
trait XLinkElem

An XLink element in a taxonomy, obeying the constraints on XLink imposed by XBRL. For example, an XLink arc or extended link.

An XLink element in a taxonomy, obeying the constraints on XLink imposed by XBRL. For example, an XLink arc or extended link.

The XLink elements are backed by a yaidom BackingNodes.Elem. As a consequence, XLink child elements of an extended link know their parent element (as BackingNodes.Elem), and therefore know their ELR (extended link role).

XLink (see https://www.w3.org/TR/xlink11/) is a somewhat low level standard on top of XML, but it is very important in an XBRL context. Many taxonomy elements are also XLink elements, especially inside linkbases.


Chris de Vreeze

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait XLinkElem
trait XLinkArc
class LabelArc
trait XLinkLink
class LabelLink
class RoleRef
class SchemaRef
trait XLinkElem
class Footnote
trait XLinkArc
trait XLinkLink
class RoleRef
class SchemaRef
trait Assertion
class Filter
class AndFilter
class OrFilter
class NilFilter
class Function
class Message
class Severity
class Parameter
class Instance
class Variable
class Formula
class RuleNode
class Table
trait XLinkArc
trait TableArc
trait XLinkLink

Value members

Abstract methods

def backingElem: Elem
def xlinkAttributes: Map[EName, String]
def xlinkType: String