator or denominator can be Integer.MIN_VALUE, and the passed denominator cannot be zero. This shows up in the whenever clause like this:

 whenever (d != 0 && d != Integer.MIN_VALUE
     && n != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { ...

You could in addition define generators for the numerator and denominator that only produce valid values, like this:

val validNumers =
 for (n <- Generator.chooseInt(Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) yield n
val validDenoms =
 for (d <- validNumers if d != 0) yield d

You could then use them in the property check like this:

forAll (validNumers, validDenoms) { (n: Int, d: Int) =>

 whenever (d != 0 && d != Integer.MIN_VALUE
     && n != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {

   val f = new Fraction(n, d)

   if (n < 0 && d < 0 || n > 0 && d > 0)
     f.numer should be > 0
   else if (n != 0)
     f.numer should be < 0
     f.numer should be === 0

   f.denom should be > 0

== Supplying both generators and argument names ==

If you want to supply both generators and named arguments, you can do so by providing a list of (<generator>, <name>) pairs in parentheses after forAll, before the property function. Here's an example:

forAll ((validNumers, "n"), (validDenoms, "d")) { (n: Int, d: Int) =>

 whenever (d != 0 && d != Integer.MIN_VALUE
     && n != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {

   val f = new Fraction(n, d)

   if (n < 0 && d < 0 || n > 0 && d > 0)
     f.numer should be > 0
   else if (n != 0)
     f.numer should be < 0
     f.numer should be === 0

   f.denom should be > 0

Were this property check to fail, it would mention the names n and d in the error message, like this:

Occurred when passed generated values (
 n = 17,
 d = 21

== Property check configuration ==

The property checks performed by the forAll methods of this trait can be flexibly configured via the services provided by supertrait Configuration. The five configuration parameters for property checks along with their default values and meanings are described in the following table:

Configuration Parameter Default Value Meaning
minSuccessful 100 the minimum number of successful property evaluations required for the property to pass
maxDiscarded 500 the maximum number of discarded property evaluations allowed during a property check
minSize 0 the minimum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists)
sizeRange 100 the size range parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists)
workers 1 specifies the number of worker threads to use during property evaluation

The forAll methods of trait GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks each take a PropertyCheckConfiguration object as an implicit parameter. This object provides values for each of the five configuration parameters. Trait Configuration provides an implicit val named generatorDrivenConfig with each configuration parameter set to its default value. If you want to set one or more configuration parameters to a different value for all property checks in a suite you can override this val (or hide it, for example, if you are importing the members of the GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks companion object rather than mixing in the trait.) For example, if you want all parameters at their defaults except for minSize and sizeRange, you can override generatorDrivenConfig, like this:

implicit override val generatorDrivenConfig =
 PropertyCheckConfiguration(minSize = 10, sizeRange = 10)

Or, hide it by declaring a variable of the same name in whatever scope you want the changed values to be in effect:

implicit val generatorDrivenConfig =
 PropertyCheckConfiguration(minSize = 10, sizeRange = 10)

In addition to taking a PropertyCheckConfiguration object as an implicit parameter, the forAll methods of trait GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks also take a variable length argument list of PropertyCheckConfigParam objects that you can use to override the values provided by the implicit PropertyCheckConfiguration for a single forAll invocation. For example, if you want to set minSuccessful to 500 for just one particular forAll invocation, you can do so like this:

forAll (minSuccessful(500)) { (n: Int, d: Int) => ...

This invocation of forAll will use 500 for minSuccessful and whatever values are specified by the implicitly passed PropertyCheckConfiguration object for the other configuration parameters. If you want to set multiple configuration parameters in this way, just list them separated by commas:

forAll (minSuccessful(500), maxDiscardedFactor(0.6)) { (n: Int, d: Int) => ...

If you are using an overloaded form of forAll that already takes an initial parameter list, just add the configuration parameters after the list of generators, names, or generator/name pairs, as in:

// If providing argument names
forAll ("n", "d", minSuccessful(500), maxDiscardedFactor(0.6)) {
 (n: Int, d: Int) => ...

// If providing generators
forAll (validNumers, validDenoms, minSuccessful(500), maxDiscardedFactor(0.6)) {
 (n: Int, d: Int) => ...

// If providing (<generators>, <name>) pairs
forAll ((validNumers, "n"), (validDenoms, "d"), minSuccessful(500), maxDiscardedFactor(0.6)) {
 (n: Int, d: Int) => ...

For more information, see the documentation for supertrait Configuration.


trait Whenever
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes

Members list

Type members


Performs a configured property checks by applying property check functions passed to its apply methods to arguments supplied by implicitly passed generators, modifying the values in the PropertyGenConfig object passed implicitly to its apply methods with parameter values passed to its constructor.

Performs a configured property checks by applying property check functions passed to its apply methods to arguments supplied by implicitly passed generators, modifying the values in the PropertyGenConfig object passed implicitly to its apply methods with parameter values passed to its constructor.

Instances of this class are returned by trait GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks forAll method that accepts a variable length argument list of PropertyCheckConfigParam objects. Thus it is used with functions of all six arities. Here are some examples:

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String) =>
 a.length should equal ((a).length)

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String, b: String) =>
 a.length + b.length should equal ((a + b).length)

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String, b: String, c: String) =>
 a.length + b.length + c.length should equal ((a + b + c).length)

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String) =>
 a.length + b.length + c.length + d.length should equal ((a + b + c + d).length)

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String, e: String) =>
 a.length + b.length + c.length + d.length + e.length should equal ((a + b + c + d + e).length)

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String, e: String, f: String) =>
 a.length + b.length + c.length + d.length + e.length + f.length should equal ((a + b + c + d + e + f).length)

In the first example above, the ConfiguredPropertyCheck object is returned by:

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9))

The code that follows is an invocation of one of the ConfiguredPropertyCheck apply methods:

{ (a: String) =>
 a.length should equal ((a).length)

Value parameters


a variable length list of PropertyCheckConfigParam objects that should override corresponding values in the PropertyCheckConfiguration implicitly passed to the apply methods of instances of this class.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Inherited classlikes

case class MaxDiscardedFactor(value: PosZDouble) extends PropertyCheckConfigParam

A PropertyCheckConfigParam that specifies how many generated values may be discarded, as a multiple of the successful attempts, before the property check is considered to be org.scalatest.prop.PropertyCheckResult.Exhausted.

A PropertyCheckConfigParam that specifies how many generated values may be discarded, as a multiple of the successful attempts, before the property check is considered to be org.scalatest.prop.PropertyCheckResult.Exhausted.

In GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks, a property evaluation is discarded if it throws DiscardedEvaluationException, which is produced by a whenever clause that evaluates to false. For example, consider this ScalaTest property check:

// forAll defined in GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
forAll { (n: Int) =>
 whenever (n > 0) {
   doubleIt(n) should equal (n * 2)

In the above code, whenever a non-positive n is passed, the property function will complete abruptly with DiscardedEvaluationException.

Similarly, in Checkers, a property evaluation is discarded if the expression to the left of ScalaCheck's ==> operator is false. Here's an example:

// forAll defined in Checkers
forAll { (n: Int) =>
 (n > 0) ==> doubleIt(n) == (n * 2)

For either kind of property check, MaxDiscardedFactor indicates the maximum fraction of total tests that may be discarded, relative to the number of successful tests. For example, if this is set to 4.0, and you are running 100 tests, it may discard up to 400 tries before considering the test to be org.scalatest.prop.PropertyCheckResult.Exhausted.

