
final case
class OneAnd[F[_], A](head: A, tail: F[A])

A generalization of NonEmptyList to non-List things. For example, OneAnd[Vector, A] is a non-empty Vector of A.

Only head and tail are provided as direct methods, because there's little you can do with a OneAnd without knowing a bit about F. So useful functions are provided in the form of typeclass instances on OneAnd's companion; in combination with syntax extensions provided by scalaz.syntax, OneAnd has a large possible set of methods available by importing. For example, Applicative on this requires ApplicativePlus[F], and Traverse1 on this requires Traverse[F]. See the companion documentation for a complete list of instances.

Additionally, unlike λ[α => (α, F[α])], the behavior of typeclass operations on OneAnd should be preserved across the natural transformation to scalaz.NonEmptyList where one exists. That is it should "be like" a nonempty structure. For example, ap-ing two OneAnd[Vector, *]s or NonEmptyLists of lengths a and b yields a sequence of same type of length a×b, but two λ[α => (α, Vector[α])]s of length c and d ap to one of length 1+(c–1)×(d–1). For another example, point of the former two yield a one-element sequence, but point of the latter yields a two-element sequence.



trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from