
case class SqlUnion(elems: List[SqlSelect], aliases: List[String]) extends SqlQuery

Representation of a UNION ALL of SQL SELECTs

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait SqlQuery
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def addColumns(cols: List[ColumnRef]): SqlUnion

Add the given columns to this query

Add the given columns to this query

def addFilterOrderByLimit(pred: Option[Predicate], oss: Option[List[OrderSelection[_]]], limit: Option[Int], folQuery: Option[SqlSelect], aliasedMappings: AliasedMappings): Option[(SqlUnion, AliasedMappings)]

Add WHERE, ORDER BY and LIMIT to this query

Add WHERE, ORDER BY and LIMIT to this query

def fetch: F[Table]

Execute this query in F

Execute this query in F

def index(col: ColumnRef): Int

The index of the given unaliased column in the result set

The index of the given unaliased column in the result set

def nest(parentContext: Context, fieldName: String, resultName: String, extraCols: List[ColumnRef], extraJoins: List[SqlJoin], aliasedMappings: AliasedMappings): (SqlQuery, AliasedMappings)

Nest this query as a subobject in the enclosing parentContext

Nest this query as a subobject in the enclosing parentContext

def withContext(context: Context): SqlUnion

This query in the given context

This query in the given context

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from

Concrete fields

lazy val alignedCols: List[ColumnRef]

The union of the columns of the underlying SELECTs in the order they will be yielded as the columns of this UNION

The union of the columns of the underlying SELECTs in the order they will be yielded as the columns of this UNION

lazy val alignedElems: List[SqlSelect]

The underlying SELECTs with their columns permuted into the aligned order with any missing columns padded as NULLs

The underlying SELECTs with their columns permuted into the aligned order with any missing columns padded as NULLs

val context: Context

The context for this query

The context for this query