
abstract class BaseFormatter[Rep <: BaseFormatter[Rep]](renderChild: (Rep, Element) => String, currentElement: Element, parents: List[Element], indentation: Indentation, messageFilter: MessageFilter)

API basis for renderers that produce character output.



the active element currently being rendered


the indentation mechanism for this formatter


the filter to apply before rendering runtime messages


the stack of parent elements of this formatter in recursive rendering, with the root element being the last in the list


the function to use for rendering child elements

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def withChild(element: Element): Rep
protected def withIndentation(newIndentation: Indentation): Rep

Concrete methods

def child(element: Element): String

Renders the specified element on the current line.

Renders the specified element on the current line.


def childPerLine(elements: Seq[Element]): String

Renders the specified elements, each of them on a new line using the current level of indentation.

Renders the specified elements, each of them on a new line using the current level of indentation.


def children(elements: Seq[Element]): String

Renders the specified elements, all on the same line, without any separators.

Renders the specified elements, all on the same line, without any separators.


def forMessage(message: RuntimeMessage)(whenEnabled: String): String

Renders the specified string only when the given message has at least the minimum message level defined for this formatter instance.

Renders the specified string only when the given message has at least the minimum message level defined for this formatter instance.


def indented(f: Rep => String): String

Invokes the specified render function with a new formatter that is indented one level to the right of this formatter.

Invokes the specified render function with a new formatter that is indented one level to the right of this formatter.


def indentedChildren(elements: Seq[Element]): String

Renders the specified elements, each of them on a new line with the indentation increased one level to the right.

Renders the specified elements, each of them on a new line with the indentation increased one level to the right.


def withMinIndentation(minIndent: Int)(f: Rep => String): String

Invokes the specified render function with a formatter that has at least the specified minimum level of indentation. If this instance already has an indentation equal or greater to this value, the current level of indentation will be kept.

Invokes the specified render function with a formatter that has at least the specified minimum level of indentation. If this instance already has an indentation equal or greater to this value, the current level of indentation will be kept.


def withoutIndentation(f: Rep => String): String

Invokes the specified render function with a new formatter that has all indentation disabled.

Invokes the specified render function with a new formatter that has all indentation disabled.

This is usually only required when rendering literal elements or source code where rendered whitespace would be significant.


Concrete fields

val newLine: String

A newline character followed by whitespace matching the indentation level of this instance.

A newline character followed by whitespace matching the indentation level of this instance.
