
abstract class Element extends Product, Serializable

The base class for all Elements forming the document tree. Usually not extended directly, instead either Span or Block should be picked as the base type for new element types.

All node types have an optional id and zero or more associated styles serving as render hints.


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Known subtypes
trait Block
class Contents
class Include
class BlockScope
class BulletList
class Citation
class CodeBlock
class Comment
trait Definition
class LinkAlias
class EnumList
class Figure
class Footnote
class Header
class InvalidBlock
trait LinkTarget
class LiteralBlock
class PageBreak
class Paragraph
class QuotedBlock
class RawContent
class RootElement
class Rule
class Section
class Selection
class SpanSequence
class Table
class TargetFormat
class TemplateRoot
class Title
class TitledBlock
class HTMLBlock
class HTMLComment
class HTMLStartTag
class FootnoteBody
class ListItemBody
class Preamble
class DoctestBlock
class FieldList
class Line
class LineBlock
class OptionList
trait Container[T]
trait ElementContainer[E]
class Cell
class Choice
class EmbeddedRoot
class EnumListItem
class Field
class SectionInfo
class Caption
class Deleted
class Emphasized
class InlineCode
class Inserted
class SpanLink
class Strong
class HTMLElement
class Classifier
class Columns
class Row
class TableBody
class TableHead
class CodeSpan
class Literal
class Text
trait Hidden
trait Invalid
class InvalidSpan
trait ListItem
trait Span
trait Icon
class IconGlyph
class IconStyle
class LineBreak
trait Link
trait GlobalLink
class Image
class RawLink
trait LocalLink
class CitationLink
class FootnoteLink
trait Reference
class Reverse
trait SpanResolver
class ContextReference[T]
class SpanScope
trait TemplateSpan
class HTMLSpan
class HTMLEndTag
class Leader
trait TableElement
class Column
trait Unresolved
trait ElementScope[E]
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Members list

Type members


type Self <: Element

Value members

Abstract methods

def withOptions(options: Options): Self

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified options replacing the current value.

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified options replacing the current value.


Concrete methods

def hasId: Boolean

Indicates whether this element has an id assigned.

Indicates whether this element has an id assigned.


def hasStyle(name: String): Boolean

Indicates whether this element has the specified style assigned.

Indicates whether this element has the specified style assigned.


Returns a new instance of this element with its options merged with the specified options.

Returns a new instance of this element with its options merged with the specified options.


Returns a new instance of this element with the new options obtained from applying the specified function to the existing value.

Returns a new instance of this element with the new options obtained from applying the specified function to the existing value.


def withId(id: String): Self

Returns a new instance of this element with its id set to the specified value, overriding any existing value.

Returns a new instance of this element with its id set to the specified value, overriding any existing value.


def withStyle(name: String): Self

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified style added to its existing styles.

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified style added to its existing styles.


def withStyles(style: String, styles: String*): Self

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified styles added to its existing styles.

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified styles added to its existing styles.


def withStyles(styles: Iterable[String]): Self

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified styles added to its existing styles.

Returns a new instance of this element with the specified styles added to its existing styles.


Returns a new instance of this element without its id.

Returns a new instance of this element without its id.


Inherited methods

def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean


Inherited from:
def productArity: Int


Inherited from:
def productElement(n: Int): Any


Inherited from:
def productElementName(n: Int): String


Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]


Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]


Inherited from:
def productPrefix: String


Inherited from: