
sealed trait Relationship

Any '''relationship''' in the model.

Any '''relationship''' in the model.

This relationship type hierarchy knows about standard relationships, including dimensional relationships. It also knows about a few specific generic relationships. It does not know about table and formula relationships, which are only seen as non-standard relationships.

Each relationship is either a eu.cdevreeze.tqa.base.model.StandardRelationship or a eu.cdevreeze.tqa.base.model.NonStandardRelationship. There is no such thing as an UnknownRelationship in the model (such relationships would not be created, but just ignored, unlike their counterparts in the XML-backed relationship API).

Note that Relationship instances are easy to create on the fly, which is by design.


Chris de Vreeze

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def arcrole: String

The arcrole of the underlying arc in the original XML representation. The arcrole gives semantics to the relationship. Equals baseSetKey.arcrole.

The arcrole of the underlying arc in the original XML representation. The arcrole gives semantics to the relationship. Equals baseSetKey.arcrole.

The base set key, which consists of arcrole, arc name, (parent) linkrole and (parent) link name.

The base set key, which consists of arcrole, arc name, (parent) linkrole and (parent) link name.

def elr: String

The extended link role of the parent extended link, in the XML representation. Equals baseSetKey.extLinkRole.

The extended link role of the parent extended link, in the XML representation. Equals baseSetKey.extLinkRole.

def nonXLinkArcAttributes: Map[EName, String]

The attributes of the underlying arc, excluding XLink attributes.

The attributes of the underlying arc, excluding XLink attributes.

def source: Node

The source node of the relationship.

The source node of the relationship.

def target: Node

The target node of the relationship.

The target node of the relationship.

Concrete methods

final def order: BigDecimal
final def priority: Int
final def use: Use