
trait Snippets

Snippets of code can be extracted from interpolated specification strings.

When you want to specify that a piece of code must be included in the specification output, you can use the snippet method to execute a this code and use the text in the output. If you just want to output part of the code you need to delimit it with some comments // 8<------- (with as many dashes >= 2 as you want)

Generally the value of a snippet will not be evaluated nor displayed but it is possible to show it using the eval method on a Snippet.

It is also possible to check that the result value is correct by using the check method.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Snippets

Value members

Concrete methods

def fullName[T]: String
def simpleName[T]: String
def snippet[T](inline code: => T)(using params: SnippetParams[T]): Snippet[T]
def termName[T](inline t: => T): String



implicit parameters selected for the creation of Snippets

implicit parameters selected for the creation of Snippets



extension [T](s: Snippet[T])
def eval: Snippet[T]

implicit function modify the Snippet parameters

implicit function modify the Snippet parameters

def offsetIs(offset: Int): Snippet[T]

implicit function modify the Snippet parameters

implicit function modify the Snippet parameters

def promptIs(p: String): Snippet[T]

implicit function modify the Snippet parameters

implicit function modify the Snippet parameters

def set(trimExpression: String => String, cutter: String => String, asCode: (String, String) => String, prompt: String => String): Snippet[T]

implicit function modify the Snippet parameters

implicit function modify the Snippet parameters

extension [T](s: Snippet[T])
def checkOk(using evidence$2: AsResult[T]): Snippet[T]
extension [T, R](s: Snippet[T])
def check(f: T => R)(using evidence$1: AsResult[R]): Snippet[T]