
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class AcknowledgePlayerDigging(location: Position, block: VarInt, status: VarInt, successful: Boolean)
class Animation(entityId: VarInt, animationId: UByte)

Animation is sent by the server to play an animation on a specific entity.

Animation is sent by the server to play an animation on a specific entity.

class BlockAction(location: Position, byte1: UByte, byte2: UByte, blockType: VarInt)

BlockAction triggers different actions depending on the target block.

BlockAction triggers different actions depending on the target block.

class BlockAction_u16(x: Int, y: UShort, z: Int, byte1: UByte, byte2: UByte, blockType: VarInt)
class BlockBreakAnimation(entityId: VarInt, location: Position, stage: Byte)

BlockBreakAnimation is used to create and update the block breaking animation played when a player starts digging a block.

BlockBreakAnimation is used to create and update the block breaking animation played when a player starts digging a block.

class BlockBreakAnimation_i32(entityId: VarInt, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, stage: Byte)
class BlockChange_VarInt(location: Position, blockId: VarInt)

BlockChange is used to update a single block on the client.

BlockChange is used to update a single block on the client.

class BlockChange_u8(x: Int, y: UByte, z: Int, blockId: VarInt, blockMetadata: UByte)
class BossBar(uuid: UUID, action: VarInt, title: Option[ChatComponent], health: Option[Float], color: Option[VarInt], style: Option[VarInt], flags: Option[UByte])

BossBar displays and/or changes a boss bar that is displayed on the top of the client's screen. This is normally used for bosses such as the ender dragon or the wither.

BossBar displays and/or changes a boss bar that is displayed on the top of the client's screen. This is normally used for bosses such as the ender dragon or the wither.

class Camera(targetId: VarInt)

Camera causes the client to spectate the entity with the passed id. Use the player's id to de-spectate.

Camera causes the client to spectate the entity with the passed id. Use the player's id to de-spectate.

class ChangeGameState(reason: UByte, value: Float)

ChangeGameState is used to modify the game's state like gamemode or weather.

ChangeGameState is used to modify the game's state like gamemode or weather.

class ChunkData(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, isNew: Boolean, bitmask: VarInt, data: LenPrefixedByteSeq[VarInt], blockEntities: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, NBTCompound])
class ChunkDataBulk(skylight: Boolean, chunkMeta: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, ChunkMeta], chunkData: UnspecifiedLengthByteArray)
class ChunkDataBulk_17(chunkColumnCount: UShort, dataLength: Int, skylight: Boolean, chunkDataAndMeta: UnspecifiedLengthByteArray)
class ChunkData_17(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, isNew: Boolean, bitmask: UShort, addBitmask: UShort, compressedData: LenPrefixedByteSeq[Int])
class ChunkData_Biomes3D(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, isNew: Boolean, bitmask: VarInt, heightmaps: NBTCompound, biomes: Option[Biomes3D], data: LenPrefixedByteSeq[VarInt], blockEntities: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, NBTCompound])
class ChunkData_Biomes3D_VarInt(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, isNew: Boolean, bitmask: VarInt, heightmaps: NBTCompound, biomes: Option[LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, VarInt]], data: LenPrefixedByteSeq[VarInt], blockEntities: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, NBTCompound])

ChunkData sends or updates a single chunk on the client. If New is set then biome data should be sent too.

ChunkData sends or updates a single chunk on the client. If New is set then biome data should be sent too.

class ChunkData_Biomes3D_bool(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, isNew: Boolean, ignoreOldData: Boolean, bitmask: VarInt, heightmaps: NBTCompound, biomes: Option[Biomes3D], data: LenPrefixedByteSeq[VarInt], blockEntities: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, NBTCompound])
class ChunkData_HeightMap(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, isNew: Boolean, bitmask: VarInt, heightmaps: NBTCompound, data: LenPrefixedByteSeq[VarInt], blockEntities: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, NBTCompound])
class ChunkData_NoEntities(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, isNew: Boolean, bitmask: VarInt, data: LenPrefixedByteSeq[VarInt])
class ChunkData_NoEntities_u16(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, isNew: Boolean, bitmask: UShort, data: LenPrefixedByteSeq[VarInt])
class ChunkUnload(x: Int, z: Int)

ChunkUnload tells the client to unload the chunk at the specified position.

ChunkUnload tells the client to unload the chunk at the specified position.

class CoFHLib_SendUUID(playerUuid: UUID)
class CollectItem(collectedEntityId: VarInt, collectorEntityId: VarInt, numberOfItems: VarInt)

CollectItem causes the collected item to fly towards the collector. This does not destroy the entity.

