
sealed abstract
class STArray[S, A]

Mutable array in state thread S containing values of type A.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def size: Int
def z: A

Concrete methods

def fill[B](f: (A, B) => A, xs: Iterable[(Int, B)]): ST[S, Unit]

Fill this array from the given association list.

Fill this array from the given association list.

Turns a mutable array into an immutable one which is safe to return.

Turns a mutable array into an immutable one which is safe to return.

def read(i: Int): ST[S, A]

Reads the value at the given index.

Reads the value at the given index.

def update[B](f: (A, B) => A, i: Int, v: B): ST[S, Unit]

Combine the given value with the value at the given index, using the given function.

Combine the given value with the value at the given index, using the given function.

def write(i: Int, a: A): ST[S, STArray[S, A]]

Writes the given value to the array, at the given offset.

Writes the given value to the array, at the given offset.



def tag: ClassTag[A]