Value parameters


the permitted number of discarded tests, as a multiple of successful ones.


Inherited from:
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
case class MinSize(value: PosZInt) extends PropertyCheckConfigParam

A PropertyCheckConfigParam that specifies the minimum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists).

A PropertyCheckConfigParam that specifies the minimum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists).


Inherited from:
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
case class MinSuccessful(value: PosInt) extends PropertyCheckConfigParam

A PropertyCheckConfigParam that specifies the minimum number of successful property evaluations required for the property to pass.

A PropertyCheckConfigParam that specifies the minimum number of successful property evaluations required for the property to pass.

Once this many evaluations have passed, the property will return PropertyCheckResult.Success.


Inherited from:
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
sealed abstract class PropertyCheckConfigParam extends Product, Serializable

Abstract class defining a family of configuration parameters for property checks.

Abstract class defining a family of configuration parameters for property checks.

The subclasses of this abstract class are used to pass configuration information to the forAll methods of traits PropertyChecks (for ScalaTest-style property checks) and Checkers(for ScalaCheck-style property checks).


Inherited from:
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
Known subtypes
class MinSize
class SizeRange
class Workers
case class PropertyCheckConfiguration(minSuccessful: PosInt, maxDiscardedFactor: PosZDouble, minSize: PosZInt, sizeRange: PosZInt, workers: PosInt)

Describes the configuration to use when evaluating a property.

Describes the configuration to use when evaluating a property.

Value parameters


how many generated values may be discarded, as a multiple of the successful attempts, before the property check is considered to be org.scalatest.prop.PropertyCheckResult.Exhausted; see MaxDiscardedFactor


the minimum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists); see MinSize


the minimum number of successful property evaluations required for the property to pass; see MinSuccessful


the maximum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists); see SizeRange


number of worker threads to use when evaluating a property; see Workers


Inherited from:
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all

Internal utility functions for configuration management.

Internal utility functions for configuration management.


Inherited from:
trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
case class SizeRange(value: PosZInt) extends PropertyCheckConfigParam

A PropertyCheckConfigParam that (with minSize) specifies the maximum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists).

A PropertyCheckConfigParam that (with minSize) specifies the maximum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists).

Note that the size range is added to minSize in order to calculate the maximum size passed to ScalaCheck. Using a range allows compile-time checking of a non-negative number being specified.


Inherited from:
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all
case class Workers(value: PosInt) extends PropertyCheckConfigParam

A PropertyCheckConfigParam that specifies the number of worker threads to use when evaluating a property.

A PropertyCheckConfigParam that specifies the number of worker threads to use when evaluating a property.

Property evaluation runs on a single thread by default, but may run multiple threads if desired. If so, the evaluation will generally run faster. However, be careful not to use this if there is any risk of deadlocks, race conditions, or other hazards of multi-threaded code in evaluating this property or the code under test.


Inherited from:
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all

Value members

Concrete methods

Performs a property check by applying the specified property check function to arguments supplied by implicitly passed generators, modifying the values in the implicitly passed PropertyGenConfig object with explicitly passed parameter values.

Performs a property check by applying the specified property check function to arguments supplied by implicitly passed generators, modifying the values in the implicitly passed PropertyGenConfig object with explicitly passed parameter values.

This method creates a ConfiguredPropertyCheck object that has six overloaded apply methods that take a function. Thus it is used with functions of all six arities. Here are some examples:

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String) =>
 a.length should equal ((a).length)

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String, b: String) =>
 a.length + b.length should equal ((a + b).length)

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String, b: String, c: String) =>
 a.length + b.length + c.length should equal ((a + b + c).length)

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String) =>
 a.length + b.length + c.length + d.length should equal ((a + b + c + d).length)

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String, e: String) =>
 a.length + b.length + c.length + d.length + e.length should equal ((a + b + c + d + e).length)

forAll (minSize(1), sizeRange(9)) { (a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String, e: String, f: String) =>
 a.length + b.length + c.length + d.length + e.length + f.length should equal ((a + b + c + d + e + f).length)

Value parameters


a variable length list of PropertyCheckConfigParam objects that should override corresponding values in the PropertyCheckConfiguration implicitly passed to the apply methods of the ConfiguredPropertyCheck object returned by this method.


def forAll[A, ASSERTION](fun: A => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, ASSERTION](a: String)(fun: A => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, ASSERTION](a: String, configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: A => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A])(fun: A => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A], configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: A => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String))(fun: A => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String), configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: A => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, ASSERTION](fun: (A, B) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, ASSERTION](a: String, b: String)(fun: (A, B) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, ASSERTION](a: String, b: String, configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B])(fun: (A, B) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String), genAndNameB: (Generator[B], String))(fun: (A, B) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String), genAndNameB: (Generator[B], String), configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, ASSERTION](fun: (A, B, C) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, ASSERTION](a: String, b: String, c: String)(fun: (A, B, C) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, ASSERTION](a: String, b: String, c: String, configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C])(fun: (A, B, C) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String), genAndNameB: (Generator[B], String), genAndNameC: (Generator[C], String))(fun: (A, B, C) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String), genAndNameB: (Generator[B], String), genAndNameC: (Generator[C], String), configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, ASSERTION](fun: (A, B, C, D) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, ASSERTION](a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String)(fun: (A, B, C, D) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, ASSERTION](a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String, configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C, D) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D])(fun: (A, B, C, D) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C, D) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String), genAndNameB: (Generator[B], String), genAndNameC: (Generator[C], String), genAndNameD: (Generator[D], String))(fun: (A, B, C, D) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String), genAndNameB: (Generator[B], String), genAndNameC: (Generator[C], String), genAndNameD: (Generator[D], String), configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C, D) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, ASSERTION](fun: (A, B, C, D, E) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], genE: Generator[E], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, ASSERTION](a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String, e: String)(fun: (A, B, C, D, E) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], genE: Generator[E], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, ASSERTION](a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String, e: String, configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C, D, E) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], genE: Generator[E], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], genE: Generator[E])(fun: (A, B, C, D, E) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], genE: Generator[E], configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C, D, E) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String), genAndNameB: (Generator[B], String), genAndNameC: (Generator[C], String), genAndNameD: (Generator[D], String), genAndNameE: (Generator[E], String))(fun: (A, B, C, D, E) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String), genAndNameB: (Generator[B], String), genAndNameC: (Generator[C], String), genAndNameD: (Generator[D], String), genAndNameE: (Generator[E], String), configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C, D, E) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, F, ASSERTION](fun: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], genE: Generator[E], genF: Generator[F], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, F, ASSERTION](a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String, e: String, f: String)(fun: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], genE: Generator[E], genF: Generator[F], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, F, ASSERTION](a: String, b: String, c: String, d: String, e: String, f: String, configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], genE: Generator[E], genF: Generator[F], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, F, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], genE: Generator[E], genF: Generator[F])(fun: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, F, ASSERTION](genA: Generator[A], genB: Generator[B], genC: Generator[C], genD: Generator[D], genE: Generator[E], genF: Generator[F], configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, F, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String), genAndNameB: (Generator[B], String), genAndNameC: (Generator[C], String), genAndNameD: (Generator[D], String), genAndNameE: (Generator[E], String), genAndNameF: (Generator[F], String))(fun: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result
def forAll[A, B, C, D, E, F, ASSERTION](genAndNameA: (Generator[A], String), genAndNameB: (Generator[B], String), genAndNameC: (Generator[C], String), genAndNameD: (Generator[D], String), genAndNameE: (Generator[E], String), genAndNameF: (Generator[F], String), configParams: PropertyCheckConfigParam*)(fun: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => ASSERTION)(implicit config: PropertyCheckConfiguration, prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position, asserting: PropCheckerAsserting[ASSERTION]): Result

Inherited methods

def between[T](from: T, to: T)(implicit ord: Ordering[T], chooser: Chooser[T], gen: Generator[T]): Generator[T]

Create a Generator that returns values in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns values in the specified range.