CollectItem causes the collected item to fly towards the collector. This does not destroy the entity.

class CollectItem_nocount(collectedEntityId: VarInt, collectorEntityId: VarInt)
class CollectItem_nocount_i32(collectedEntityId: Int, collectorEntityId: Int)
class CombatEvent(event: VarInt, direction: Option[VarInt], playerId: Option[VarInt], entityId: Option[Int], message: Option[ChatComponent])

CombatEvent is used for... you know, I never checked. I have no clue.

CombatEvent is used for... you know, I never checked. I have no clue.

class ConfirmTransaction(id: UByte, actionNumber: Short, accepted: Boolean)

ConfirmTransaction notifies the client whether a transaction was successful or failed (e.g. due to lag).

ConfirmTransaction notifies the client whether a transaction was successful or failed (e.g. due to lag).

class CraftRecipeResponse(windowId: UByte, recipe: VarInt)

CraftRecipeResponse is a response to CraftRecipeRequest, notifies the UI.

CraftRecipeResponse is a response to CraftRecipeRequest, notifies the UI.

class Disconnect(reason: ChatComponent)

Disconnect causes the client to disconnect displaying the passed reason.

Disconnect causes the client to disconnect displaying the passed reason.

class Effect(effectId: Int, location: Position, data: Int, disableRelative: Boolean)

Effect plays a sound effect or particle at the target location with the volume (of sounds) being relative to the player's position unless DisableRelative is set to true.

Effect plays a sound effect or particle at the target location with the volume (of sounds) being relative to the player's position unless DisableRelative is set to true.

class Effect_u8y(effectId: Int, x: Int, y: UByte, z: Int, data: Int, disableRelative: Boolean)
class Entity(entityId: VarInt)

Entity does nothing. It is a result of subclassing used in Minecraft.

Entity does nothing. It is a result of subclassing used in Minecraft.

class EntityAction(entityId: Int, actionId: UByte)

EntityAction causes an entity to preform an action based on the passed id.

EntityAction causes an entity to preform an action based on the passed id.

class EntityAttach(entityId: Int, vehicle: Int)

EntityAttach attaches to entities together, either by mounting or leashing. -1 can be used at the EntityID to deattach.

EntityAttach attaches to entities together, either by mounting or leashing. -1 can be used at the EntityID to deattach.

class EntityAttach_leashed(entityId: Int, vehicle: Int, leash: Boolean)

EntityDestroy destroys the entities with the ids in the provided slice.

EntityDestroy destroys the entities with the ids in the provided slice.

class EntityDestroy_u8(entityIds: LenPrefixedSeq[UByte, Int])
class EntityEffect(entityId: VarInt, effectId: Byte, amplifier: Byte, duration: VarInt, hideParticles: Boolean)

EntityEffect applies a status effect to an entity for a given duration.

EntityEffect applies a status effect to an entity for a given duration.

class EntityEffect_i32(entityId: Int, effectId: Byte, amplifier: Byte, duration: Short)
class EntityEquipment_Array(entityId: VarInt, equipments: EntityEquipments)

EntityEquipment is sent to display an item on an entity, like a sword or armor. Slot 0 is the held item and slots 1 to 4 are boots, leggings chestplate and helmet respectively.

EntityEquipment is sent to display an item on an entity, like a sword or armor. Slot 0 is the held item and slots 1 to 4 are boots, leggings chestplate and helmet respectively.

class EntityEquipment_VarInt[S <: Slot](entityId: VarInt, slot: VarInt, item: S)
class EntityEquipment_u16(entityId: VarInt, slot: UShort, item: Upto_1_12_2)
class EntityEquipment_u16_i32(entityId: Int, slot: UShort, item: Upto_1_12_2)
class EntityHeadLook(entityId: VarInt, headYaw: Byte)

EntityHeadLook rotates an entity's head to the new angle.

EntityHeadLook rotates an entity's head to the new angle.

class EntityHeadLook_i32(entityId: Int, headYaw: Byte)
class EntityLookAndMove_i16(entityId: VarInt, deltaX: FixedPoint12[Short], deltaY: FixedPoint12[Short], deltaZ: FixedPoint12[Short], yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, onGround: Boolean)

EntityLookAndMove is a combination of EntityMove and EntityLook.

EntityLookAndMove is a combination of EntityMove and EntityLook.

class EntityLookAndMove_i8(entityId: VarInt, deltaX: FixedPoint5[Byte], deltaY: FixedPoint5[Byte], deltaZ: FixedPoint5[Byte], yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, onGround: Boolean)
class EntityLookAndMove_i8_i32_NoGround(entityId: Int, deltaX: FixedPoint5[Byte], deltaY: FixedPoint5[Byte], deltaZ: FixedPoint5[Byte], yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte)
class EntityLook_VarInt(entityId: VarInt, yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, onGround: Boolean)

EntityLook rotates the entity to the new angles provided.

EntityLook rotates the entity to the new angles provided.

class EntityLook_i32_NoGround(entityId: Int, yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte)
class EntityMetadata(entityId: VarInt, metadata: Metadata)

EntityMetadata updates the metadata for an entity.

EntityMetadata updates the metadata for an entity.

class EntityMetadata_i32(entityId: Int, metadata: Metadata)
class EntityMove_i16(entityId: VarInt, deltaX: FixedPoint12[Short], deltaY: FixedPoint12[Short], deltaZ: FixedPoint12[Short], onGround: Boolean)

EntityMove moves the entity with the id by the offsets provided.

EntityMove moves the entity with the id by the offsets provided.

class EntityMove_i8(entityId: VarInt, deltaX: FixedPoint5[Byte], deltaY: FixedPoint5[Byte], deltaZ: FixedPoint5[Byte], onGround: Boolean)
class EntityMove_i8_i32_NoGround(entityId: Int, deltaX: FixedPoint5[Byte], deltaY: FixedPoint5[Byte], deltaZ: FixedPoint5[Byte])
class EntityProperties(entityId: VarInt, properties: LenPrefixedSeq[Int, EntityProperty])

EntityProperties updates the properties for an entity.

EntityProperties updates the properties for an entity.

class EntityProperties_i32(entityId: Int, properties: LenPrefixedSeq[Int, EntityPropertyShort])
class EntityRemoveEffect(entityId: VarInt, effectId: Byte)

EntityRemoveEffect removes an effect from an entity.

EntityRemoveEffect removes an effect from an entity.

class EntityRemoveEffect_i32(entityId: Int, effectId: Byte)
class EntitySoundEffect(soundId: VarInt, soundCategory: VarInt, entityId: VarInt, volume: Float, pitch: Float)

Plays a sound effect from an entity.

Plays a sound effect from an entity.

class EntityStatus(entityId: Int, entityStatus: Byte)
class EntityTeleport_f64(entityId: VarInt, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, onGround: Boolean)

EntityTeleport teleports the entity to the target location. This is sent if the entity moves further than EntityMove allows.

EntityTeleport teleports the entity to the target location. This is sent if the entity moves further than EntityMove allows.

class EntityTeleport_i32(entityId: VarInt, x: FixedPoint5[Int], y: FixedPoint5[Int], z: FixedPoint5[Int], yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, onGround: Boolean)
class EntityTeleport_i32_i32_NoGround(entityId: Int, x: FixedPoint5[Int], y: FixedPoint5[Int], z: FixedPoint5[Int], yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte)
class EntityUpdateNBT(entityId: VarInt, nbt: NBTCompoundOrEnd)

EntityUpdateNBT updates the entity named binary tag.

EntityUpdateNBT updates the entity named binary tag.

class EntityUsedBed(entityId: VarInt, location: Position)

EntityUsedBed is sent by the server when a player goes to bed.

EntityUsedBed is sent by the server when a player goes to bed.

class EntityUsedBed_i32(entityId: Int, x: Int, y: UByte, z: Int)
class EntityVelocity(entityId: VarInt, velocityX: Short, velocityY: Short, velocityZ: Short)

EntityVelocity sets the velocity of an entity in 1/8000 of a block per a tick.

EntityVelocity sets the velocity of an entity in 1/8000 of a block per a tick.

class EntityVelocity_i32(entityId: Int, velocityX: Short, velocityY: Short, velocityZ: Short)
class Entity_i32(entityId: Int)
class Explosion(x: Float, y: Float, z: Float, radius: Float, records: LenPrefixedSeq[Int, ExplosionRecord], velocityX: Float, velocityY: Float, velocityZ: Float)

Explosion is sent when an explosion is triggered (tnt, creeper etc). This plays the effect and removes the effected blocks.

Explosion is sent when an explosion is triggered (tnt, creeper etc). This plays the effect and removes the effected blocks.

class FacePlayer(feetEyes: VarInt, targetX: Double, targetY: Double, targetZ: Double, isEntity: Boolean, entityId: Option[VarInt], entityFeetEyes: Option[VarInt])
class JoinGame_HashedSeed_Respawn(entityId: Int, gamemode: UByte, dimension: Int, hashedSeed: Long, maxPlayers: UByte, levelType: String, viewDistance: VarInt, reducedDebugInfo: Boolean, enableRespawnScreen: Boolean)
class JoinGame_WorldNames(entityId: Int, gamemode: UByte, previousGamemode: UByte, worldNames: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, String], dimensionCodec: NBTCompound, dimension: String, worldName: String, hashedSeed: Long, maxPlayers: UByte, viewDistance: VarInt, reducedDebugInfo: Boolean, enableRespawnScreen: Boolean, isDebug: Boolean, isFlat: Boolean)
class JoinGame_WorldNames_IsHard(entityId: Int, isHardcore: Boolean, gamemode: UByte, previousGamemode: UByte, worldNames: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, String], dimensionCodec: NBTCompound, dimension: NBTCompound, worldName: String, hashedSeed: Long, maxPlayers: VarInt, viewDistance: VarInt, reducedDebugInfo: Boolean, enableRespawnScreen: Boolean, isDebug: Boolean, isFlat: Boolean)

JoinGame is sent after completing the login process. This sets the initial state for the client.

