

Provides the implementation for the image directives included in Laika.

This includes the block-level and span-level image directives.

For full documentation see the section about Image Directives in the manual.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete fields

Markup directive for inserting an image as a block level element.

Markup directive for inserting an image as a block level element.

The image source must be set with a positional attribute (in parenthesis). It is the only required attribute and can be a local path (absolute or relative) in the virtual tree of your input sources, or an external URL (http: or https:).

The optional intrinsicWidth and intrinsicHeight attributes can be used to describe the dimensions of the image to avoid layout shifts when loading the page.

For controlling the actual display size you can use the style attribute together with a matching declaration in one of your site's CSS documents. If omitted the theme in use will usually have a sensible default size.


Markup directive for inserting an image as an inline element.

Markup directive for inserting an image as an inline element.

The image source must be set with a positional attribute (in parenthesis). It is the only required attribute and can be a local path (absolute or relative) in the virtual tree of your input sources, or an external URL (http: or https:).

The optional intrinsicWidth and intrinsicHeight attributes can be used to describe the dimensions of the image to avoid layout shifts when loading the page.

For controlling the actual display size you can use the style attribute together with a matching declaration in one of your site's CSS documents. If omitted the theme in use will usually have a sensible default size.
