
object SqlQuery
trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class Order(frag: Fragment)

Represents an ORDER BY clause

Represents an ORDER BY clause

case class SqlJoin(parent: String, child: TableExpr, on: List[(ColumnRef, ColumnRef)], plural: Boolean, lateral: Boolean, inner: Boolean)

Representation of an SQL join

Representation of an SQL join

object SqlJoin
case class SqlSelect(context: Context, table: TableExpr, cols: List[ColumnRef], joins: List[SqlJoin], wheres: List[Where], orders: List[Order], limit: Option[Int], distinct: Boolean, aliases: List[String], collate: Set[ColumnRef]) extends SqlQuery

Representation of an SQL SELECT

Representation of an SQL SELECT

case class SqlUnion(elems: List[SqlSelect], aliases: List[String]) extends SqlQuery

Representation of a UNION ALL of SQL SELECTs

Representation of a UNION ALL of SQL SELECTs

case class Where(frag: Fragment)

Represents a WHERE clause

Represents a WHERE clause

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def combineAll(queries: List[SqlQuery]): Option[SqlQuery]

Combine the given queries as a single SQL query

Combine the given queries as a single SQL query

def mkOrderBy(context: Context, table: TableExpr, oss: List[OrderSelection[_]], aliasedMappings: AliasedMappings): Option[SqlSelect]

Construct an SQLSelect corresponding to the given orderings applied to table in context

Construct an SQLSelect corresponding to the given orderings applied to table in context

def mkWhere(context: Context, pred: Predicate, aliasedMappings: AliasedMappings): Option[Where]

Construct a WHERE clause for the given predicate pred in context

Construct a WHERE clause for the given predicate pred in context

def wherePaths(pred: Predicate): List[List[String]]

Compute the set of paths traversed by the given prediate

Compute the set of paths traversed by the given prediate