
trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def empty[W[_], M[_], R, A](implicit M: PlusEmpty[M]): ContsT[W, M, R, A]

Inherited methods

def callCC[W[_], M[_], R, O, A, B](f: A => IndexedContsT[W, M, O, O, B] => IndexedContsT[W, M, R, O, A])(implicit W: Comonad[W]): IndexedContsT[W, M, R, O, A]
def contracohoist[W[_], V[_], M[_], R, O](f: NaturalTransformation[V, W]): NaturalTransformation[[_] =>> IndexedContsT[W, M, R, O, _$23], [_] =>> IndexedContsT[V, M, R, O, _$24]]
def liftM[W[_], M[_], R, A](a: => M[A])(implicit W: Comonad[W], M: Bind[M]): ContsT[W, M, R, A]
def point[W[_], M[_], R, A](a: => A)(implicit W: Comonad[W]): ContsT[W, M, R, A]
def reset[W[_], M[_], R, O, A](v: IndexedContsT[W, M, A, O, O])(implicit W: Comonad[W], WA: Applicative[W], M: Monad[M]): IndexedContsT[W, M, R, R, A]
def shift[W[_], M[_], I, R, J, O, A](f: A => IndexedContsT[W, M, I, I, O] => IndexedContsT[W, M, R, J, J])(implicit W: Comonad[W], WA: Applicative[W], M: Monad[M]): IndexedContsT[W, M, R, O, A]
def xhoist[W[_], M[_], N[_], R, O](f: NaturalTransformation[M, N], g: NaturalTransformation[N, M])(implicit W: Functor[W]): NaturalTransformation[[_] =>> IndexedContsT[W, M, R, O, _$16], [_] =>> IndexedContsT[W, N, R, O, _$17]]


Inherited implicits

def ContsTBind[W[_], M[_], R](implicit W0: Cobind[W]): Bind[[_] =>> ContsT[W, M, R, _$39]]
def ContsTMonad[W[_], M[_], R](implicit W0: Comonad[W]): Monad[[_] =>> ContsT[W, M, R, _$42]]
def ContsTMonadPlus[W[_], M[_], R](implicit W0: Comonad[W], M0: PlusEmpty[M]): MonadPlus[[_] =>> ContsT[W, M, R, _$55]]
def IndexedContsTBifunctor[W[_], M[_], O](implicit W0: Functor[W], M0: Functor[M]): Bifunctor[[_, _] =>> IndexedContsT[W, M, _$51, O, _$52]]
def IndexedContsTContravariant[W[_], M[_], R, A](implicit W0: Functor[W], M0: Functor[M]): Contravariant[[_] =>> IndexedContsT[W, M, R, _$48, A]]
def IndexedContsTFunctorLeft[W[_], M[_], O, A](implicit M0: Functor[M]): Functor[[_] =>> IndexedContsT[W, M, _$45, O, A]]
def IndexedContsTFunctorRight[W[_], M[_], R, O](implicit W0: Functor[W]): Functor[[_] =>> IndexedContsT[W, M, R, O, _$36]]