
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete fields

Parses any of the four supported types of footnote labels.

Parses any of the four supported types of footnote labels.


Parses punctuation characters as supported by transitions (rules) and overlines and underlines for header sections.

Parses punctuation characters as supported by transitions (rules) and overlines and underlines for header sections.

val simpleRefName: Parser[String]

Parses a simple reference name that only allows alphanumerical characters and the punctuation characters -, _, ., :, +.

Parses a simple reference name that only allows alphanumerical characters and the punctuation characters -, _, ., :, +.


Parses a size and its unit, e.g. 12px. The unit is mandatory and must be CSS-compatible.

Parses a size and its unit, e.g. 12px. The unit is mandatory and must be CSS-compatible.