
Use of the Hopcroft-Karp ( algorithm for specs2, to the minimum set of mismatched elements, and corresponding failures

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def findBestMatch[T, V, R](ts: Seq[T], vs: Seq[V], matchingFunction: (T, V) => R, eachCheck: Boolean)(using evidence$1: AsResult[R]): (Seq[(T, V, Result)], Seq[V])

This function indexes values of type T and V, and the result of their matching so that the algorithm can work on a simplified graph form of just of matching elements represented by integers

This function indexes values of type T and V, and the result of their matching so that the algorithm can work on a simplified graph form of just of matching elements represented by integers


matched values with their result and missing values