
Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[E, A](s: Step[E, A]): Iteratee[E, A]

Inherited methods

def cogroupE[J, K, F[_]](implicit M: Monad[F], ord: (J, K) => Ordering): (EnumeratorP[J, F], EnumeratorP[K, F]) => EnumeratorP[Either3[J, (J, K), K], F]
Inherited from
def collect[O, I, F[_] : Monad](pf: PartialFunction[O, I]): EnumerateeT[O, I, F]
Inherited from
def collect[A, F[_]](implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], pt: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[A, F[A]]

Iteratee that collects all inputs with the given monoid.

Iteratee that collects all inputs with the given monoid.

Inherited from
def collectT[E, F[_], A[_]](implicit M: Monad[F], mae: Monoid[A[E]], pointed: Applicative[A]): IterateeT[E, F, A[E]]
Inherited from
def consume[E, F[_] : Monad, A[_] : Applicative]: IterateeT[E, F, A[E]]

An iteratee that consumes all of the input into something that is PlusEmpty and Applicative.

An iteratee that consumes all of the input into something that is PlusEmpty and Applicative.

Inherited from
def cont[E, F[_] : Applicative, A](c: Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]): IterateeT[E, F, A]
Inherited from
def cross[E1, E2, F[_] : Monad](e2: EnumeratorT[E2, F]): EnumerateeT[E1, (E1, E2), F]
Inherited from
def done[E, F[_] : Applicative, A](d: => A, r: => Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, A]
Inherited from
def doneOr[O, I, F[_] : Applicative, A](f: Input[I] => IterateeT[I, F, A] => IterateeT[O, F, StepT[I, F, A]]): StepT[I, F, A] => IterateeT[O, F, StepT[I, F, A]]
Inherited from
def drop[E, F[_] : Applicative](n: Int): IterateeT[E, F, Unit]

An iteratee that skips the first n elements of the input *

An iteratee that skips the first n elements of the input *

Inherited from
def dropUntil[E, F[_] : Applicative](p: E => Boolean): IterateeT[E, F, Unit]

An iteratee that skips elements until the predicate evaluates to true.

An iteratee that skips elements until the predicate evaluates to true.

Inherited from
def dropWhile[E, F[_] : Applicative](p: E => Boolean): IterateeT[E, F, Unit]

An iteratee that skips elements while the predicate evaluates to true.

An iteratee that skips elements while the predicate evaluates to true.

Inherited from
def elInput[E](e: => E): Input[E]
Inherited from
def empty[E, F[_]]: EnumeratorP[E, F]
Inherited from
def empty[E, F[_] : Applicative]: EnumeratorT[E, F]
Inherited from
def emptyInput[E]: Input[E]
Inherited from
def enumArray[E, F[_] : Monad](a: Array[E], min: Int, max: Option[Int]): EnumeratorT[E, F]

An enumerator that yields the elements of the specified array from index min (inclusive) to max (exclusive)

An enumerator that yields the elements of the specified array from index min (inclusive) to max (exclusive)

Inherited from
def enumEofT[E, F[_] : Applicative]: EnumeratorT[E, F]

An EnumeratorT that is at EOF

An EnumeratorT that is at EOF

Inherited from
def enumIndexedSeq[E, F[_] : Monad](a: IndexedSeq[E], min: Int, max: Option[Int]): EnumeratorT[E, F]
Inherited from
def enumInputStream[F[_]](is: => InputStream)(implicit MO: MonadPartialOrder[F, IO]): EnumeratorT[IoExceptionOr[Byte], F]
Inherited from
def enumIoSource[T, E, F[_]](get: () => IoExceptionOr[T], gotdata: IoExceptionOr[T] => Boolean, render: T => E)(implicit MO: MonadPartialOrder[F, IO]): EnumeratorT[IoExceptionOr[E], F]
Inherited from
def enumIterator[E, F[_]](x: => Iterator[E])(implicit MO: MonadPartialOrder[F, IO]): EnumeratorT[E, F]
Inherited from
def enumList[E, F[_] : Monad](xs: List[E]): EnumeratorT[E, F]
Inherited from
def enumOne[E, F[_] : Applicative](e: E): EnumeratorT[E, F]
Inherited from
def enumPStream[E, F[_] : Monad](xs: Stream[E]): EnumeratorP[E, F]
Inherited from
def enumReader[F[_]](r: => Reader)(implicit MO: MonadPartialOrder[F, IO]): EnumeratorT[IoExceptionOr[Char], F]
Inherited from
def enumStream[E, F[_] : Monad](xs: Stream[E]): EnumeratorT[E, F]
Inherited from
def enumerate[E](as: Stream[E]): Enumerator[E]
Inherited from
def eofInput[E]: Input[E]
Inherited from
def filter[E, F[_] : Monad](p: E => Boolean): EnumerateeT[E, E, F]
Inherited from
def flatMap[O, I, F[_] : Monad](f: O => EnumeratorT[I, F]): EnumerateeT[O, I, F]
Inherited from
def fold[E, F[_] : Applicative, A](init: A)(f: (A, E) => A): IterateeT[E, F, A]
Inherited from
def foldM[E, F[_], A](init: A)(f: (A, E) => F[A])(implicit m: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, A]
Inherited from
def group[E, F[_], G[_]](n: Int)(implicit F: Applicative[F], FE: Monoid[F[E]], G: Monad[G]): EnumerateeT[E, F[E], G]
Inherited from
def groupBy[A, F[_]](pred: (A, A) => Boolean)(implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], pr: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[A, F[A]]

Produces chunked output split by the given predicate.

