
case class SqlRoot(fieldName: String, orootTpe: Option[Type], mutation: Mutation)(implicit pos: SourcePos) extends RootMapping
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def cursor(query: Query, env: Env, resultName: Option[String]): Stream[F, Result[(Query, Cursor)]]
def stripFilters(query: Query, context: Context, am: AliasedMappings): Query

Filters which can be compiled to SQL are eliminated here, partly to avoid duplicating work programmatically, but also because the result set doesn't necessarily contain the fields required for the filter predicates.

Filters which can be compiled to SQL are eliminated here, partly to avoid duplicating work programmatically, but also because the result set doesn't necessarily contain the fields required for the filter predicates.

def withParent(tpe: Type): SqlRoot

Inherited methods

def hidden: Boolean
Inherited from
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from
final def run(query: Query, env: Env, resultName: Option[String]): Stream[F, Result[(Query, Cursor)]]

Run this RootMapping's mutation, if any, then construct and return the result cursor along with the [possibly updated] query.

Run this RootMapping's mutation, if any, then construct and return the result cursor along with the [possibly updated] query.

Inherited from



implicit val pos: SourcePos