
object Tag
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class TagOf[T] extends NaturalTransformation[Id, @@]
See also


Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[@specialized A, T](a: A): A @@ T

subst specialized to Id.

subst specialized to Id.


According to Miles, @specialized doesn't help here. Maybe manually specialize.

def of[T]: TagOf[T]

Variants of apply, subst, and unsubst that require specifying the tag type but are more likely to infer the other type parameters.

Variants of apply, subst, and unsubst that require specifying the tag type but are more likely to infer the other type parameters.

def subst[A, F[_], T](fa: F[A]): F[A @@ T]

Add a tag T to A.

Add a tag T to A.

NB: It is unsafe to subst or unsubst a tag in an F that is sensitive to the A type within. For example, if F is a GADT, rather than a normal ADT, it is probably unsafe. For "normal" types like List and function types, it is safe. More broadly, if it is possible to write a ''legal'' scalaz.InvariantFunctor over the parameter, subst of that parameter is safe.

We do not have a type role system in Scala with which to declare the exact situations under which subst is safe. If we did, we would declare that subst is safe if and only if the parameter has "representational" or "phantom" role.

def subst1[G[_], F[_[_]], T](fa: F[G]): F[[α] =>> G[α] @@ T]

Add a tag T to G[_]

Add a tag T to G[_]

def unsubst[A, F[_], T](fa: F[A @@ T]): F[A]

Remove the tag T, leaving A.

Remove the tag T, leaving A.

def unsubst1[G[_], F[_[_]], T](fa: F[[α] =>> G[α] @@ T]): F[G]

Remove the tag T, leaving G

Remove the tag T, leaving G

def unwrap[@specialized A, T](a: A @@ T): A

unsubst specialized to Id.

unsubst specialized to Id.