
trait SqlFragment[T] extends Monoid[T]

Typeclass for SQL fragments.

trait Monoid[T]
trait Semigroup[T]
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def andOpt(fs: Option[T]*): T

Returns (f1) AND (f2) AND ... (fn) for all defined fragments.

Returns (f1) AND (f2) AND ... (fn) for all defined fragments.

def bind[A](encoder: Encoder, value: A): T
def const(s: String): T
def in[G[_], A](f: T, fs: G[A], enc: Encoder)(implicit evidence$1: Reducible[G]): T
def needsCollation(codec: Codec): Boolean
def orOpt(fs: Option[T]*): T

Returns (f1) OR (f2) OR ... (fn) for all defined fragments.

Returns (f1) OR (f2) OR ... (fn) for all defined fragments.

def parentheses(f: T): T
def sqlTypeName(codec: Codec): Option[String]
def whereAnd(fs: T*): T

Returns WHERE (f1) AND (f2) AND ... (fn) or the empty fragment if fs is empty.

Returns WHERE (f1) AND (f2) AND ... (fn) or the empty fragment if fs is empty.

def whereAndOpt(fs: Option[T]*): T

Returns WHERE (f1) AND (f2) AND ... (fn) for defined f, if any, otherwise the empty fragment.

Returns WHERE (f1) AND (f2) AND ... (fn) for defined f, if any, otherwise the empty fragment.

Inherited methods

def combine(x: T, y: T): T

Associative operation which combines two values.

Associative operation which combines two values.


scala> import cats.kernel.instances.string._
scala> import cats.kernel.instances.int._
scala> import cats.kernel.instances.option._

scala> Semigroup[String].combine("Hello ", "World!")
res0: String = Hello World!

scala> Semigroup[Option[Int]].combine(None, Some(1))
res1: Option[Int] = Some(1)
Inherited from
def combineAll(as: IterableOnce[T]): T

Given a sequence of as, sum them using the monoid and return the total.

Given a sequence of as, sum them using the monoid and return the total.


scala> import cats.kernel.instances.string._

scala> Monoid[String].combineAll(List("One ", "Two ", "Three"))
res0: String = One Two Three

scala> Monoid[String].combineAll(List.empty)
res1: String = ""
Inherited from
override def combineAllOption(as: IterableOnce[T]): Option[T]
Definition Classes
Monoid -> Semigroup
Inherited from
override def combineN(a: T, n: Int): T

Return a appended to itself n times.

Return a appended to itself n times.


scala> import cats.kernel.instances.string._

scala> Monoid[String].combineN("ha", 3)
res0: String = hahaha

scala> Monoid[String].combineN("ha", 0)
res1: String = ""
Definition Classes
Monoid -> Semigroup
Inherited from
def empty: T

Return the identity element for this monoid.

Return the identity element for this monoid.


scala> import cats.kernel.instances.int._
scala> import cats.kernel.instances.string._

scala> Monoid[String].empty
res0: String = ""

scala> Monoid[Int].empty
res1: Int = 0
Inherited from
def intercalate(middle: T): Semigroup[T]

Between each pair of elements insert middle This name matches the term used in Foldable and Reducible and a similar Haskell function.

Between each pair of elements insert middle This name matches the term used in Foldable and Reducible and a similar Haskell function.

Inherited from
def isEmpty(a: T)(implicit ev: Eq[T]): Boolean

Tests if a is the identity.

Tests if a is the identity.


scala> import cats.kernel.instances.string._

scala> Monoid[String].isEmpty("")
res0: Boolean = true

scala> Monoid[String].isEmpty("something")
res1: Boolean = false
Inherited from
override def reverse: Monoid[T]
Definition Classes
Monoid -> Semigroup
Inherited from