
Type members


case class Classifier(content: Seq[Span], options: Options) extends Span with SpanContainer

A classifier for a term in a definition list.

A classifier for a term in a definition list.

case class Contents(title: String, source: SourceFragment, depth: Int, local: Boolean, options: Options) extends Block with BlockResolver

Generates a table of contents element inside a topic.

Generates a table of contents element inside a topic.

case class CustomizedTextRole(name: String, apply: String => Span, options: Options) extends Definition with Hidden

Temporary element to represent a customized text role that can be applied to spans of interpreted text. The apply function can then be applied to spans of interpreted text referring to the name of this role and passing the text as the argument to the function.

Temporary element to represent a customized text role that can be applied to spans of interpreted text. The apply function can then be applied to spans of interpreted text referring to the name of this role and passing the text as the argument to the function.

case class DoctestBlock(content: String, options: Options) extends Block with TextContainer

Represents an interactive Python session. Somewhat unlikely to be used in the context of this library, but included for the sake of completeness.

Represents an interactive Python session. Somewhat unlikely to be used in the context of this library, but included for the sake of completeness.

case class Field(name: Seq[Span], content: Seq[Block], options: Options) extends ListItem with BlockContainer

A single entry in a field list consisting of name and body.

A single entry in a field list consisting of name and body.

case class FieldList(content: Seq[Field], options: Options) extends Block with ListContainer with RewritableContainer

A two-column table-like structure used for bibliographic fields or directive options.

A two-column table-like structure used for bibliographic fields or directive options.

case class Include(path: String, source: SourceFragment, options: Options) extends Block with BlockResolver

Temporary element representing a file inclusion. The path is interpreted as relative to the path of the processed document if it is not an absolute path.

Temporary element representing a file inclusion. The path is interpreted as relative to the path of the processed document if it is not an absolute path.

case class InterpretedText(role: String, content: String, source: SourceFragment, options: Options) extends Reference with TextContainer

Temporary element to represent interpreted text with its associated role name. In a post-processing step this text will be replaced by the result of calling the corresponding role function.

Temporary element to represent interpreted text with its associated role name. In a post-processing step this text will be replaced by the result of calling the corresponding role function.

case class Line(content: Seq[Span], options: Options) extends LineBlockItem with SpanContainer

A single line inside a line block.

A single line inside a line block.

case class LineBlock(content: Seq[LineBlockItem], options: Options) extends LineBlockItem with ElementTraversal with RewritableContainer

A block containing lines which preserve line breaks and optionally nested line blocks.

A block containing lines which preserve line breaks and optionally nested line blocks.

object LineBlock
abstract class LineBlockItem extends Block with RewritableContainer

A single item inside a line block.

A single item inside a line block.

case class OptionArgument(value: String, delimiter: String, options: Options) extends Element

A single option argument.

A single option argument.

case class OptionList(content: Seq[OptionListItem], options: Options) extends Block with ListContainer with RewritableContainer

A list of command line options and descriptions.

A list of command line options and descriptions.

case class OptionListItem(programOptions: Seq[ProgramOption], content: Seq[Block], options: Options) extends ListItem with BlockContainer

A single item in an option list. The content property serves as the description of the option.

A single item in an option list. The content property serves as the description of the option.

case class OverlineAndUnderline(char: Char) extends HeaderDecoration

Header decoration consisting of both an overline and an underline.

Header decoration consisting of both an overline and an underline.

case class ProgramOption(name: String, argument: Option[OptionArgument], options: Options) extends Element

A single option, including its name and all arguments, but not the description.

A single option, including its name and all arguments, but not the description.

case class ReferenceName(original: String)

Represent a reference name. When resolving references whitespace needs to be normalized and the name converted to lower case.

Represent a reference name. When resolving references whitespace needs to be normalized and the name converted to lower case.

object RstStyle

Constants for style names wrapped in Options instances which are commonly used by Laika's reStructuredText parsers and rewrite rules.

Constants for style names wrapped in Options instances which are commonly used by Laika's reStructuredText parsers and rewrite rules.

case class SubstitutionDefinition(name: String, content: Span, options: Options) extends Definition with Hidden

A substitution definition with its span content that will be inserted wherever this substitution is referenced in flow content.

A substitution definition with its span content that will be inserted wherever this substitution is referenced in flow content.

case class SubstitutionReference(name: String, source: SourceFragment, options: Options) extends Reference

Refers to a substitution definition with the same name. This type of element will only temporarily be part of the document tree and replaced by the content of the substitution definition in a rewrite step.

Refers to a substitution definition with the same name. This type of element will only temporarily be part of the document tree and replaced by the content of the substitution definition in a rewrite step.

case class Underline(char: Char) extends HeaderDecoration

Header decoration consisting of an underline only.

Header decoration consisting of an underline only.