
trait Trees

Utility methods for Trees

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Trees

Value members

Concrete methods

def allPaths[A](tree: Tree[A]): List[List[A]]

all the paths from root to leaves

def bottomUp[A, B](t: Tree[A], f: (A, LazyList[B]) => B): Tree[B]

map a Tree from leaves to root by replacing each node with the result of a function taking that node and the mapping of all its children.

map a Tree from leaves to root by replacing each node with the result of a function taking that node and the mapping of all its children.

This is used in JUnit to map a Tree[Description] where no Description objects are related to a Tree[Description] where each node returns the children nodes on the "getChildren" method

def clean[A](t: Tree[Option[A]])(using initial: A): Tree[A]

remove None nodes from a tree

remove None nodes from a tree

def flattenLeft[A](tree: Tree[A]): LazyList[A]

flatten the tree using a foldLeft to avoid SOF

flatten the tree using a foldLeft to avoid SOF

def flattenSubForests[A](tree: Tree[A]): Tree[A]
def parentLocs[T](t: TreeLoc[T], ps: Seq[TreeLoc[T]]): Seq[TreeLoc[T]]

the list of all parent locs from a given TreeLoc

def prune[A, B](t: Tree[A], f: A => Option[B]): Option[Tree[B]]

remove nodes from a tree if they are None according to a function f

remove nodes from a tree if they are None according to a function f

def prune[A](t: Tree[A], f: Tree[A] => Option[A])(using initial: A): Tree[A]

remove nodes from a tree if they are None according to a function f

remove nodes from a tree if they are None according to a function f

def size[A](t: TreeLoc[A]): Int

the number of nodes in a TreeLoc



given treeIsSized[T]: Sized[Tree[T]]
given treeLocIsSized[T]: Sized[TreeLoc[T]]



extension [A, B](t: Tree[A])
def bottomUp(f: (A, LazyList[B]) => B): Tree[B]

extension methods for the Tree trait

extension methods for the Tree trait

def prune(f: A => Option[B]): Option[Tree[B]]

extension methods for the Tree trait

extension methods for the Tree trait

extension [A](t: Tree[Option[A]])
def clean(using initial: A, nothing: Int): Tree[A]

This implicit can be used to remove None nodes in a Tree

This implicit can be used to remove None nodes in a Tree

extension [A](t: Tree[A])
def allPaths(using nothing: Int): List[List[A]]
def flattenLeft(using nothing: Int): LazyList[A]
def flattenSubForests(using nothing: Int): Tree[A]
def prune(f: Tree[A] => Option[A])(using initial: A): Tree[A]
def size: Int
extension [T](t: TreeLoc[T])
def addChild(c: T): TreeLoc[T]

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

def addFirstChild(c: T): TreeLoc[T]

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

def getParent: TreeLoc[T]

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

def insertDownLast(c: T): TreeLoc[T]

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

def parentLocs: Seq[TreeLoc[T]]

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

def size(using nothing: Int): Int

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

def updateLabel(f: T => T): TreeLoc[T]

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class

Implicit definition to add more functionalities to the TreeLoc class