
sealed trait Path extends VirtualPath

Represents an absolute path inside a virtual tree of documents.

Since this is the most commonly used path abstraction in Laika it received a conveniently short type name. The full, accurate name of this type would be AbsoluteVirtualPath.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Root.type

Type members


type Self = Path

Value members

Abstract methods

def depth: Int

The depth of this path from the virtual root.

The depth of this path from the virtual root.

def isSubPath(other: Path): Boolean

Indicates whether this path is a sub-path of (or identical to) the specified other path.

Indicates whether this path is a sub-path of (or identical to) the specified other path.

The parent of this path. Will return this if this path represents a root node.

The parent of this path. Will return this if this path represents a root node.

Interprets this path relative to some other path.

Interprets this path relative to some other path.

The reference path is interpreted as a document path, as relative paths are most commonly used from the perspective of a document, not a tree node.

Concrete methods

Interprets this path as a relative path - a shortcut for relativeTo(Root).

Interprets this path as a relative path - a shortcut for relativeTo(Root).

Inherited methods

def /(path: RelativePath): Self

Combines this path with the specified relative path.

Combines this path with the specified relative path.

Inherited from:
def /(name: String): Self

Creates a new path with the specified name as an immediate child of this path.

Creates a new path with the specified name as an immediate child of this path.

Inherited from:
def basename: String

The base name of this path, without the suffix (if present).

The base name of this path, without the suffix (if present).

Inherited from:
def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean
Inherited from:
protected def copyWith(basename: String, suffix: Option[String], fragment: Option[String]): Self
Inherited from:
def fragment: Option[String]

The fragment part of the path (after a # in the last segment), or None if this path does not have a fragment component.

The fragment part of the path (after a # in the last segment), or None if this path does not have a fragment component.

Inherited from:
def name: String

The local name of this path, without the optional fragment part, but including the suffix if present.

The local name of this path, without the optional fragment part, but including the suffix if present.

Inherited from:
def productArity: Int
Inherited from:
def productElement(n: Int): Any
Inherited from:
def productElementName(n: Int): String
Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from:
def productPrefix: String
Inherited from:
def suffix: Option[String]

The suffix of None if this path name does not have a file suffix separated by a ..

The suffix of None if this path name does not have a file suffix separated by a ..

Inherited from:
def withBasename(name: String): Self

Returns a new path that replaces the base name with the specified new name while keeping both, suffix and fragment, in case they are present.

Returns a new path that replaces the base name with the specified new name while keeping both, suffix and fragment, in case they are present.

Inherited from:
def withFragment(fragment: String): Self

Returns a new path that either replaces the existing fragment component with the specified one or appends it if this path does not have a component yet.

Returns a new path that either replaces the existing fragment component with the specified one or appends it if this path does not have a component yet.

Inherited from:
def withSuffix(suffix: String): Self

Returns a new path that either replaces the existing suffix with the specified one or appends it if this path does not have a suffix yet.

Returns a new path that either replaces the existing suffix with the specified one or appends it if this path does not have a suffix yet.

Inherited from:

Returns a new path that discards this path's fragment, if present.

Returns a new path that discards this path's fragment, if present.

Inherited from:

Returns a new path that discards this path's suffix, if present.

Returns a new path that discards this path's suffix, if present.

Inherited from: