
sealed trait SqlQuery

Representation of a SQL query in a context

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class SqlSelect
class SqlUnion

Value members

Abstract methods

def addColumns(cols: List[ColumnRef]): SqlQuery

Add the given columns to this query

Add the given columns to this query

def addFilterOrderByLimit(pred: Option[Predicate], oss: Option[List[OrderSelection[_]]], limit: Option[Int], folQuery: Option[SqlSelect], aliasedMappings: AliasedMappings): Option[(SqlQuery, AliasedMappings)]

Add WHERE, ORDER BY and LIMIT to this query

Add WHERE, ORDER BY and LIMIT to this query

def context: Context

The context for this query

The context for this query

def fetch: F[Table]

Execute this query in F

Execute this query in F

def index(col: ColumnRef): Int

The index of the given unaliased column in the result set

The index of the given unaliased column in the result set

def nest(parentContext: Context, fieldName: String, resultName: String, extraCols: List[ColumnRef], extraJoins: List[SqlJoin], aliasedMappings: AliasedMappings): (SqlQuery, AliasedMappings)

Nest this query as a subobject in the enclosing parentContext

Nest this query as a subobject in the enclosing parentContext

def withContext(context: Context): SqlQuery

This query in the given context

This query in the given context