
package laika.format

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case object AST extends RenderFormat[TextFormatter]

A renderer for AST output (a formatted Abstract Syntax Tree), primarily useful for debugging purposes. May be directly passed to the Render or Transform APIs:

A renderer for AST output (a formatted Abstract Syntax Tree), primarily useful for debugging purposes. May be directly passed to the Render or Transform APIs:




trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Format
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
case object HTML extends RenderFormat[HTMLFormatter]

A render format for HTML output. May be directly passed to the Render or Transform APIs:

A render format for HTML output. May be directly passed to the Render or Transform APIs:




trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Format
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
case object Markdown extends MarkupFormat

A parser for Markdown text. Instances of this class may be passed directly to the Parser or Transformer APIs:

A parser for Markdown text. Instances of this class may be passed directly to the Parser or Transformer APIs:

val document = MarkupParser.of(Markdown).build.parse(inputString)


Since this library is not solely focused on producing HTML output, parsing verbatim HTML elements like defined by the official Markdown syntax description is an optional feature, as some types of renderers would not know what to do with HTML nodes in the document tree. It must be enabled explicitly:

val parser = MarkupParser.of(Markdown)

To switch off all custom extensions like directives, configuration sections at the start of the document or automatic id generation for headers, you can run the parser in strict mode:

val transformer = Transformer.from(Markdown).to(HTML).strict


trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Format
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
case object ReStructuredText extends MarkupFormat

A parser for text written in reStructuredText markup. Instances of this class may be passed directly to the Parseer or Transformer APIs:

A parser for text written in reStructuredText markup. Instances of this class may be passed directly to the Parseer or Transformer APIs:

val document = MarkupParser.of(ReStructuredText).build.parse(inputString)


reStructuredText has several types of extension points that are fully supported by Laika. For more information on how to implement and register those see laika.rst.bundle.RstExtensionRegistry.

In addition to the standard reStructuredText directives, the API also supports a custom directive type unique to Laika. They represent a library-wide extension mechanism and allow you to implement tags which can be used in any of the supported markup formats or in templates. If you need this level of flexibility, it is recommended to use the Laika directives, if you want to stay compatible with the reStructuredText reference parser, you should pick the standard directives.

Laika directives can be registered with the laika.directive.DirectiveRegistry extension bundle. The DSLs for creating directives are similar, but still different, due to differences in the feature set of the two variants. The Laika directives try to avoid some of the unnecessary complexities of reStructuredText directives.


trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Format
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

A renderer for XSL-FO output. May be directly passed to the Render or Transform APIs:

A renderer for XSL-FO output. May be directly passed to the Render or Transform APIs:



This renderer is usually used as an interim format for producing a PDF, where you do not deal with this format directly. But it can alternatively also be used as the final output and then get processed by external tools.


trait Format
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type