
Registry for all standard extensions of ReStructuredText as defined by the specification, except for those which allow for raw content pass-through, which are kept separately in RawContentExtensions.

See for details.

This extension is installed by default when using the reStructuredText parser.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

Base configuration that serves as a fallback for configuration files in the source directories and/or config headers in markup and template documents.

Base configuration that serves as a fallback for configuration files in the source directories and/or config headers in markup and template documents.

Inherited from:
def defaultTextRole: Option[String]

Overrides the name of the default text role to apply when interpreted text is used in markup without an explicit role name.

Overrides the name of the default text role to apply when interpreted text is used in markup without an explicit role name.

Inherited from:
def docTypeMatcher: PartialFunction[Path, DocumentType]

Specifies the function to use for determining the document type of the input based on its path.

Specifies the function to use for determining the document type of the input based on its path.

Any path for which this function is not defined will be processed by the remaining defined bundles. The documents for paths for which none of the extensions provides a DocumentType will be treated as static files to be copied over to the target directory in transformations by default.

Inherited from:

Extends the built-in path translator with additional functionality.

Extends the built-in path translator with additional functionality.

The internal path translator deals with aspects like applying the suffix for the output format or modifying the path for versioned documents and more.

The PathTranslatorExtensionContext provides access to this internal path translator, to the output format it is going to be used for and the complete user configuration.

In most cases, extensions can simply be created by using either PathTranslator.preTranslate or PathTranslator.postTranslate to apply additional translation steps either before or after applying the internal translator.

Alternatively a completely custom implementation of the PathTranslator trait can be provided, but this will usually not be necessary.

PathTranslator implementations usually do not deal with the fragment part of the path. Use the slugBuilder extension point for this purpose.

Inherited from:

Provides a version of this bundle that can be used in strict mode or None if the entire bundle should be removed in strict mode.

Provides a version of this bundle that can be used in strict mode or None if the entire bundle should be removed in strict mode.

When strict mode does not affect a bundle it can return Some(this).

Any bundle to be used in strict mode should be free from any parser extensions that adds features to markup syntax beyond their respective specifications.

Inherited from:

Specifies extensions and/or replacements for parsers that deal with text markup, templates, CSS or configuration headers.

Specifies extensions and/or replacements for parsers that deal with text markup, templates, CSS or configuration headers.

Inherited from:
override def processExtension: PartialFunction[ExtensionBundle, ExtensionBundle]
Definition Classes
Inherited from:

Provides a version of this bundle that can be used in the default run mode where raw content in markup documents (such as embedded HTML) is disabled.

Provides a version of this bundle that can be used in the default run mode where raw content in markup documents (such as embedded HTML) is disabled.

When a bundle does not add parsers for raw content it can return Some(this).

Any bundle to be used in the default run mode should be free from any parser extensions that allow raw content in markup. When the user switches the acceptRawContent flag to true then this method will not be invoked and the initial instance of the bundle is used.

Inherited from:

The overrides for renderers defined by this bundle.

The overrides for renderers defined by this bundle.

An override is always specific to a particular output format like HTML or PDF. A bundle can contain multiple overrides for the same output format which will be merged before use.

Inherited from:

Specifies rewrite rules to be applied to the document tree model between the parse and render operations.

Specifies rewrite rules to be applied to the document tree model between the parse and render operations.

The specified functions will be invoked for each document, allowing to capture information from the entire document tree before returning the actual rule, which is a partial function from Element to Option[Element] that allows to remove or replace elements from the tree.

Inherited from:
def slugBuilder: Option[String => String]

Function that receives the text of a headline, the name of a document or directory or a manually assigned identifier, and builds a slug from it that becomes part of the final URL or identifier (depending on output format).

Function that receives the text of a headline, the name of a document or directory or a manually assigned identifier, and builds a slug from it that becomes part of the final URL or identifier (depending on output format).

The result of the function must be:

  • a valid identifier in HTML and XML
  • a valid path segment in a URL
  • a valid file name
Inherited from:

Returns a new extension bundle by merging the content of this bundle with the content of the base bundle.

Returns a new extension bundle by merging the content of this bundle with the content of the base bundle.

The other bundle is treated as the base of this bundle, which means that:

  • in case of optional features a feature defined in this bundle will overwrite a feature defined in the base

  • in case of features applied in sequence, the features in this bundle will be applied before the features in the base bundle

  • in case of feature collections, the features of this bundle will be merged with those of the base bundle

Inherited from:

Concrete fields

override val description: String
override val origin: BundleOrigin
lazy val spanDirectives: Seq[Directive[Span]]
lazy val textRoles: Seq[TextRole]