JoinGame is sent after completing the login process. This sets the initial state for the client.

class JoinGame_i32(entityId: Int, gamemode: UByte, dimension: Int, difficulty: UByte, maxPlayers: UByte, levelType: String, reducedDebugInfo: Boolean)
class JoinGame_i32_ViewDistance(entityId: Int, gamemode: UByte, dimension: Int, maxPlayers: UByte, levelType: String, viewDistance: VarInt, reducedDebugInfo: Boolean)
class JoinGame_i8(entityId: Int, gamemode: UByte, dimension: Byte, difficulty: UByte, maxPlayers: UByte, levelType: String, reducedDebugInfo: Boolean)
class JoinGame_i8_NoDebug(entityId: Int, gamemode: UByte, dimension: Byte, difficulty: UByte, maxPlayers: UByte, levelType: String)
class KeepAliveClientbound_i64(id: Long)

KeepAliveClientbound is sent by a server to check if the client is still responding and keep the connection open. The client should reply with the KeepAliveServerbound packet setting ID to the same as this one.

KeepAliveClientbound is sent by a server to check if the client is still responding and keep the connection open. The client should reply with the KeepAliveServerbound packet setting ID to the same as this one.

class Maps(itemDamage: VarInt, scale: Byte, trackingPosition: Boolean, locked: Boolean, icons: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, MapIcon], columns: UByte, rows: Option[UByte], x: Option[UByte], z: Option[UByte], data: Option[LenPrefixedByteSeq[VarInt]])

Maps updates a single map's contents

Maps updates a single map's contents

class Maps_NoLocked(itemDamage: VarInt, scale: Byte, trackingPosition: Boolean, icons: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, MapIcon], columns: UByte, rows: Option[UByte], x: Option[UByte], z: Option[UByte], data: Option[LenPrefixedByteSeq[VarInt]])
class Maps_NoTracking(itemDamage: VarInt, scale: Byte, icons: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, MapIcon], columns: UByte, rows: Option[UByte], x: Option[UByte], z: Option[UByte], data: Option[LenPrefixedByteSeq[VarInt]])
class Maps_NoTracking_Data(itemDamage: VarInt, data: LenPrefixedByteSeq[Short])
class MultiBlockChange_Packed(chunkSectionPos: Long, noTrustEdges: Boolean, records: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, VarLong])

MultiBlockChange is used to update a batch of blocks in a single packet.

MultiBlockChange is used to update a batch of blocks in a single packet.

class MultiBlockChange_VarInt(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, records: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, BlockChangeRecord])
class MultiBlockChange_u16(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, recordCount: UShort, dataSize: Int, data: UnspecifiedLengthByteArray)
class NBTQueryResponse(transactionId: VarInt, nbt: NBTCompoundOrEnd)
class NamedSoundEffect(name: String, category: VarInt, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, volume: Float, pitch: Float)

Plays a sound by name on the client

Plays a sound by name on the client

class NamedSoundEffect_u8(name: String, category: VarInt, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, volume: Float, pitch: UByte)
class NamedSoundEffect_u8_NoCategory(name: String, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, volume: Float, pitch: UByte)
class OpenBook(hand: VarInt)

Opens the book GUI.

Opens the book GUI.

class Particle_Data(particleId: Int, longDistance: Boolean, x: Float, y: Float, z: Float, offsetX: Float, offsetY: Float, offsetZ: Float, speed: Float, count: Int, blockState: Option[VarInt], red: Option[Float], green: Option[Float], blue: Option[Float], scale: Option[Float], item: Option[NBTCompound])
class Particle_Data13(particleId: Int, longDistance: Boolean, x: Float, y: Float, z: Float, offsetX: Float, offsetY: Float, offsetZ: Float, speed: Float, count: Int, blockState: Option[VarInt], red: Option[Float], green: Option[Float], blue: Option[Float], scale: Option[Float], item: Option[NBTCompound])
class Particle_Named(particleId: String, x: Float, y: Float, z: Float, offsetX: Float, offsetY: Float, offsetZ: Float, speed: Float, count: Int)
class Particle_VarIntArray(particleId: Int, longDistance: Boolean, x: Float, y: Float, z: Float, offsetX: Float, offsetY: Float, offsetZ: Float, speed: Float, count: Int, data1: Option[VarInt], data2: Option[VarInt])
class Particle_f64(particleId: Int, longDistance: Boolean, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, offsetX: Float, offsetY: Float, offsetZ: Float, speed: Float, count: Int, blockState: Option[VarInt], red: Option[Float], green: Option[Float], blue: Option[Float], scale: Option[Float], item: Option[NBTCompound])

Particle spawns particles at the target location with the various modifiers.

