
Type members


trait Format

Base trait for all types of input and output formats.

Base trait for all types of input and output formats.

trait MarkupFormat extends Format

Responsible for creating parser instances for a specific markup format. A parser is simply a function of type Input => Document.

Responsible for creating parser instances for a specific markup format. A parser is simply a function of type Input => Document.

case class RenderContext[FMT](renderChild: (FMT, Element) => String, root: Element, styles: StyleDeclarationSet, path: Path, pathTranslator: PathTranslator, config: RenderConfig)

Provides the context for a single render operation.

Provides the context for a single render operation.

Value parameters:

additional configuration for the renderer


the (virtual) path the output will be rendered to


translates paths of input documents to the corresponding output path


a render function to use for rendering the children of an element


the root element the new renderer will be used for


the styles the new renderer should apply to the rendered elements

trait RenderFormat[FMT] extends Format

Responsible for creating renderer instances for a specific output format. A renderer is simply a function of type (Formatter, Element) => String. In addition to the actual renderer function, the factory method also produces an instance of the generic FMT type which is the formatter API to use for custom renderer functions and which is specific to the output format.

Responsible for creating renderer instances for a specific output format. A renderer is simply a function of type (Formatter, Element) => String. In addition to the actual renderer function, the factory method also produces an instance of the generic FMT type which is the formatter API to use for custom renderer functions and which is specific to the output format.

trait TwoPhaseRenderFormat[FMT, PP] extends Format

Render format based on a render phase for an interim result and a post processor.

Render format based on a render phase for an interim result and a post processor.

Examples for such a format are PDF (with XSL-FO as the interim format) or EPUB (with XHTML as the interim format).