
Type members


final class BasicTaxonomy extends TaxonomyLike

Basic implementation of a taxonomy that offers the TaxonomyApi query API. It does not enforce closure under DTS discovery rules, or uniqueness of "target expanded names" of concept declarations etc. It does not know anything about tables and formulas. It also does not know anything about networks of relationships.

Basic implementation of a taxonomy that offers the TaxonomyApi query API. It does not enforce closure under DTS discovery rules, or uniqueness of "target expanded names" of concept declarations etc. It does not know anything about tables and formulas. It also does not know anything about networks of relationships.

The passed relationships must be backed by XLink arcs in the underlying taxonomy, or else the instance is corrupt. This is not checked by this class.

This object is expensive to create (through the build method), primarily due to the mappings from source and target concepts to standard relationships. Looking up schema content by EName (or by URI for global element declarations) is also fast.


Chris de Vreeze


Abstract API for factories of BasicTaxonomy instances, given an entry points (as non-empty set of document URIs).

Abstract API for factories of BasicTaxonomy instances, given an entry points (as non-empty set of document URIs).

Typically the returned BasicTaxonomy results from DTS discovery, although this is not required. The "document collection" algorithm, whether DTS discovery or not, is not part of this API.


Chris de Vreeze