

Parses verbatim HTML elements which may interleave with standard Markdown markup. Extends the Markdown block and inline parsers, overriding several of their parsers to add the HTML functionality.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

Parses an HTML element without the leading '<', but including all the nested HTML and Text elements, as well as any nested Markdown spans.

Parses an HTML element without the leading '<', but including all the nested HTML and Text elements, as well as any nested Markdown spans.


def htmlEndTag(tagName: String): DelimitedText

Parses an HTML end tag if it matches the specified tag name.

Parses an HTML end tag if it matches the specified tag name.


def htmlQuotedAttributeValue(c: String): Parser[(List[TextContainer], Option[Char])]

Parses an attribute value enclosed by the specified character.

Parses an attribute value enclosed by the specified character.


Concrete fields

Parses a single attribute, consisting of the name and (optional) equals sign and value.

Parses a single attribute, consisting of the name and (optional) equals sign and value.


val htmlAttributeValue: Parser[(List[TextContainer], Option[Char])]

Parses quoted and unquoted attribute values.

Parses quoted and unquoted attribute values.


Parses a full HTML block, with the root element being a block-level HTML element and without parsing any standard Markdown markup.

Parses a full HTML block, with the root element being a block-level HTML element and without parsing any standard Markdown markup.


val htmlBlockElements: Set[String]

Elements that the HTML specification does not define as "Phrasing Content". These elements can serve as the root of a Block instance in the Document model. For an HTML renderer this means that it can avoid to wrap these blocks inside p tags as it would do with a normal paragraph.

Elements that the HTML specification does not define as "Phrasing Content". These elements can serve as the root of a Block instance in the Document model. For an HTML renderer this means that it can avoid to wrap these blocks inside p tags as it would do with a normal paragraph.


Parses the start tag of an HTML block, only matches when the tag name is an actual block-level HTML tag.

Parses the start tag of an HTML block, only matches when the tag name is an actual block-level HTML tag.


Parses a numeric or named character reference.

Parses a numeric or named character reference.


Parses a numeric or named character reference without the leading '&'.

Parses a numeric or named character reference without the leading '&'.


Parses an HTML comment without the leading '<'.

Parses an HTML comment without the leading '<'.


Parses an HTML element without the leading '<', but including all the nested HTML and Text elements.

Parses an HTML element without the leading '<', but including all the nested HTML and Text elements.


Parses an empty HTML element without the leading '<'. Only recognizes empty tags explicitly closed.

Parses an empty HTML element without the leading '<'. Only recognizes empty tags explicitly closed.


Parses an HTML end tag without the leading '<'.

Parses an HTML end tag without the leading '<'.


Parses a numeric character reference (decimal or hexadecimal) without the leading '&'.

Parses a numeric character reference (decimal or hexadecimal) without the leading '&'.


Parses an HTML comment without the leading '<'.

Parses an HTML comment without the leading '<'.


Parses any of the HTML span elements supported by this trait, plus standard markdown inside HTML elements.

Parses any of the HTML span elements supported by this trait, plus standard markdown inside HTML elements.


Parses any of the HTML span elements supported by this trait, but no standard markdown inside HTML elements.

Parses any of the HTML span elements supported by this trait, but no standard markdown inside HTML elements.


Parses an HTML start tag without the leading '<'. Only recognizes empty tags explicitly closed.

Parses an HTML start tag without the leading '<'. Only recognizes empty tags explicitly closed.


Parses an HTML tag without the enclosing '<' and '>' characters.

Parses an HTML tag without the enclosing '<' and '>' characters.


val htmlTagName: Parser[String]
val htmlUnquotedAttributeValue: Parser[(List[TextContainer], Option[Char])]
val htmlWS: Parser[String]

Parses and consumes optional whitespace, always succeeds.

Parses and consumes optional whitespace, always succeeds.
