

API for specifying configuration options that apply to all kinds of operations that contain a rendering step (Renderer and Transformer).


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class RendererBuilder[FMT]
class TransformerBuilder[FMT]
class TwoPhaseRendererBuilder[FMT, PP]

Members list

Type members

Inherited types

type ThisType

The type of the operation being configured by this instance.

The type of the operation being configured by this instance.


Inherited from:

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def renderFormat: RenderFormat[FMT]

Concrete methods

Specifies the minimum required level for a runtime message to get included into the output by this renderer.

Specifies the minimum required level for a runtime message to get included into the output by this renderer.


def rendering(customRenderer: PartialFunction[(FMT, Element), String]): ThisType

Specifies a custom render function that overrides one or more of the default renderers for the output format this instance uses.

Specifies a custom render function that overrides one or more of the default renderers for the output format this instance uses.

This method expects a partial function that takes a formatter and the element to render. It will then be invoked for each element it is defined at.

Simple example for customizing the HTML output for emphasized text, adding a specific style class:

val transformer = Transformer.from(Markdown).to(HTML).rendering {
  case (fmt, Emphasized(content, opt)) => fmt.element("em", opt, content, "class" -> "big")


Renders without any formatting (line breaks or indentation). Useful when storing the output in a database for example.

Renders without any formatting (line breaks or indentation). Useful when storing the output in a database for example.


Inherited methods

protected def config: OperationConfig

The current configuration for this instance.

The current configuration for this instance.


Inherited from:
def using(bundles: ExtensionBundle*): ThisType

Returns a new instance with the specified extension bundles installed. Features in the new bundles may override features in already installed bundles.

Returns a new instance with the specified extension bundles installed. Features in the new bundles may override features in already installed bundles.

Bundles are usually provided by libraries (by Laika itself or a 3rd-party extension library) or as re-usable building blocks by application code.


Inherited from:

Returns a new instance with the specified configuration.

Returns a new instance with the specified configuration.

This method discards any previously specified options. It is usually meant to be used when copying over the configuration from a fully configured object to an unconfigured one.


Inherited from: