

Provides parser implementation for configuration header sections in text markup files, which are expected to be in HOCON format.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def betweenLines(startDelim: String, endDelim: String): Parser[ConfigParser]

Parser for configuration headers which are enclosed between the specified start and end delimiters. These delimiters are expected to be both on a separate line.

Parser for configuration headers which are enclosed between the specified start and end delimiters. These delimiters are expected to be both on a separate line.


def forTextParser(parser: Parser[String]): Parser[ConfigParser]

Generic base parser for configuration headers based on the specified string parser.

Generic base parser for configuration headers based on the specified string parser.

The parser is expected to detect and consume any start and end delimiters without adding them to the result which is supposed to be a string in HOCON format.

The contract for such a parser is that it fails if it cannot successfully read the expected start or end delimiters, so that other parsers (if defined) can be tried instead.


def merge(config: Config, values: Seq[(String, ConfigValue)]): Config

Parser for default configuration headers which are enclosed between lines containing {% and %} respectively.

Parser for default configuration headers which are enclosed between lines containing {% and %} respectively.