This is the general-purpose function that underlies all of the other xxsBetween() functions in CommonGenerators. It works with any type for which there is an Ordering, a Generator, and a Chooser, making it easy to create Generators for ranges within that type.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to. (However "less than or equal" is defined for this type.)

The "edges" -- the edge case values -- for this type will be taken from the implicit Generator. This function then filters out any that aren't within the specified range, and adds the from and to values as edges.

The implicit Chooser is used to pick random values of the type. That should do most of the heavy lifting.

Since this underlies the more-specific xxsBetween() functions, you may use either those or this when appropriate. For example, this:

 intsBetween(1, 100)


 between(1, 100)

are functionally identical so long as the types of the parameters are clear to the compiler. Use whichever suits your project's coding style better.

Type parameters


the type to choose a value from

Value parameters


an instance of Chooser[T], which should usually be in implicit scope


the lower bound of the range to choose from


an instance of Generator[T], which should usually be in implicit scope


an instance of Ordering[T], which should usually be in implicit scope


the upper bound of the range to choose from



a new Generator, that produces values in the specified range

Inherited from:
def bytesBetween(from: Byte, to: Byte): Generator[Byte]

Create a Generator that returns Bytes in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns Bytes in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def charsBetween(from: Char, to: Char): Generator[Char]

Create a Generator that returns Chars in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns Chars in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def classify[A](count: PosInt, genOfA: Generator[A])(pf: PartialFunction[A, String]): Classification

Generate a bunch of values from a Generator, and distribute them into buckets.

Generate a bunch of values from a Generator, and distribute them into buckets.

This function mainly exists for the purpose of testing your Generator, and making sure that it is actually creating data with the sort of distribution you expect. You provide the Generator, the number of values to create, and a function that "classifies" each value with a String; it returns a Classification that collates all of the results. You can then look at the Classification to see if the proportions match your expectations.

For example, consider this simple classification of small numbers:

val classification: Classification =
 CommonGenerators.classify(10000, CommonGenerators.intsBetween(0, 9))
   case x if (x % 2) == 0 => "even"
   case _ => "odd"

As expected, the results come out evenly:

classification: org.scalatest.prop.Classification =
50% odd
50% even

The options provided in the PartialFunction do not have to be comprehensive; it is legal for some generated values to not match any of the choices. In this case, those values will not be accounted for in the resulting Classification.

Type parameters


the type to be generated

Value parameters


the number of values to generate


the Generator to use


a PartialFunction that takes the generated values, and sorts them into "buckets" by String names



statistics on how many values wound up in each bucket

Inherited from:
def doublesBetween(from: Double, to: Double): Generator[Double]

Create a Generator that returns Doubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns Doubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def eithers[L, R](implicit genOfL: Generator[L], genOfR: Generator[R]): Generator[Either[L, R]]

Given Generators for two types, L and R, this provides one for Either[L, R].

Given Generators for two types, L and R, this provides one for Either[L, R].

Type parameters


the Left type for an Either


the Right type for an Either

Value parameters


a Generator that produces type L


a Generator that produces type R



a Generator that produces Either[L, R]

Inherited from:
def evenly[T](first: Generator[T], second: Generator[T], rest: Generator[T]*): Generator[T]

Given a number of Generators, this creates one that invokes each of its constituents with roughly the same frequency.

Given a number of Generators, this creates one that invokes each of its constituents with roughly the same frequency.

Consider this example:

 val numbers: Generator[Char] = ... // generates only digits
 val letters: Generator[Char] = ... // generates only letters
 val punct: Generator[Char]   = ... // generates only punctuation

 val chars: Generator[Char] = evenly(numbers, letters, punct)

The chars Generator should produce numbers, letters and punctuation, each about a third of the time.

Keep in mind that the distribution is invoked randomly, so these are rough proportions. As you invoke the Generator more times, you should see results that are closer and closer to an equal distribution, but the random element will generally keep it inexact.

As usual, the resulting Generator will use the Randomizer passed in to to choose which of the constituent Generators to invoke. So if you use the same seed to initialize your Randomizer, you should get the same results.

Note that all of the constituent Generators must produce the same type.

Type parameters


the type to be produced

Value parameters


a Generator to choose from


any number of additional Generators to choose from


another Generator to choose from



a single Generator that invokes each of its constituents roughly the same number of times

Inherited from:
def finiteDoublesBetween(from: FiniteDouble, to: FiniteDouble): Generator[FiniteDouble]

Create a Generator that returns FiniteDoubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns FiniteDoubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def finiteFloatsBetween(from: FiniteFloat, to: FiniteFloat): Generator[FiniteFloat]

Create a Generator that returns FiniteFloats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns FiniteFloats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def floatsBetween(from: Float, to: Float): Generator[Float]

Create a Generator that returns Floats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns Floats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def frequency[T](first: (Int, Generator[T]), second: (Int, Generator[T]), rest: (Int, Generator[T])*): Generator[T]

Given a number of Generators, and the weightings for each one, this creates a Generator that invokes each of its components according to its weighting.

Given a number of Generators, and the weightings for each one, this creates a Generator that invokes each of its components according to its weighting.

For example, consider this:

 val evens: Generator[Int] = ... // generates even Ints
 val odds: Generator[Int] = ... // generates odd Ints
 val zeros: Generator[Int] = specificValue(0)

 val mixed: Generator[Int] = frequency(
   (5, evens),
   (4, odds),
   (1, zeros)

The total weighting is (5 + 4 + 1) = 10. So the resulting Generator will produce an even number (10 / 5) = 50% the time, an odd number (10 / 4) = 40% of the time, and zero (10 / 1) = 10% of the time.

Keep in mind that the distribution is invoked randomly, so these are rough proportions. As you invoke the Generator more times, you should see results that are closer and closer to the specified proportions, but the random element will generally keep it inexact.

As usual, the resulting Generator will use the Randomizer passed in to to choose which of the constituent Generators to invoke. So if you use the same seed to initialize your Randomizer, you should get the same results.

Note that all of the constituent Generators must produce the same type.

Type parameters


the type being produced by all of these Generators

Value parameters


a Generator and its weight


as many more Generator and weight pairs as you like


another Generator and its weight



a single Generator, that invokes its constituents according to their weights

Inherited from:
def function0s[A](implicit genOfA: Generator[A]): Generator[() => A]

Given a Generator that produces values of type A, this returns one that produces ''functions'' that return a T.

Given a Generator that produces values of type A, this returns one that produces ''functions'' that return a T.

The functions produced here are nullary -- they take no parameters, they just spew out values of type A.

