
class InlineDelimiter(nestedDelimiters: Set[Char], endDelimiters: Delimiter[String])

Delimiter implementation for parsing inline spans that distinguishes between a delimiter that marks the end of the span and a delimiter that marks the start of a nested span.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def atEOF(charsConsumed: Int, source: SourceCursor): Parsed[InlineResult]

Method invoked when the end of the input is reached.

Method invoked when the end of the input is reached.



the number of characters consumed before EOF has been reached


the parser context at the position EOF has been reached


the result of the parser

def atStartChar(startChar: Char, charsConsumed: Int, source: SourceCursor): DelimiterResult[InlineResult]

Method invoked every time the parser encounters any of the startChars. The result is either Continue in case the additional conditions for the delimiter are not met at this position, or a Complete instance containing the result.

Method invoked every time the parser encounters any of the startChars. The result is either Continue in case the additional conditions for the delimiter are not met at this position, or a Complete instance containing the result.



the number of characters consumed before the delimiter has been reached


the parser context at the position the delimiter has been reached


the start character that was encountered on the input string (matches one of the characters in the startChar set)


either Continue in case the additional conditions for the delimiter are not met at this position, or a Complete instance containing the result

Concrete fields

val startChars: Set[Char]

The start characters that mark the (potential) end of the delimited text in case the conditions implemented in atStartChar are met.

The start characters that mark the (potential) end of the delimited text in case the conditions implemented in atStartChar are met.
