

Parses a sequence of blocks based on the available block types of the host markup language.

This parser always parses to the end of the input, therefore it is usually applied to the result of a previous parser invocation.

The API is restricted and not the standard Parser API to prevent invocations with just a plain string which would lose all position tracking in error messages. Instead both methods expect a full SourceFragment instance which carries the context of the root input.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Abstract methods

Parses the specified input while leaving all error handling to the call-site. Use parseAndRecover instead if you want to allow the error handling to be controlled by user configuration.

Parses the specified input while leaving all error handling to the call-site. Use parseAndRecover instead if you want to allow the error handling to be controlled by user configuration.


Parses the specified input while recovering from all errors by inserting instances of InvalidBlock which leaves the error handling to the user's configuration.

Parses the specified input while recovering from all errors by inserting instances of InvalidBlock which leaves the error handling to the user's configuration.