Type parameters


the type to return from the generated functions

Value parameters


a Generator that produces functions that return A



a Generator that produces functions that return values of type A

Inherited from:
def function10s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K](implicit genOfK: Generator[K], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) => K]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function11s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L](implicit genOfL: Generator[L], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) => L]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function12s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M](implicit genOfM: Generator[M], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L], typeInfoM: TypeInfo[M]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) => M]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function13s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N](implicit genOfN: Generator[N], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L], typeInfoM: TypeInfo[M], typeInfoN: TypeInfo[N]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M) => N]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function14s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O](implicit genOfO: Generator[O], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L], typeInfoM: TypeInfo[M], typeInfoN: TypeInfo[N], typeInfoO: TypeInfo[O]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N) => O]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function15s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P](implicit genOfP: Generator[P], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L], typeInfoM: TypeInfo[M], typeInfoN: TypeInfo[N], typeInfoO: TypeInfo[O], typeInfoP: TypeInfo[P]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O) => P]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function16s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q](implicit genOfQ: Generator[Q], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L], typeInfoM: TypeInfo[M], typeInfoN: TypeInfo[N], typeInfoO: TypeInfo[O], typeInfoP: TypeInfo[P], typeInfoQ: TypeInfo[Q]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P) => Q]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function17s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R](implicit genOfR: Generator[R], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L], typeInfoM: TypeInfo[M], typeInfoN: TypeInfo[N], typeInfoO: TypeInfo[O], typeInfoP: TypeInfo[P], typeInfoQ: TypeInfo[Q], typeInfoR: TypeInfo[R]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q) => R]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function18s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S](implicit genOfS: Generator[S], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L], typeInfoM: TypeInfo[M], typeInfoN: TypeInfo[N], typeInfoO: TypeInfo[O], typeInfoP: TypeInfo[P], typeInfoQ: TypeInfo[Q], typeInfoR: TypeInfo[R], typeInfoS: TypeInfo[S]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R) => S]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function19s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T](implicit genOfT: Generator[T], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L], typeInfoM: TypeInfo[M], typeInfoN: TypeInfo[N], typeInfoO: TypeInfo[O], typeInfoP: TypeInfo[P], typeInfoQ: TypeInfo[Q], typeInfoR: TypeInfo[R], typeInfoS: TypeInfo[S], typeInfoT: TypeInfo[T]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S) => T]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function1s[A, B](implicit genOfB: Generator[B], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B]): Generator[A => B]

Create a Generator of functions from type A to type B.

Create a Generator of functions from type A to type B.

Note that the generated functions are, necessarily, pretty random. In practice, the function you get from a function1s call (and its variations, up through function22s) takes the hashes of its input values, combines those with a randomly-chosen number, and combines them in order to choose the generated value B.

That said, each of the generated functions ''is'' deterministic: given the same input parameters and the same randomly-chosen number, you will always get the same B result. And the toString function on the generated function will show the formula you need to use in order to recreate that, which will look something like:

 (a: Int, b: String, c: Float) =>
   org.scalatest.prop.valueOf[String](a, b, c)(131)

The number and type of the a, b, c, etc, parameters, as well as the type parameter of valueOf, will depend on the function type you are generating, but they will always follow this pattern. valueOf is the underlying function that takes these parameters and the randomly-chosen number, and returns a value of the specified type.

So if a property evaluation fails, the display of the generated function will tell you how to call valueOf to recreate the failure.

The typeInfo parameters are automatically created via macros; you should generally not try to pass them manually.

Type parameters


the input type for the generated functions


the result type for the generated functions

Value parameters


a Generator for the desired result type B


automatically-created type information for type A


automatically-created type information for type B



a Generator that produces functions that take values of A and returns values of B

Inherited from:
def function20s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U](implicit genOfU: Generator[U], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L], typeInfoM: TypeInfo[M], typeInfoN: TypeInfo[N], typeInfoO: TypeInfo[O], typeInfoP: TypeInfo[P], typeInfoQ: TypeInfo[Q], typeInfoR: TypeInfo[R], typeInfoS: TypeInfo[S], typeInfoT: TypeInfo[T], typeInfoU: TypeInfo[U]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T) => U]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function21s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V](implicit genOfV: Generator[V], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L], typeInfoM: TypeInfo[M], typeInfoN: TypeInfo[N], typeInfoO: TypeInfo[O], typeInfoP: TypeInfo[P], typeInfoQ: TypeInfo[Q], typeInfoR: TypeInfo[R], typeInfoS: TypeInfo[S], typeInfoT: TypeInfo[T], typeInfoU: TypeInfo[U], typeInfoV: TypeInfo[V]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U) => V]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function22s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W](implicit genOfW: Generator[W], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J], typeInfoK: TypeInfo[K], typeInfoL: TypeInfo[L], typeInfoM: TypeInfo[M], typeInfoN: TypeInfo[N], typeInfoO: TypeInfo[O], typeInfoP: TypeInfo[P], typeInfoQ: TypeInfo[Q], typeInfoR: TypeInfo[R], typeInfoS: TypeInfo[S], typeInfoT: TypeInfo[T], typeInfoU: TypeInfo[U], typeInfoV: TypeInfo[V], typeInfoW: TypeInfo[W]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V) => W]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function2s[A, B, C](implicit genOfC: Generator[C], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C]): Generator[(A, B) => C]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function3s[A, B, C, D](implicit genOfD: Generator[D], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D]): Generator[(A, B, C) => D]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function4s[A, B, C, D, E](implicit genOfE: Generator[E], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E]): Generator[(A, B, C, D) => E]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function5s[A, B, C, D, E, F](implicit genOfF: Generator[F], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E) => F]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function6s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G](implicit genOfG: Generator[G], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F) => G]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function7s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H](implicit genOfH: Generator[H], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) => H]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function8s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I](implicit genOfI: Generator[I], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) => I]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:
def function9s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J](implicit genOfJ: Generator[J], typeInfoA: TypeInfo[A], typeInfoB: TypeInfo[B], typeInfoC: TypeInfo[C], typeInfoD: TypeInfo[D], typeInfoE: TypeInfo[E], typeInfoF: TypeInfo[F], typeInfoG: TypeInfo[G], typeInfoH: TypeInfo[H], typeInfoI: TypeInfo[I], typeInfoJ: TypeInfo[J]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) => J]

See function1s.

See function1s.


Inherited from:

Given some optional PropertyCheckConfigParams and a PropertyCheckConfiguration, compute the resulting Configuration.Parameter.

Given some optional PropertyCheckConfigParams and a PropertyCheckConfiguration, compute the resulting Configuration.Parameter.

This function deals with resolving the various forms of these configuration values, into a consistent form suitable for using in properties.

Duplicate PropertyCheckConfigParam entries are not permitted in the configParams list.

TODO: should this function be public? It feels like an internal implementation detail -- I think it should be private.

Value parameters


a configuration object, describing how to run property evaluations


optionally, some parameters that differ from the provided c



a fully-set-up Configuration.Parameter object, ready to evaluate properties with.

Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V) => W)(deconstruct: W => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q], genOfR: Generator[R], genOfS: Generator[S], genOfT: Generator[T], genOfU: Generator[U], genOfV: Generator[V]): Generator[W]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U) => V)(deconstruct: V => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q], genOfR: Generator[R], genOfS: Generator[S], genOfT: Generator[T], genOfU: Generator[U]): Generator[V]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T) => U)(deconstruct: U => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q], genOfR: Generator[R], genOfS: Generator[S], genOfT: Generator[T]): Generator[U]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S) => T)(deconstruct: T => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q], genOfR: Generator[R], genOfS: Generator[S]): Generator[T]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R) => S)(deconstruct: S => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q], genOfR: Generator[R]): Generator[S]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q) => R)(deconstruct: R => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q]): Generator[R]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P) => Q)(deconstruct: Q => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P]): Generator[Q]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O) => P)(deconstruct: P => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O]): Generator[P]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N) => O)(deconstruct: O => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N]): Generator[O]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M) => N)(deconstruct: N => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M]): Generator[N]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) => M)(deconstruct: M => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L]): Generator[M]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) => L)(deconstruct: L => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K]): Generator[L]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) => K)(deconstruct: K => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J]): Generator[K]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) => J)(deconstruct: J => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I]): Generator[J]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) => I)(deconstruct: I => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H]): Generator[I]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) => H)(deconstruct: H => (A, B, C, D, E, F, G))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G]): Generator[H]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F, G](construct: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => G)(deconstruct: G => (A, B, C, D, E, F))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F]): Generator[G]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E, F](construct: (A, B, C, D, E) => F)(deconstruct: F => (A, B, C, D, E))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E]): Generator[F]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D, E](construct: (A, B, C, D) => E)(deconstruct: E => (A, B, C, D))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D]): Generator[E]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C, D](construct: (A, B, C) => D)(deconstruct: D => (A, B, C))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C]): Generator[D]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B, C](construct: (A, B) => C)(deconstruct: C => (A, B))(implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B]): Generator[C]

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.