Particle spawns particles at the target location with the various modifiers.

class PlayerAbilities(flags: UByte, flyingSpeed: Float, walkingSpeed: Float)

PlayerAbilities is used to modify the players current abilities. Flying, creative, god mode etc.

PlayerAbilities is used to modify the players current abilities. Flying, creative, god mode etc.


PlayerInfo is sent by the server for every player connected to the server to provide skin and username information as well as ping and gamemode info.

PlayerInfo is sent by the server for every player connected to the server to provide skin and username information as well as ping and gamemode info.

class PlayerInfo_String(name: String, online: Boolean, ping: UShort)

PlayerListHeaderFooter updates the header/footer of the player list.

PlayerListHeaderFooter updates the header/footer of the player list.


PluginMessageClientbound is used for custom messages between the client and server. This is mainly for plugins/mods but vanilla has a few channels registered too.

PluginMessageClientbound is used for custom messages between the client and server. This is mainly for plugins/mods but vanilla has a few channels registered too.

class PluginMessageClientbound_i16(channel: String, data: LenPrefixedByteSeq[Short])
class ResourcePackSend(url: String, hash: String)

ResourcePackSend causes the client to check its cache for the requested resource packet and download it if its missing. Once the resource pack is obtained the client will use it.

ResourcePackSend causes the client to check its cache for the requested resource packet and download it if its missing. Once the resource pack is obtained the client will use it.

class Respawn_Gamemode(dimension: Int, difficulty: UByte, gamemode: UByte, levelType: String)

Respawn is sent to respawn the player after death or when they move worlds.

Respawn is sent to respawn the player after death or when they move worlds.

class Respawn_HashedSeed(dimension: Int, hashedSeed: Long, difficulty: UByte, gamemode: UByte, levelType: String)
class Respawn_NBT(dimension: NBTCompound, worldName: String, hashedSeed: Long, gamemode: UByte, previousGamemode: UByte, isDebug: Boolean, isFlat: Boolean, copyMetadata: Boolean)
class Respawn_WorldName(dimension: String, worldName: String, hashedSeed: Long, gamemode: UByte, previousGamemode: UByte, isDebug: Boolean, isFlat: Boolean, copyMetadata: Boolean)
class ScoreboardDisplay(position: UByte, name: String)

ScoreboardDisplay is used to set the display position of a scoreboard.

ScoreboardDisplay is used to set the display position of a scoreboard.

class ScoreboardObjective(name: String, mode: UByte, value: Option[String], ty: Option[String])

ScoreboardObjective creates/updates a scoreboard objective.

ScoreboardObjective creates/updates a scoreboard objective.

class ScoreboardObjective_NoMode(name: String, value: String, ty: UByte)
class SelectAdvancementTab(hasId: Boolean, tabId: Option[String])

SelectAdvancementTab indicates the client should switch the advancement tab.

SelectAdvancementTab indicates the client should switch the advancement tab.

class ServerDifficulty(difficulty: UByte)

ServerDifficulty changes the displayed difficulty in the client's menu as well as some ui changes for hardcore.

ServerDifficulty changes the displayed difficulty in the client's menu as well as some ui changes for hardcore.

class ServerDifficulty_Locked(difficulty: UByte, locked: Boolean)
class ServerMessage_Position(message: ChatComponent, position: UByte)
class ServerMessage_Sender(message: ChatComponent, position: UByte, sender: UUID)

ServerMessage is a message sent by the server. It could be from a player or just a system message. The Type field controls the location the message is displayed at and when the message is displayed.

ServerMessage is a message sent by the server. It could be from a player or just a system message. The Type field controls the location the message is displayed at and when the message is displayed.

class SetCompression(threshold: VarInt)

SetCompression updates the compression threshold.

SetCompression updates the compression threshold.

class SetCooldown(itemId: VarInt, ticks: VarInt)

SetCooldown disables a set item (by id) for the set number of ticks

SetCooldown disables a set item (by id) for the set number of ticks


SetCurrentHotbarSlot changes the player's currently selected hotbar item.

SetCurrentHotbarSlot changes the player's currently selected hotbar item.

class SetExperience(experienceBar: Float, level: VarInt, totalExperience: VarInt)

SetExperience updates the experience bar on the client.

SetExperience updates the experience bar on the client.

class SetExperience_i16(experienceBar: Float, level: Short, totalExperience: Short)
class SetPassengers(entityId: VarInt, passengers: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, VarInt])

SetPassengers mounts entities to an entity

SetPassengers mounts entities to an entity

class SignEditorOpen(location: Position)

SignEditorOpen causes the client to open the editor for a sign so that it can write to it. Only sent in vanilla when the player places a sign.

