
trait SqlMappingValidator extends MappingValidator
trait MappingValidator
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class InconsistentTypeMapping(owner: ObjectType, field: Field, sf: SqlField, lm: LeafMapping[_]) extends Failure

SqlField codec and LeafMapping are inconsistent.

SqlField codec and LeafMapping are inconsistent.

Inherited classlikes

case class CannotValidateFieldMapping(owner: ObjectType, field: Field, fieldMapping: FieldMapping)

Can't validate this kind of FieldMapping.

Can't validate this kind of FieldMapping.

Inherited from
case class CannotValidateTypeMapping(typeMapping: TypeMapping)

Can't validate this kind of FieldMapping.

Can't validate this kind of FieldMapping.

Inherited from
case class InapplicableGraphQLType(typeMapping: TypeMapping, expected: String)

GraphQL type isn't applicable for mapping type.

GraphQL type isn't applicable for mapping type.

Inherited from
case class MissingFieldMapping(owner: ObjectMapping, field: Field)

Object type owner declares field but no such mapping exists.

Object type owner declares field but no such mapping exists.

Inherited from
case class MissingTypeMapping(tpe: Type)

Missing type mapping.

Missing type mapping.

Inherited from
case class ReferencedFieldDoesNotExist(objectMapping: ObjectMapping, fieldMapping: FieldMapping)

Referenced field does not exist.

Referenced field does not exist.

Inherited from
case class ReferencedTypeDoesNotExist(typeMapping: TypeMapping)

Referenced type does not exist.

Referenced type does not exist.

Inherited from


type F[_]
type M <: SqlMapping[F]

Value members

Inherited methods

def unsafeValidate(severity: Severity): Unit

Run this validator, raising a ValidationException if there are any failures of severity equal to or greater than the specified Severity.

Run this validator, raising a ValidationException if there are any failures of severity equal to or greater than the specified Severity.

Inherited from
def validate[G[_]](severity: Severity)(implicit ev: ApplicativeError[G, Throwable]): G[Unit]

Run this validator, raising a ValidationException in G if there are any failures of severity equal to or greater than the specified Severity.

Run this validator, raising a ValidationException in G if there are any failures of severity equal to or greater than the specified Severity.

Inherited from
def validateMapping(severity: Severity): List[Failure]

Run this validator, yielding a chain of Failures of severity equal to or greater than the specified Severity.

Run this validator, yielding a chain of Failures of severity equal to or greater than the specified Severity.

Inherited from

Abstract fields

val mapping: M