
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Scalaz
object option

Value members

Concrete methods

def cata[A, X](oa: Option[A])(some: A => X, none: => X): X

Catamorphism over the option. Returns the provided function some applied to item contained in the Option if it is defined, otherwise, the provided value none.

Catamorphism over the option. Returns the provided function some applied to item contained in the Option if it is defined, otherwise, the provided value none.

def fold[A, X](oa: Option[A])(some: A => X, none: => X): X

Alias for cata

Alias for cata

def foldLift[F[_], A, B](oa: Option[A])(b: => B, k: F[A] => B)(implicit p: Applicative[F]): B

Returns the given value if None, otherwise lifts the Some value and passes it to the given function.

Returns the given value if None, otherwise lifts the Some value and passes it to the given function.

def foldLiftOpt[A, B](oa: Option[A])(b: => B, k: Option[A] => B): B

Returns the given value if None, otherwise lifts the Some value to Option and passes it to the given function.

Returns the given value if None, otherwise lifts the Some value to Option and passes it to the given function.

def none[A]: Option[A]

scala.None with a sometimes more convenient type.

scala.None with a sometimes more convenient type.

def orEmpty[A, M[_] : PlusEmpty](oa: Option[A]): M[A]

Returns the item contained in the Option wrapped in type M if the Option is defined, otherwise, the empty value for type M.

Returns the item contained in the Option wrapped in type M if the Option is defined, otherwise, the empty value for type M.

def some[A](a: A): Option[A]

scala.Some.apply with a sometimes more convenient type.

scala.Some.apply with a sometimes more convenient type.

def toFailure[A, B](oa: Option[A])(b: => B): Validation[A, B]
def toFailureNel[A, B](oa: Option[A])(b: => B): ValidationNel[A, B]
def toLeft[A, B](oa: Option[A])(b: => B): A \/ B
def toMaybe[A](oa: Option[A]): Maybe[A]
def toRight[A, E](oa: Option[A])(e: => E): E \/ A
def toSuccess[A, E](oa: Option[A])(e: => E): Validation[E, A]
def toSuccessNel[A, E](oa: Option[A])(e: => E): ValidationNel[E, A]