SignEditorOpen causes the client to open the editor for a sign so that it can write to it. Only sent in vanilla when the player places a sign.

class SignEditorOpen_i32(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)
class SoundEffect(name: VarInt, category: VarInt, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, volume: Float, pitch: Float)

SoundEffect plays the named sound at the target location.

SoundEffect plays the named sound at the target location.

class SoundEffect_u8(name: VarInt, category: VarInt, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, volume: Float, pitch: UByte)
class SpawnExperienceOrb(entityId: VarInt, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, count: Short)

SpawnExperienceOrb spawns a single experience orb into the world when it is in range of the client. The count controls the amount of experience gained when collected.

SpawnExperienceOrb spawns a single experience orb into the world when it is in range of the client. The count controls the amount of experience gained when collected.

class SpawnExperienceOrb_i32(entityId: VarInt, x: FixedPoint5[Int], y: FixedPoint5[Int], z: FixedPoint5[Int], count: Short)
class SpawnGlobalEntity(entityId: VarInt, ty: UByte, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double)

SpawnGlobalEntity spawns an entity which is visible from anywhere in the world. Currently only used for lightning.

SpawnGlobalEntity spawns an entity which is visible from anywhere in the world. Currently only used for lightning.

class SpawnGlobalEntity_i32(entityId: VarInt, ty: UByte, x: FixedPoint5[Int], y: FixedPoint5[Int], z: FixedPoint5[Int])
class SpawnMob_NoMeta(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, ty: VarInt, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, headPitch: Byte, velocityX: Short, velocityY: Short, velocityZ: Short)

SpawnMob is used to spawn a living entity into the world when it is in range of the client.

SpawnMob is used to spawn a living entity into the world when it is in range of the client.

class SpawnMob_WithMeta(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, ty: VarInt, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, headPitch: Byte, velocityX: Short, velocityY: Short, velocityZ: Short, metadata: Metadata)
class SpawnMob_u8(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, ty: UByte, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, headPitch: Byte, velocityX: Short, velocityY: Short, velocityZ: Short, metadata: Metadata)
class SpawnMob_u8_i32(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, ty: UByte, x: FixedPoint5[Int], y: FixedPoint5[Int], z: FixedPoint5[Int], yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, headPitch: Byte, velocityX: Short, velocityY: Short, velocityZ: Short, metadata: Metadata)
class SpawnMob_u8_i32_NoUUID(entityId: VarInt, ty: UByte, x: FixedPoint5[Int], y: FixedPoint5[Int], z: FixedPoint5[Int], yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, headPitch: Byte, velocityX: Short, velocityY: Short, velocityZ: Short, metadata: Metadata)
class SpawnObject(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, ty: UByte, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, pitch: Byte, yaw: Byte, data: Int, velocityX: Short, velocityY: Short, velocityZ: Short)

SpawnObject is used to spawn an object or vehicle into the world when it is in range of the client.

SpawnObject is used to spawn an object or vehicle into the world when it is in range of the client.

class SpawnObject_VarInt(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, ty: VarInt, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, pitch: Byte, yaw: Byte, data: Int, velocityX: Short, velocityY: Short, velocityZ: Short)
class SpawnObject_i32(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, ty: UByte, x: FixedPoint5[Int], y: FixedPoint5[Int], z: FixedPoint5[Int], pitch: Byte, yaw: Byte, data: Int, velocityX: Short, velocityY: Short, velocityZ: Short)
class SpawnObject_i32_NoUUID(entityId: VarInt, ty: UByte, x: FixedPoint5[Int], y: FixedPoint5[Int], z: FixedPoint5[Int], pitch: Byte, yaw: Byte, data: Int, velocityX: Option[Short], velocityY: Option[Short], velocityZ: Option[Short])
class SpawnPainting_NoUUID(entityId: VarInt, title: String, location: Position, direction: UByte)
class SpawnPainting_NoUUID_i32(entityId: VarInt, title: String, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, direction: Int)
class SpawnPainting_String(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, title: String, location: Position, direction: UByte)
class SpawnPainting_VarInt(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, motive: VarInt, location: Position, direction: UByte)

SpawnPainting spawns a painting into the world when it is in range of the client. The title effects the size and the texture of the painting.

SpawnPainting spawns a painting into the world when it is in range of the client. The title effects the size and the texture of the painting.

class SpawnPlayer_f64(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, metadata: Metadata)
class SpawnPlayer_f64_NoMeta(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte)

SpawnPlayer is used to spawn a player when they are in range of the client. This packet alone isn't enough to display the player as the skin and username information is in the player information packet.

