
final class MappedQuery(query: SqlQuery, val aliasedMappings: AliasedMappings)

Represents the mapping of a GraphQL query to an SQL query

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def fetch: F[Table]

Execute this query in F

Execute this query in F

def group(context: Context, table: Table): List[Table]

Yield a list of Tables one for each of the subobjects of the context type contained in table.

Yield a list of Tables one for each of the subobjects of the context type contained in table.

def index(col: ColumnRef): Int

The index of the given unaliased column in the result set

The index of the given unaliased column in the result set

def narrow(narrowedContext: Context, table: Table): Table

Yield a Table containing only subojects of the narrowedContext type

Yield a Table containing only subojects of the narrowedContext type

def narrowsTo(narrowedContext: Context, table: Table): Boolean

Does table contain subobjects of the type of the narrowedContext type

Does table contain subobjects of the type of the narrowedContext type

def selectAtomicField(context: Context, fieldName: String, table: Table): Result[Any]

Return the value of the field fieldName in context from table

Return the value of the field fieldName in context from table

def stripNulls(context: Context, table: Table): Table

Retain only rows of table which correspond to complete values of the context type

Retain only rows of table which correspond to complete values of the context type

Concrete fields

lazy val fragment: Fragment