See the simple [A, B] version of instancesOf() for details.


Inherited from:
def instancesOf[A, B](construct: A => B)(deconstruct: B => A)(implicit genOfA: Generator[A]): Generator[B]

The instancesOf function (which has overloads depending on how many parameters you need) is one way to create a Generator for case classes and other situations where you want to build a type out of other types.

The instancesOf function (which has overloads depending on how many parameters you need) is one way to create a Generator for case classes and other situations where you want to build a type out of other types.

To understand how it works, look at this example:

 case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
 implicit val persons: Generator[Person] =
   instancesOf(Person) { p =>
     (, p.age)
   } (strings, posZIntValues)

What's going on here? instancesOf is taking two types (String and Int), a function (a case class constructor) that turns those types into a third type (Person), and a second function that takes a Person and deconstructs it back to its component pieces. From those, it creates a Generator.

The last parameters -- the (strings, posZIntValues) -- are the Generators for the component types. If you are good with using the default Generators for those types, you can just let those parameters be resolved implicitly. (But in this case, that could result in negative ages, which doesn't make any sense.)

After creating a Generator this way, you can use it like any other Generator in your property checks.

Alternatively, you can construct Generators for case classes using for comprehensions, like this:

 implicit val persons: Generator[Person] = for {
   name <- strings
   age <- posZIntValues
   yield Person(name, age)

Which approach you use is mainly up to personal taste and the coding standards of your project.

Type parameters


the input type


the target type to be generated

Value parameters


a constructor that builds the target type from its constituents; most often, a case class constructor


a deconstructor function that takes the target type and breaks is down into its constituents


a Generator for the input type



a Generator for the target type

Inherited from:
def intsBetween(from: Int, to: Int): Generator[Int]

Create a Generator that returns Ints in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns Ints in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def lists[T](implicit genOfT: Generator[T]): Generator[List[T]] & HavingLength[List[T]]

Given an existing Generator[T], this creates a Generator[List[T]].

Given an existing Generator[T], this creates a Generator[List[T]].

Type parameters


the type that we are producing a List of

Value parameters


a Generator that produces values of type T



a List of values of type T

Inherited from:
def longsBetween(from: Long, to: Long): Generator[Long]

Create a Generator that returns Longs in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns Longs in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def maps[K, V](implicit genOfTupleKV: Generator[(K, V)]): Generator[Map[K, V]] & HavingSize[Map[K, V]]

Given a Generator that produces Tuples of key/value pairs, this gives you one that produces Maps with those pairs.

Given a Generator that produces Tuples of key/value pairs, this gives you one that produces Maps with those pairs.

If you are simply looking for random pairing of the key and value types, this is pretty easy to use: if both the key and value types have Generators, then the Tuple and Map ones will be automatically and implicitly created when you need them.

The resulting Generator also has the HavingSize trait, so you can use it to generate Maps with specific sizes.

Type parameters


the type of the keys for the Map


the type of the values for the Map

Value parameters


a Generator that produces Tuples of K and V



a Generator of Maps from K to V

Inherited from:
def maxDiscardedFactor(value: PosZDouble): MaxDiscardedFactor

Returns a MaxDiscardedFactor property check configuration parameter containing the passed value, which specifies the factor of discarded property evaluations allowed during property evaluation.

Returns a MaxDiscardedFactor property check configuration parameter containing the passed value, which specifies the factor of discarded property evaluations allowed during property evaluation.


Inherited from:
def minSize(value: PosZInt): MinSize

Returns a MinSize property check configuration parameter containing the passed value, which specifies the minimum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists).

Returns a MinSize property check configuration parameter containing the passed value, which specifies the minimum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists).


Inherited from:
def minSuccessful(value: PosInt): MinSuccessful

Returns a MinSuccessful property check configuration parameter containing the passed value, which specifies the minimum number of successful property evaluations required for the property to pass.

Returns a MinSuccessful property check configuration parameter containing the passed value, which specifies the minimum number of successful property evaluations required for the property to pass.


Inherited from:
def negDoublesBetween(from: NegDouble, to: NegDouble): Generator[NegDouble]

Create a Generator that returns NegDoubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegDoubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def negFiniteDoublesBetween(from: NegFiniteDouble, to: NegFiniteDouble): Generator[NegFiniteDouble]

Create a Generator that returns NegFiniteDoubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegFiniteDoubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def negFiniteFloatsBetween(from: NegFiniteFloat, to: NegFiniteFloat): Generator[NegFiniteFloat]

Create a Generator that returns NegFiniteFloats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegFiniteFloats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def negFloatsBetween(from: NegFloat, to: NegFloat): Generator[NegFloat]

Create a Generator that returns NegFloats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegFloats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def negIntsBetween(from: NegInt, to: NegInt): Generator[NegInt]

Create a Generator that returns NegInts in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegInts in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def negLongsBetween(from: NegLong, to: NegLong): Generator[NegLong]

Create a Generator that returns NegLongs in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegLongs in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def negZDoublesBetween(from: NegZDouble, to: NegZDouble): Generator[NegZDouble]

Create a Generator that returns NegZDoubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegZDoubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def negZFiniteDoublesBetween(from: NegZFiniteDouble, to: NegZFiniteDouble): Generator[NegZFiniteDouble]

Create a Generator that returns NegZFiniteDoubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegZFiniteDoubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def negZFiniteFloatsBetween(from: NegZFiniteFloat, to: NegZFiniteFloat): Generator[NegZFiniteFloat]

Create a Generator that returns NegZFiniteFloats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegZFiniteFloats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def negZFloatsBetween(from: NegZFloat, to: NegZFloat): Generator[NegZFloat]

Create a Generator that returns NegZFloats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegZFloats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def negZIntsBetween(from: NegZInt, to: NegZInt): Generator[NegZInt]

Create a Generator that returns NegZInts in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegZInts in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def negZLongsBetween(from: NegZLong, to: NegZLong): Generator[NegZLong]

Create a Generator that returns NegZLongs in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NegZLongs in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def nonZeroDoublesBetween(from: NonZeroDouble, to: NonZeroDouble): Generator[NonZeroDouble]

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroDoubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroDoubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def nonZeroFiniteDoublesBetween(from: NonZeroFiniteDouble, to: NonZeroFiniteDouble): Generator[NonZeroFiniteDouble]

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroFiniteDoubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroFiniteDoubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def nonZeroFiniteFloatsBetween(from: NonZeroFiniteFloat, to: NonZeroFiniteFloat): Generator[NonZeroFiniteFloat]

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroFiniteFloats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroFiniteFloats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def nonZeroFloatsBetween(from: NonZeroFloat, to: NonZeroFloat): Generator[NonZeroFloat]

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroFloats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroFloats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def nonZeroIntsBetween(from: NonZeroInt, to: NonZeroInt): Generator[NonZeroInt]

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroInts in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroInts in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def nonZeroLongsBetween(from: NonZeroLong, to: NonZeroLong): Generator[NonZeroLong]

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroLongs in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns NonZeroLongs in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def options[T](implicit genOfT: Generator[T]): Generator[Option[T]]

Given an existing Generator[T], this creates a Generator[Option[T]].