SpawnPlayer is used to spawn a player when they are in range of the client. This packet alone isn't enough to display the player as the skin and username information is in the player information packet.

class SpawnPlayer_i32(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, x: FixedPoint5[Int], y: FixedPoint5[Int], z: FixedPoint5[Int], yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, metadata: Metadata)
class SpawnPlayer_i32_HeldItem(entityId: VarInt, uuid: UUID, x: FixedPoint5[Int], y: FixedPoint5[Int], z: FixedPoint5[Int], yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, currentItem: UShort, metadata: Metadata)
class SpawnPlayer_i32_HeldItem_String(entityId: VarInt, uuid: String, name: String, properties: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, SpawnProperty], x: FixedPoint5[Int], y: FixedPoint5[Int], z: FixedPoint5[Int], yaw: Byte, pitch: Byte, currentItem: UShort, metadata: Metadata)
class SpawnPosition(location: Position)

SpawnPosition is sent to change the player's current spawn point. Currently only used by the client for the compass.

SpawnPosition is sent to change the player's current spawn point. Currently only used by the client for the compass.

class SpawnPosition_i32(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)

Statistics is used to update the statistics screen for the client.

Statistics is used to update the statistics screen for the client.

class StopSound(flags: UByte, source: Option[VarInt], sound: Option[String])
class TabCompleteReply(matches: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, String])

TabCompleteReply is sent as a reply to a tab completion request. The matches should be possible completions for the command/chat the player sent.

TabCompleteReply is sent as a reply to a tab completion request. The matches should be possible completions for the command/chat the player sent.

class Tags(blockTags: TagArray, itemTags: TagArray, fluidTags: TagArray)
class TagsWithEntities(blockTags: TagArray, itemTags: TagArray, fluidTags: TagArray, entityTags: TagArray)
class Teams_NoVisColor(name: String, mode: UByte, displayName: Option[String], prefix: Option[String], suffix: Option[String], flags: Option[UByte], players: Option[LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, String]])
class Teams_VarInt(name: String, mode: UByte, displayName: Option[String], flags: Option[UByte], nameTagVisibility: Option[String], collisionRule: Option[String], formatting: Option[VarInt], prefix: Option[String], suffix: Option[String], players: Option[LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, String]])

Teams creates and updates teams

Teams creates and updates teams

class Teams_u8(name: String, mode: UByte, displayName: Option[String], prefix: Option[String], suffix: Option[String], flags: Option[UByte], nameTagVisibility: Option[String], collisionRule: Option[String], color: Option[Byte], players: Option[LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, String]])
class TeleportPlayer_NoConfirm(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, yaw: Float, pitch: Float, flags: UByte)
class TeleportPlayer_OnGround(x: Double, eyesY: Double, z: Double, yaw: Float, pitch: Float, onGround: Boolean)
class TeleportPlayer_WithConfirm(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, yaw: Float, pitch: Float, flags: UByte, teleportId: VarInt)

TeleportPlayer is sent to change the player's position. The client is expected to reply to the server with the same positions as contained in this packet otherwise will reject future packets.

TeleportPlayer is sent to change the player's position. The client is expected to reply to the server with the same positions as contained in this packet otherwise will reject future packets.

class TimeUpdate(worldAge: Long, timeOfDay: Long)

TimeUpdate is sent to sync the world's time to the client, the client will manually tick the time itself so this doesn't need to sent repeatedly but if the server or client has issues keeping up this can fall out of sync so it is a good idea to send this now and again

TimeUpdate is sent to sync the world's time to the client, the client will manually tick the time itself so this doesn't need to sent repeatedly but if the server or client has issues keeping up this can fall out of sync so it is a good idea to send this now and again

class Title(action: VarInt, title: Option[ChatComponent], subTitle: Option[ChatComponent], actionBarText: Option[String], fadeIn: Option[Int], fadeStay: Option[Int], fadeOut: Option[Int])

Title configures an on-screen title.

Title configures an on-screen title.

class Title_notext(action: VarInt, title: Option[ChatComponent], subTitle: Option[ChatComponent], fadeIn: Option[Int], fadeStay: Option[Int], fadeOut: Option[Int])
class Title_notext_component(action: VarInt, title: Option[ChatComponent], subTitle: Option[ChatComponent], fadeIn: Option[ChatComponent], fadeStay: Option[ChatComponent], fadeOut: Option[ChatComponent])
class TradeList_WithRestock(id: VarInt, trades: LenPrefixedSeq[UByte, Trade], villagerLevel: VarInt, experience: VarInt, isRegularVillager: Boolean, canRestock: Boolean)
class TradeList_WithoutRestock(id: VarInt, trades: LenPrefixedSeq[UByte, Trade], villagerLevel: VarInt, experience: VarInt, isRegularVillager: Boolean)
class UnlockRecipes_NoSmelting(action: VarInt, craftingBookOpen: Boolean, filteringCraftable: Boolean, recipeIds: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, VarInt], recipeIds2: Option[LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, VarInt]])
class UnlockRecipes_WithBlastSmoker(action: VarInt, craftingBookOpen: Boolean, filteringCraftable: Boolean, smeltingBookOpen: Boolean, filteringSmeltable: Boolean, blastFurnaceOpen: Boolean, filteringBlastFurnace: Boolean, smokerOpen: Boolean, filteringSmoker: Boolean, recipeIds: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, String], recipeIds2: Option[LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, String]])
class UnlockRecipes_WithSmelting(action: VarInt, craftingBookOpen: Boolean, filteringCraftable: Boolean, smeltingBookOpen: Boolean, filteringSmeltable: Boolean, recipeIds: LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, String], recipeIds2: Option[LenPrefixedSeq[VarInt, String]])
class UpdateBlockEntity(location: Position, action: UByte, nbt: NBTCompound)

