
class Arguments(select: Select, execute: Execute, store: Store, report: Report, commandLine: CommandLine, unknown: List[String]) extends ShowArgs

This class holds all the options that are relevant for specs2 execution and reporting.

The arguments are grouped along 4 functions:

  • select: for the selection of what must be executed
  • execute: for the execution of fragments
  • store: for the storing of execution results
  • report: for the reporting of results
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait ShowArgs
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def <|(other: Arguments): Arguments

alias for overrideWith

alias for overrideWith

def batchSize: Int
def canShow(s: String): Boolean
def color: Boolean
def commandLineFilter(included: String*): Arguments

a new Arguments object with only some arguments on the command line

def commandLineFilterNot(excluded: String*): Arguments

a new Arguments object with some arguments removed from the command line

def contain(tags: String*): Boolean
def errorColor(s: String): String
def ex: String
def exclude: String
def failtrace: Boolean
def failureColor(s: String): String
def hasFilter: Boolean
def include: String
def isSet(a: String): Boolean

true if a switch is present or a flag is set

def keep(tags: String*): Boolean
def offset: Int

a new Arguments object where the values of this are overridden with the values of other if defined

def pendingColor(s: String): String
def plan: Boolean
def removeColors(s: String): String
def reportUnknown(): Unit
def sequential: Boolean
def sequentialRandom: Boolean
def setTimeout(t: FiniteDuration): Arguments
def showtimes: Boolean
def skipAll: Boolean
def skippedColor(s: String): String
def statsColor(s: String): String
def stopOnError: Boolean
def stopOnFail: Boolean
def stopOnIssue: Boolean
def stopOnSkip: Boolean
def successColor(s: String): String
def textColor(s: String): String

shortcut methods to add ansi colors to some text depending on its status

shortcut methods to add ansi colors to some text depending on its status

def threadsNb: Int
def timeFactor: Int
def timeout: Option[FiniteDuration]
def toString: String
Definition Classes
def verbose: Boolean
def was(s: String): Boolean
def wasIsDefined: Boolean
def xonly: Boolean

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from
def showArg(a: (String, Option[_])): Option[String]
Inherited from