Given an existing Generator[T], this creates a Generator[Option[T]].

Type parameters


the type that we are producing an Option of

Value parameters


a Generator that produces values of type T



a Generator that produces Option[T]

Inherited from:
def ors[G, B](implicit genOfG: Generator[G], genOfB: Generator[B]): Generator[Or[G, B]]

Given Generators for two types, G and B, this provides one for G Or B.

Given Generators for two types, G and B, this provides one for G Or B.

Type parameters


the "bad" type for an Or


the "good" type for an Or

Value parameters


a Generator that produces type B


a Generator that produces type G



a Generator that produces G Or B

Inherited from:
def posDoublesBetween(from: PosDouble, to: PosDouble): Generator[PosDouble]

Create a Generator that returns PosDoubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosDoubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def posFiniteDoublesBetween(from: PosFiniteDouble, to: PosFiniteDouble): Generator[PosFiniteDouble]

Create a Generator that returns PosFiniteDoubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosFiniteDoubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def posFiniteFloatsBetween(from: PosFiniteFloat, to: PosFiniteFloat): Generator[PosFiniteFloat]

Create a Generator that returns PosFiniteFloats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosFiniteFloats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def posFloatsBetween(from: PosFloat, to: PosFloat): Generator[PosFloat]

Create a Generator that returns PosFloats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosFloats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def posIntsBetween(from: PosInt, to: PosInt): Generator[PosInt]

Create a Generator that returns PosInts in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosInts in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def posLongsBetween(from: PosLong, to: PosLong): Generator[PosLong]

Create a Generator that returns PosLongs in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosLongs in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def posZDoublesBetween(from: PosZDouble, to: PosZDouble): Generator[PosZDouble]

Create a Generator that returns PosZDoubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosZDoubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def posZFiniteDoublesBetween(from: PosZFiniteDouble, to: PosZFiniteDouble): Generator[PosZFiniteDouble]

Create a Generator that returns PosZFiniteDoubles in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosZFiniteDoubles in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def posZFiniteFloatsBetween(from: PosZFiniteFloat, to: PosZFiniteFloat): Generator[PosZFiniteFloat]

Create a Generator that returns PosZFiniteFloats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosZFiniteFloats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def posZFloatsBetween(from: PosZFloat, to: PosZFloat): Generator[PosZFloat]

Create a Generator that returns PosZFloats in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosZFloats in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def posZIntsBetween(from: PosZInt, to: PosZInt): Generator[PosZInt]

Create a Generator that returns PosZInts in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosZInts in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def posZLongsBetween(from: PosZLong, to: PosZLong): Generator[PosZLong]

Create a Generator that returns PosZLongs in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns PosZLongs in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def sets[T](implicit genOfT: Generator[T]): Generator[Set[T]] & HavingSize[Set[T]]

Given a Generator that produces values of type T, this creates one for a Set of T.

Given a Generator that produces values of type T, this creates one for a Set of T.

Note that the Set type is considered to have a "size", so you can use the configuration parameters Configuration.minSize and Configuration.sizeRange to constrain the sizes of the resulting Sets when you use this Generator.

The resulting Generator also has the HavingSize trait, so you can use it to generate Sets with specific sizes.

Type parameters


the type to produce

Value parameters


a Generator that produces values of type T



a Generator that produces Set[T].

Inherited from:
def shortsBetween(from: Short, to: Short): Generator[Short]

Create a Generator that returns Shorts in the specified range.

Create a Generator that returns Shorts in the specified range.

The range is inclusive: both ''from'' and ''to'' may be produced by this Generator. Moreover, ''from'' and ''to'' are considered to be edge cases, so they usually ''will'' be produced in a typical run.

The value of from must be less than or equal to the value of to.

Value parameters


one end of the desired range


the other end of the desired range



a value within that range, inclusive of the bounds

Inherited from:
def sizeRange(value: PosZInt): SizeRange

Returns a SizeRange property check configuration parameter containing the passed value, that (with minSize) specifies the maximum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists).

Returns a SizeRange property check configuration parameter containing the passed value, that (with minSize) specifies the maximum size parameter to provide to ScalaCheck, which it will use when generating objects for which size matters (such as strings or lists).

Note that the size range is added to minSize in order to calculate the maximum size passed to ScalaCheck. Using a range allows compile-time checking of a non-negative number being specified.


Inherited from:
def sortedMaps[K, V](implicit genOfTupleKV: Generator[(K, V)], ordering: Ordering[K]): Generator[SortedMap[K, V]] & HavingSize[SortedMap[K, V]]

Given a Generator that produces Tuples of key/value pairs, this gives you one that produces SortedMaps with those pairs.

Given a Generator that produces Tuples of key/value pairs, this gives you one that produces SortedMaps with those pairs.

If you are simply looking for random pairing of the key and value types, this is pretty easy to use: if both the key and value types have Generators, then the Tuple and SortedMap ones will be automatically and implicitly created when you need them.

The resulting Generator also has the HavingSize trait, so you can use it to generate SortedMaps with specific sizes.

Type parameters


the type of the keys for the SortedMap


the type of the values for the SortedMap

Value parameters


a Generator that produces Tuples of K and V



a Generator of SortedMaps from K to V

Inherited from:
def sortedSets[T](implicit genOfT: Generator[T], ordering: Ordering[T]): Generator[SortedSet[T]] & HavingSize[SortedSet[T]]

Given a Generator that produces values of type T, this creates one for a SortedSet of T.

Given a Generator that produces values of type T, this creates one for a SortedSet of T.

Note that the SortedSet type is considered to have a "size", so you can use the configuration parameters Configuration.minSize and Configuration.sizeRange to constrain the sizes of the resulting SortedSets when you use this Generator.

The resulting Generator also has the HavingSize trait, so you can use it to generate SortedSets with specific sizes.

Type parameters


the type to produce

Value parameters


a Generator that produces values of type T



a Generator that produces SortedSet[T].

Inherited from:
def specificValue[T](theValue: T): Generator[T]

Creates a Generator that will always return exactly the same value.

Creates a Generator that will always return exactly the same value.

This is specialized, but occasionally useful. It is mainly appropriate when you have a function that requires a Generator, but only one value makes sense for the Property you are evaluating.

Type parameters


the type of that value

Value parameters


the value to produce



a Generator that will always produce that value

Inherited from:
def specificValues[T](first: T, second: T, rest: T*): Generator[T]

Given a list of values of type T, this creates a Generator that will only produce those values.

Given a list of values of type T, this creates a Generator that will only produce those values.

The order in which the values are produced is random, based on the Randomizer passed in to the next function. It may produce the same value multiple times.