Produces chunked output split by the given predicate.

Inherited from
def head[E, F[_] : Applicative]: IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]]

An iteratee that consumes the head of the input *

An iteratee that consumes the head of the input *

Inherited from
def headDoneOr[E, F[_] : Monad, B](b: => B, f: E => IterateeT[E, F, B]): IterateeT[E, F, B]
Inherited from
def isEof[E, F[_] : Applicative]: IterateeT[E, F, Boolean]

An iteratee that checks if the input is EOF.

An iteratee that checks if the input is EOF.

Inherited from
def iterate[E, F[_] : Monad](f: E => E, e: E): EnumeratorT[E, F]
Inherited from
def iteratee[E, A](s: Step[E, A]): Iteratee[E, A]
Inherited from
def iterateeT[E, F[_], A](s: F[StepT[E, F, A]]): IterateeT[E, F, A]
Inherited from
def joinE[J, K, F[_]](implicit M: Monad[F], ord: (J, K) => Ordering): (EnumeratorP[J, F], EnumeratorP[K, F]) => EnumeratorP[(J, K), F]
Inherited from
def length[E, F[_] : Applicative]: IterateeT[E, F, Int]

An iteratee that counts and consumes the elements of the input

An iteratee that counts and consumes the elements of the input

Inherited from
def liftE2[J, K, I, F[_]](e2t: ForallM[[β[_]] =>> Enumeratee2T[J, K, I, β]]): (EnumeratorP[J, F], EnumeratorP[K, F]) => EnumeratorP[I, F]
Inherited from
def map[O, I, F[_] : Monad](f: O => I): EnumerateeT[O, I, F]

Applies a function to each input element and feeds the resulting outputs to the inner iteratee.

Applies a function to each input element and feeds the resulting outputs to the inner iteratee.

Inherited from
def mergeAll[E : Order, F[_] : Monad](enumerators: EnumeratorP[E, F]*): EnumeratorP[E, F]
Inherited from
def mergeE[E : Order, F[_] : Monad]: (EnumeratorP[E, F], EnumeratorP[E, F]) => EnumeratorP[E, F]
Inherited from
def peek[E, F[_] : Applicative]: IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]]

An iteratee that returns the first element of the input *

An iteratee that returns the first element of the input *

Inherited from
def peekDoneOr[E, F[_] : Monad, B](b: => B, f: E => IterateeT[E, F, B]): IterateeT[E, F, B]
Inherited from
def perform[E, F[_], B](f: F[B]): EnumeratorP[E, F]
Inherited from
def perform[E, F[_] : Monad, B](f: F[B]): EnumeratorT[E, F]

An enumerator that forces the evaluation of an effect in the F monad when it is consumed.

An enumerator that forces the evaluation of an effect in the F monad when it is consumed.

Inherited from
def putStrTo[E](os: OutputStream)(implicit s: Show[E]): IterateeT[E, IO, Unit]

An iteratee that writes input to the output stream as it comes in. Useful for debugging.

An iteratee that writes input to the output stream as it comes in. Useful for debugging.

Inherited from
def repeat[E, F[_] : Monad](e: E): EnumeratorT[E, F]
Inherited from
def repeatBuild[E, A, F[_]](iter: Iteratee[E, A])(implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], F: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[E, F[A]]

Repeats the given iteratee by appending with the given monoid.

Repeats the given iteratee by appending with the given monoid.

Inherited from
def reversed[A, F[_]](implicit r: Reducer[A, F[A]]): Iteratee[A, F[A]]

Iteratee that collects all inputs in reverse with the given reducer.

Iteratee that collects all inputs in reverse with the given reducer.

This iteratee is useful for F[_] with efficient cons, i.e. List.

Inherited from
def scont[E, F[_], A](c: Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]): StepT[E, F, A]
Inherited from
def sdone[E, F[_], A](d: => A, r: => Input[E]): StepT[E, F, A]
Inherited from
def splitOn[E, F[_], G[_]](p: E => Boolean)(implicit F: Applicative[F], FE: Monoid[F[E]], G: Monad[G]): EnumerateeT[E, F[E], G]
Inherited from
def sum[E : Monoid, F[_] : Monad]: IterateeT[E, F, E]
Inherited from
def take[A, F[_]](n: Int)(implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], pt: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[A, F[A]]

Iteratee that collects the first n inputs.

Iteratee that collects the first n inputs.

Inherited from
def takeUntil[A, F[_]](p: A => Boolean)(implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], pt: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[A, F[A]]

Iteratee that collects inputs with the given monoid until the input element passes a test.

Iteratee that collects inputs with the given monoid until the input element passes a test.

Inherited from
def takeWhile[A, F[_]](p: A => Boolean)(implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], pt: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[A, F[A]]

Iteratee that collects inputs with the given monoid until the input element fails a test.

Iteratee that collects inputs with the given monoid until the input element fails a test.

Inherited from
def uniq[E : Order, F[_] : Monad]: EnumerateeT[E, E, F]

Uniqueness filter. Assumes that the input enumerator is already sorted.

Uniqueness filter. Assumes that the input enumerator is already sorted.

Inherited from
def zipWithIndex[E, F[_] : Monad]: EnumerateeT[E, (E, Long), F]

Zips with the count of elements that have been encountered.

Zips with the count of elements that have been encountered.

Inherited from