

Trait providing a scaled method that can be used to scale time Spans used during the testing of asynchronous operations.

The scaled method allows tests of asynchronous operations to be tuned according to need. For example, Spans can be scaled larger when running tests on slower continuous integration servers or smaller when running on faster development machines.

The Double factor by which to scale the Spans passed to scaled is obtained from the spanScaleFactor method, also declared in this trait. By default this method returns 1.0, but can be configured to return a different value by passing a -F argument to Runner (or an equivalent mechanism in an ant, sbt, or Maven build file).

The default timeouts and intervals defined for traits Eventually and Waiters invoke scaled, so those defaults will be scaled automatically. Other than such defaults, however, to get a Span to scale you'll need to explicitly pass it to scaled. For example, here's how you would scale a Span you supply to the failAfter method from trait Timeouts:

failAfter(scaled(150 millis)) {
 // ...

The reason Spans are not scaled automatically in the general case is to make code obvious. If a reader sees failAfter(1 second), it will mean exactly that: fail after one second. And if a Span will be scaled, the reader will clearly see that as well: failAfter(scaled(1 second)).

== Overriding spanScaleFactor ==

You can override the spanScaleFactor method to configure the factor by a different means. For example, to configure the factor from Akka TestKit's test time factor you might create a trait like this:

import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScaledTimeSpans
import akka.testkit.TestKitExtension

trait AkkaSpanScaleFactor extends ScaledTimeSpans {
 override def spanScaleFactor: Double =

This trait overrides spanScaleFactor so that it takes its scale factor from Akka's application.conf file. You could then scale Spans tenfold in Akka's configuration file like this:

akka {
 test {
   timefactor = 10.0

Armed with this trait and configuration file, you can simply mix trait AkkaSpanScaleFactor into any test class whose Spans you want to scale, like this:

class MySpec extends FunSpec with Eventually with AkkaSpanScaleFactor {
 // ..


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait Conductors
trait Eventually
object Eventually.type
trait Futures
object Futures.type
trait JavaFutures
trait ScalaFutures
object ScalaFutures.type
trait Waiters
object Waiters.type
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Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

final def scaled(span: Span): Span

Scales the passed Span by the Double factor returned by spanScaleFactor.

Scales the passed Span by the Double factor returned by spanScaleFactor.

The Span is scaled by invoking its scaledBy method, thus this method has the same behavior: The value returned by spanScaleFactor can be any positive number or zero, including a fractional number. A number greater than one will scale the Span up to a larger value. A fractional number will scale it down to a smaller value. A factor of 1.0 will cause the exact same Span to be returned. A factor of zero will cause Span.ZeroLength to be returned. If overflow occurs, Span.Max will be returned. If underflow occurs, Span.ZeroLength will be returned.



if the value returned from spanScaleFactor is less than zero

def spanScaleFactor: Double

The factor by which the scaled method will scale Spans.

The factor by which the scaled method will scale Spans.

The default implementation of this method will return the span scale factor that was specified for the run, or 1.0 if no factor was specified. For example, you can specify a span scale factor when invoking ScalaTest via the command line by passing a -F argument to Runner.