Type parameters


the type that will be produced by the resulting Generator

Value parameters


a value of type T


more values of type T, as many as you wish


another value of type T



a Generator that produces exactly the specified values

Inherited from:
def tuple10s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple11s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple12s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple13s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple14s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple15s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple16s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple17s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple18s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q], genOfR: Generator[R]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple19s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q], genOfR: Generator[R], genOfS: Generator[S]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple20s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q], genOfR: Generator[R], genOfS: Generator[S], genOfT: Generator[T]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple21s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q], genOfR: Generator[R], genOfS: Generator[S], genOfT: Generator[T], genOfU: Generator[U]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple22s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I], genOfJ: Generator[J], genOfK: Generator[K], genOfL: Generator[L], genOfM: Generator[M], genOfN: Generator[N], genOfO: Generator[O], genOfP: Generator[P], genOfQ: Generator[Q], genOfR: Generator[R], genOfS: Generator[S], genOfT: Generator[T], genOfU: Generator[U], genOfV: Generator[V]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple2s[A, B](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B]): Generator[(A, B)]

Given Generators for types A and B, get one that produces Tuples of those types.

Given Generators for types A and B, get one that produces Tuples of those types.

tuple2s (and its variants, up through tuple22s) will create Generators on demand for essentially arbitrary Tuples, so long as you have Generators in implicit scope for all of the component types.

Type parameters


the first type in the Tuple


the second type in the Tuple

Value parameters


a Generator for type A


a Generator for type B



a Generator that produces the desired types, Tupled together.

Inherited from:
def tuple3s[A, B, C](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C]): Generator[(A, B, C)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple4s[A, B, C, D](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D]): Generator[(A, B, C, D)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple5s[A, B, C, D, E](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple6s[A, B, C, D, E, F](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple7s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple8s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def tuple9s[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I](implicit genOfA: Generator[A], genOfB: Generator[B], genOfC: Generator[C], genOfD: Generator[D], genOfE: Generator[E], genOfF: Generator[F], genOfG: Generator[G], genOfH: Generator[H], genOfI: Generator[I]): Generator[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I)]

See tuple2s.

See tuple2s.


Inherited from:
def vectors[T](implicit genOfT: Generator[T]): Generator[Vector[T]] & HavingLength[Vector[T]]

Given a Generator for type T, this creates one for a Vector of T.

Given a Generator for type T, this creates one for a Vector of T.

Note that the Vector type is considered to have a "size", so you can use the configuration parameters Configuration.minSize and Configuration.sizeRange to constrain the sizes of the resulting Vectors when you use this Generator.

The resulting Generator also has the HavingLength trait, so you can use it to generate Vectors with specific lengths.

Type parameters


the type to produce

Value parameters


a Generator that produces values of type T



a Generator that produces values of type Vector[T]

Inherited from:
def whenever[T](condition: Boolean)(fun: => T)(implicit wa: WheneverAsserting[T]): Result

Evaluates the passed code block if the passed boolean condition is true, else throws DiscardedEvaluationException.

Evaluates the passed code block if the passed boolean condition is true, else throws DiscardedEvaluationException.

The whenever method can be used inside property check functions to discard invocations of the function with data for which it is known the property would fail. For example, given the following Fraction class:

class Fraction(n: Int, d: Int) {

 require(d != 0)
 require(d != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
 require(n != Integer.MIN_VALUE)

 val numer = if (d < 0) -1 * n else n
 val denom = d.abs

 override def toString = numer + " / " + denom
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks._

val fractions =
   ("n", "d"),
   (  1,   2),
   ( -1,   2),
   (  1,  -2),
   ( -1,  -2),
   (  3,   1),
   ( -3,   1),
   ( -3,   0),
   (  3,  -1),
   (  3,  Integer.MIN_VALUE),
   (Integer.MIN_VALUE, 3),
   ( -3,  -1)

Imagine you wanted to check a property against this class with data that includes some value that are rejected by the constructor, such as a denominator of zero, which should result in an IllegalArgumentException. You could use whenever to discard any rows in the fraction that represent illegal arguments, like this:

import org.scalatest.matchers.Matchers._

forAll (fractions) { (n: Int, d: Int) =>

 whenever (d != 0 && d != Integer.MIN_VALUE
     && n != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {

   val f = new Fraction(n, d)

   if (n < 0 && d < 0 || n > 0 && d > 0)
     f.numer should be > 0
   else if (n != 0)
     f.numer should be < 0
     f.numer should === (0)

   f.denom should be > 0

In this example, rows 6, 8, and 9 have values that would cause a false to be passed to whenever. (For example, in row 6, d is 0, which means d != 0 will be false.) For those rows, whenever will throw DiscardedEvaluationException, which will cause the forAll method to discard that row.

Value parameters


the boolean condition that determines whether whenever will evaluate the fun function (condition is true) or throws DiscardedEvaluationException (condition is false)


the function to evaluate if the specified condition is true


Inherited from:
def workers(value: PosInt): Workers

Returns a Workers property check configuration parameter containing the passed value, which specifies the number of worker threads to use when evaluating a property.

Returns a Workers property check configuration parameter containing the passed value, which specifies the number of worker threads to use when evaluating a property.


Inherited from:

Inherited fields

val booleans: Generator[Boolean]

A Generator that produces Boolean values.

A Generator that produces Boolean values.


Inherited from:
val bytes: Generator[Byte]

A Generator that produces Byte values.

A Generator that produces Byte values.


Inherited from:
val chars: Generator[Char]

A Generator that produces Char values.

A Generator that produces Char values.


Inherited from:
val doubles: Generator[Double]

A Generator that produces Double values.

A Generator that produces Double values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces Double values, including zero but not including infinities or NaN.

A Generator that produces Double values, including zero but not including infinities or NaN.


Inherited from:
val finiteDoubles: Generator[FiniteDouble]

A Generator that produces FiniteDouble values.

A Generator that produces FiniteDouble values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces Float values, including zero but not including infinities or NaN.

A Generator that produces Float values, including zero but not including infinities or NaN.


Inherited from:
val finiteFloats: Generator[FiniteFloat]

A Generator that produces FiniteFloat values.

A Generator that produces FiniteFloat values.


Inherited from:
lazy val first1000Primes: Generator[Int]

A Generator of prime numbers.

A Generator of prime numbers.

As the name implies, this doesn't try to generate entirely arbitrary prime numbers. Instead, it takes the simpler and more efficient approach of choosing randomly from a hard-coded table of the first 1000 primes. As a result, the largest number that can be produced from this is 7919.



a Generator that will produce smallish prime numbers

Inherited from:
val floats: Generator[Float]

A Generator that produces Float values.

A Generator that produces Float values.


Inherited from:
val ints: Generator[Int]

A Generator that produces Int values.

A Generator that produces Int values.


Inherited from:
val longs: Generator[Long]

A Generator that produces Long values.

A Generator that produces Long values.


Inherited from:
val negDoubleValues: Generator[Double]

A Generator that produces negative Double values, not including zero but including infinity and NaN.

A Generator that produces negative Double values, not including zero but including infinity and NaN.


Inherited from:
val negDoubles: Generator[NegDouble]

A Generator that produces NegDouble values.

A Generator that produces NegDouble values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces negative Double values, not including zero, infinity or NaN.

A Generator that produces negative Double values, not including zero, infinity or NaN.


Inherited from:
val negFiniteDoubles: Generator[NegFiniteDouble]

A Generator that produces NegFiniteDouble values.

A Generator that produces NegFiniteDouble values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces negative Float values, not including zero, infinity or NaN.

A Generator that produces negative Float values, not including zero, infinity or NaN.


Inherited from:
val negFiniteFloats: Generator[NegFiniteFloat]

A Generator that produces NegFiniteFloat values.

A Generator that produces NegFiniteFloat values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces negative Float values, not including zero but including infinity and NaN.

