
sealed abstract
class Result(val message: String, val expected: String, val expectationsNb: Int)

The result of an execution, either:

  • a success: the execution is ok
  • a failure: an expectation is not met
  • an error: an exception occurred
  • a pending execution: the user has decided that execution must not be performed
  • a skipped execution: based on dynamic conditions (a database not available for instance) the execution is not performed

A Result has:

  • a message describing the outcome
  • a message describing the expectation
  • possibly a number of expectations when it is the outcome of several checks (this is used for the reporting of ScalaCheck properties).
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Error
class Failure
class Pending
class Skipped
class Success

Type members


Value members

Abstract methods


the result with no message

set the number of expectations

set the number of expectations

Concrete methods

increment the number of expectations

increment the number of expectations

def coloredStatus(using args: Arguments): String

the colored textual status of the result

def isError: Boolean

true if the result is an Error instance

def isFailure: Boolean

true if the result is a Failure instance

def isIssue: Boolean

true if the result is a failure or an Error

def isPending: Boolean

true if the result is a Pending instance

def isSkipped: Boolean

true if the result is a Skipped instance

def isSuccess: Boolean

true if the result is a Success instance

def isSuspended: Boolean

true if the result is a Skipped or Pending

def isThrownFailure: Boolean

true if the result is a Failure that was thrown like a JUnit assertion error or a NotImplemented exception

def mapExpected(f: String => String): Result

change this result's expected

change this result's expected


the negation of this result where a success becomes a failure and vice-versa

def prependMessage(pre: String): Result

prepend another message and a conjunction depending on the status of this result

prepend another message and a conjunction depending on the status of this result

def setMessage(msg: String): Result

set the message of a result, keeping the subclass type

set the message of a result, keeping the subclass type

def status: String

the uncolored textual status of the result

def statusName(using args: Arguments): String

the textual status of the result

def updateExpected(exp: String): Result

update the expected of a result, keeping the subclass type

update the expected of a result, keeping the subclass type

def updateMessage(f: String => String): Result

change this result's message

change this result's message

Concrete fields

val expected: String
val message: String