
trait TwoPhaseRenderFormat[FMT, PP] extends Format

Render format based on a render phase for an interim result and a post processor.

Examples for such a format are PDF (with XSL-FO as the interim format) or EPUB (with XHTML as the interim format).


trait Format
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

The render format for the interim result, the first phase of this renderer.

The render format for the interim result, the first phase of this renderer.


def postProcessor: PP

Post processor that produces the final result based on the interim format.

Post processor that produces the final result based on the interim format.


def prepareTree(tree: DocumentTreeRoot): Either[Throwable, DocumentTreeRoot]

A hook that allows this processor to modify or enhance the given document tree. A common use case is to add navigation information for e-book formats like EPUB or PDF for example.

A hook that allows this processor to modify or enhance the given document tree. A common use case is to add navigation information for e-book formats like EPUB or PDF for example.

The modified tree produced by this method will be used for rendering the interim format specified with the format property.


Inherited methods

def description: String

Short string describing the markup or output format for tooling and logging.

Short string describing the markup or output format for tooling and logging.


Inherited from: