
Type members


Configurable base parsers for character literals.

Configurable base parsers for character literals.

Convenient base trait that allows for passing the implementing instances anywhere either a PrefixedParser[Seq[CodeSpan]] or a CodeSpanParser is required for easier composition.

Convenient base trait that allows for passing the implementing instances anywhere either a PrefixedParser[Seq[CodeSpan]] or a CodeSpanParser is required for easier composition.

object Comment

Configurable base parsers for comments in code blocks.

Configurable base parsers for comments in code blocks.

Factories for creating a span parser that detects other syntax as part of the span.

Factories for creating a span parser that detects other syntax as part of the span.

object Identifier

Configurable base parsers for identifiers in code blocks.

Configurable base parsers for identifiers in code blocks.

object Keywords

Base parsers for keywords in code blocks.

Base parsers for keywords in code blocks.

Configurable base parsers for number literals.

Configurable base parsers for number literals.

Common suffixes for number literal denoting the number type.

Common suffixes for number literal denoting the number type.

Base parsers for regular expression literals in code blocks.

Base parsers for regular expression literals in code blocks.

Configurable base parsers for string literals.

Configurable base parsers for string literals.

Configurable base parsers for tag based formats like HTML or XML.

Configurable base parsers for tag based formats like HTML or XML.

case class TagParser(tagCategory: String => CodeCategory, start: String, end: String, tagName: PrefixedParser[String], embedded: Seq[CodeSpanParser]) extends CodeParserBase

Configurable base parser for tags in formats like HTML or XML.

Configurable base parser for tags in formats like HTML or XML.

object TagParser