UpdateBlockEntity updates the nbt tag of a block entity in the world.

UpdateBlockEntity updates the nbt tag of a block entity in the world.

class UpdateBlockEntity_Data(x: Int, y: Short, z: Int, action: UByte, gzippedNbt: LenPrefixedByteSeq[Short])
class UpdateHealth(health: Float, food: VarInt, foodSaturation: Float)

UpdateHealth is sent by the server to update the player's health and food.

UpdateHealth is sent by the server to update the player's health and food.

class UpdateHealth_u16(health: Float, food: UShort, foodSaturation: Float)
class UpdateLight_NoTrust(chunkX: VarInt, chunkZ: VarInt, skyLightMask: VarInt, blockLightMask: VarInt, emptySkyLightMask: VarInt, lightArrays: UnspecifiedLengthByteArray)
class UpdateLight_WithTrust(chunkX: VarInt, chunkZ: VarInt, trustEdges: Boolean, skyLightMask: VarInt, blockLightMask: VarInt, emptySkyLightMask: VarInt, lightArrays: UnspecifiedLengthByteArray)
class UpdateScore(name: String, action: UByte, objectName: String, value: Option[VarInt])

UpdateScore is used to update or remove an item from a scoreboard objective.

UpdateScore is used to update or remove an item from a scoreboard objective.

class UpdateScore_i32(name: String, action: UByte, objectName: String, value: Option[Int])
class UpdateSign(location: Position, line1: ChatComponent, line2: ChatComponent, line3: ChatComponent, line4: ChatComponent)

UpdateSign sets or changes the text on a sign.

UpdateSign sets or changes the text on a sign.

class UpdateSign_u16(x: Int, y: UShort, z: Int, line1: ChatComponent, line2: ChatComponent, line3: ChatComponent, line4: ChatComponent)
class UpdateViewDistance(viewDistance: VarInt)

UpdateViewDistance is sent by the integrated server when changing render distance.

UpdateViewDistance is sent by the integrated server when changing render distance.

class UpdateViewPosition(chunkX: VarInt, chunkZ: VarInt)

UpdateViewPosition is used to determine what chunks should be remain loaded.

UpdateViewPosition is used to determine what chunks should be remain loaded.

class VehicleTeleport(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, yaw: Float, pitch: Float)

Teleports the player's vehicle

Teleports the player's vehicle

class WindowClose(id: UByte)

WindowClose forces the client to close the window with the given id, e.g. a chest getting destroyed.

WindowClose forces the client to close the window with the given id, e.g. a chest getting destroyed.

class WindowItems[S <: Slot](id: UByte, items: LenPrefixedSeq[Short, S])

WindowItems sets every item in a window.

WindowItems sets every item in a window.

class WindowOpen(id: UByte, ty: String, title: ChatComponent, slotCount: UByte, entityId: Option[Int])

WindowOpen tells the client to open the inventory window of the given type. The ID is used to reference the instance of the window in other packets.

WindowOpen tells the client to open the inventory window of the given type. The ID is used to reference the instance of the window in other packets.

class WindowOpenHorse(windowId: UByte, numberOfSlots: VarInt, entityId: Int)
class WindowOpen_u8(id: UByte, ty: UByte, title: ChatComponent, slotCount: UByte, useProvidedWindowTitle: Boolean, entityId: Option[Int])
class WindowProperty(id: UByte, property: Short, value: Short)

WindowProperty changes the value of a property of a window. Properties vary depending on the window type.

WindowProperty changes the value of a property of a window. Properties vary depending on the window type.

class WindowSetSlot[S <: Slot](id: UByte, property: Short, item: S)

WindowSetSlot changes an itemstack in one of the slots in a window.

WindowSetSlot changes an itemstack in one of the slots in a window.

class WorldBorder(action: VarInt, oldRadius: Option[Double], newRadius: Option[Double], speed: Option[VarLong], x: Option[Double], z: Option[Double], portalBoundary: Option[VarInt], warningTime: Option[VarInt], warningBlocks: Option[VarInt])

WorldBorder configures the world's border.

WorldBorder configures the world's border.