A Generator that produces negative Float values, not including zero but including infinity and NaN.


Inherited from:
val negFloats: Generator[NegFloat]

A Generator that produces NegFloat values.

A Generator that produces NegFloat values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces negative Int values, not including zero.

A Generator that produces negative Int values, not including zero.


Inherited from:
val negInts: Generator[NegInt]

A Generator that produces NegInt values.

A Generator that produces NegInt values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces negative Long values, not including zero.

A Generator that produces negative Long values, not including zero.


Inherited from:
val negLongs: Generator[NegLong]

A Generator that produces NegLong values.

A Generator that produces NegLong values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces negative Double values, including zero, infinity and NaN.

A Generator that produces negative Double values, including zero, infinity and NaN.


Inherited from:
val negZDoubles: Generator[NegZDouble]

A Generator that produces NegZDouble values.

A Generator that produces NegZDouble values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces negative Double values, including zero but not including infinity or NaN.

A Generator that produces negative Double values, including zero but not including infinity or NaN.


Inherited from:
val negZFiniteDoubles: Generator[NegZFiniteDouble]

A Generator that produces NegZFiniteDouble values.

A Generator that produces NegZFiniteDouble values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces negative Float values, including zero but not including infinity or NaN.

A Generator that produces negative Float values, including zero but not including infinity or NaN.


Inherited from:
val negZFiniteFloats: Generator[NegZFiniteFloat]

A Generator that produces NegZFiniteFloat values.

A Generator that produces NegZFiniteFloat values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces negative Float values, including zero, infinity and NaN.

A Generator that produces negative Float values, including zero, infinity and NaN.


Inherited from:
val negZFloats: Generator[NegZFloat]

A Generator that produces NegZFloat values.

A Generator that produces NegZFloat values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces negative Int values, including zero.

A Generator that produces negative Int values, including zero.


Inherited from:
val negZInts: Generator[NegZInt]

A Generator that produces NegZInt values.

A Generator that produces NegZInt values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces negative Long values, including zero.

A Generator that produces negative Long values, including zero.


Inherited from:
val negZLongs: Generator[NegZLong]

A Generator that produces NegZLong values.

A Generator that produces NegZLong values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces non-zero Double values, including infinity and NaN.

A Generator that produces non-zero Double values, including infinity and NaN.


Inherited from:
val nonZeroDoubles: Generator[NonZeroDouble]

A Generator that produces NonZeroDouble values.

A Generator that produces NonZeroDouble values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces non-zero Double values, not including infinity and NaN.

A Generator that produces non-zero Double values, not including infinity and NaN.


Inherited from:
val nonZeroFiniteDoubles: Generator[NonZeroFiniteDouble]

A Generator that produces NonZeroFiniteDouble values.

A Generator that produces NonZeroFiniteDouble values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces non-zero Float values, not including infinity or NaN.

A Generator that produces non-zero Float values, not including infinity or NaN.


Inherited from:
val nonZeroFiniteFloats: Generator[NonZeroFiniteFloat]

A Generator that produces NonZeroFiniteFloat values.

A Generator that produces NonZeroFiniteFloat values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces non-zero Float values, including infinity and NaN.

A Generator that produces non-zero Float values, including infinity and NaN.


Inherited from:
val nonZeroFloats: Generator[NonZeroFloat]

A Generator that produces NonZeroFloat values.

A Generator that produces NonZeroFloat values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces non-zero Int values.

A Generator that produces non-zero Int values.


Inherited from:
val nonZeroInts: Generator[NonZeroInt]

A Generator that produces NonZeroInt values.

A Generator that produces NonZeroInt values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces non-zero Long values.

A Generator that produces non-zero Long values.


Inherited from:
val nonZeroLongs: Generator[NonZeroLong]

A Generator that produces NonZeroLong values.

A Generator that produces NonZeroLong values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces digit Chars.

A Generator that produces digit Chars.


Inherited from:
val numericChars: Generator[NumericChar]

A Generator that produces NumericChar values.

A Generator that produces NumericChar values.


Inherited from:
val posDoubleValues: Generator[Double]

A Generator that produces positive Double values, not including zero but including infinity and NaN.

A Generator that produces positive Double values, not including zero but including infinity and NaN.


Inherited from:
val posDoubles: Generator[PosDouble]

A Generator that produces PosDouble values.

A Generator that produces PosDouble values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces positive Double values, not including zero, infinity or NaN.

A Generator that produces positive Double values, not including zero, infinity or NaN.


Inherited from:
val posFiniteDoubles: Generator[PosFiniteDouble]

A Generator that produces PosFiniteDouble values.

A Generator that produces PosFiniteDouble values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces positive Float values, not including zero, infinity or NaN.

A Generator that produces positive Float values, not including zero, infinity or NaN.


Inherited from:
val posFiniteFloats: Generator[PosFiniteFloat]

A Generator that produces PosFiniteFloat values.

A Generator that produces PosFiniteFloat values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces positive Float values, not including zero but including infinites and NaN.

A Generator that produces positive Float values, not including zero but including infinites and NaN.


Inherited from:
val posFloats: Generator[PosFloat]

A Generator that produces PosFloat values.

A Generator that produces PosFloat values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces positive Int values, not including zero.

A Generator that produces positive Int values, not including zero.


Inherited from:
val posInts: Generator[PosInt]

A Generator that produces PosInt values.

A Generator that produces PosInt values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces positive Long values, not including zero.

A Generator that produces positive Long values, not including zero.


Inherited from:
val posLongs: Generator[PosLong]

A Generator that produces PosLong values.

A Generator that produces PosLong values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces positive Double values, including zero, infinity and NaN.

A Generator that produces positive Double values, including zero, infinity and NaN.


Inherited from:
val posZDoubles: Generator[PosZDouble]

A Generator that produces PosZDouble values.

A Generator that produces PosZDouble values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces positive Int values.

A Generator that produces positive Int values.


Inherited from:
val posZFiniteDoubles: Generator[PosZFiniteDouble]

A Generator that produces PosZFiniteDouble values.

A Generator that produces PosZFiniteDouble values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces positive Float values, including zero but not including infinity or NaN.

A Generator that produces positive Float values, including zero but not including infinity or NaN.


Inherited from:
val posZFiniteFloats: Generator[PosZFiniteFloat]

A Generator that produces PosZFiniteFloat values.

A Generator that produces PosZFiniteFloat values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces positive Float values, including zero, infinity and NaN.

A Generator that produces positive Float values, including zero, infinity and NaN.


Inherited from:
val posZFloats: Generator[PosZFloat]

A Generator that produces PosZFloat values.

A Generator that produces PosZFloat values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces positive Int values, including zero.

A Generator that produces positive Int values, including zero.


Inherited from:
val posZInts: Generator[PosZInt]

A Generator that produces PosZInt values.

A Generator that produces PosZInt values.


Inherited from:

A Generator that produces positive Long values, including zero.

A Generator that produces positive Long values, including zero.


Inherited from:
val posZLongs: Generator[PosZLong]

A Generator that produces PosZLong values.

A Generator that produces PosZLong values.


Inherited from:
val shorts: Generator[Short]

A Generator that produces Short values.

A Generator that produces Short values.


Inherited from:
val strings: Generator[String]

A Generator that produces String values.

A Generator that produces String values.


Inherited from:


Inherited implicits

Implicit PropertyCheckConfig value providing default configuration values.

Implicit PropertyCheckConfig value providing default configuration values.


Inherited from: