
Members list

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Provides the implementation for the standard breadcrumb directives.

Provides the implementation for the standard breadcrumb directives.

This includes the template and markup-block variants of this directive, which builds a navigation list from the root node of the input tree to the current document.

For full documentation see the section about the Breadcrumb Directive in the manual.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Provides the implementation for the standard control flow directives included in Laika.

Provides the implementation for the standard control flow directives included in Laika.

These include:

  • for: Accesses a value from the context and sets it as the reference context for its body elements, executing the body if the referenced value is non-empty and executing it multiple times when it is a collection.
  • if: Accesses a value from the context and processes the body element only when it is a value recognized as true.

For full documentation see the section about Conditionals and Loops in the manual.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Provides the implementation for the standard directives for the head section in HTML templates.

Provides the implementation for the standard directives for the head section in HTML templates.

These include:

  • linkCSS: Adds link elements to HTML/EPUB output for all or selected CSS files found in the document tree
  • linkJS: Adds link elements to HTML/EPUB output for all or selected JavaScript files found in the document tree

For full documentation see the section about HTML Template Directives in the manual.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Provides the implementation for the image directives included in Laika.

Provides the implementation for the image directives included in Laika.

This includes the block-level and span-level image directives.

For full documentation see the section about Image Directives in the manual.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Provides the implementation for the standard include and embed directives.

Provides the implementation for the standard include and embed directives.

This includes the template and markup-block variants of these directives, which allow to embed one template or markup document inside another.

For full documentation see the section about Include and Embed Directives in the manual.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Provides the implementation for the link directives included in Laika.

Provides the implementation for the link directives included in Laika.

These include:

  • api: Convenience directive that allows to reference an api documentation entry (e.g. scaladoc, javadoc)
  • source: Convenience directive that allows to reference a hosted source (e.g. on GitHub)

For full documentation see the section about Navigation Directives in the manual.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Implementation of the navigationTree directive for templates and markup blocks.

Implementation of the navigationTree directive for templates and markup blocks.

This directive supports the generation of navigation trees which can be any combination of auto-generated trees from the input tree and manual entries, optionally to external targets, too.

For full documentation see the section about the navigationTree Directive in the manual.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Implementation of the select directive for block elements in markup documents.

Implementation of the select directive for block elements in markup documents.

Selections represent the same content in different ways, e.g. a code sample in Scala or Java or a build setup in sbt vs. Maven. In the final output these will usually be rendered in a way to allow for a convenient selection by the user.

A valid @:select directive has at least two separator directives (@:choice) in the body.

For full documentation see the section about the Select Directive in the manual.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Provides the implementation for the standard directives included in Laika.

Provides the implementation for the standard directives included in Laika.

These include:


  • navigationTree: Generates a navigation tree either automatically from specified root nodes of the input tree or by specifying entries manually (or a combination of both).
  • breadcrumb: Builds a navigation list from the root node of the input tree to the current document.
  • api: Convenience directive that allows to reference an api documentation entry (e.g. scaladoc, javadoc)
  • source: Convenience directive that allows to reference a hosted source (e.g. on GitHub)


  • include: Includes one template or markup document inside another, with the options to pass attributes that can be referenced in the included document.
  • embed: All the features of include, but also allows to pass a parsed directive body that can be referenced in the included document.

'''Applying Styles'''

  • style: Adds one or more style properties to the body element (markup block or span).

'''Markup Blocks'''

  • image: Alternative to native markup syntax for including images that supports additional attributes, like intrinsicWidth and intrinsicHeight to avoid layout shift, as well as alt and title.
  • callout: A decorated block element that stands out from the surrounding paragraphs; the default Helium theme renders the content with background color and icon.
  • select: Allows to create alternative versions of the same documentation, for example one with Scala code examples and one with Java.
  • fragment: Marks a block in a markup document as being separate from the main content, so that it can be placed independently in templates, e.g. in headers, footers or sidebars.
  • format: Process the body element only when the output format matches the format specified in the directive (e.g. pdf or html).

'''HTML Templates'''

  • linkCSS: Adds link elements to HTML/EPUB output for all or selected CSS files found in the document tree
  • linkJS: Adds link elements to HTML/EPUB output for all or selected JavaScript files found in the document tree
  • target: Translates a link target. External targets will be rendered verbatim, internal targets (absolute or relative paths) will be resolved from the perspective of a template to a path relative to the document the template had been applied to.
  • path: Deprecated, use the newer target directive instead which is a superset of its functionality
  • date: renders a date with a specified formatting pattern
  • attribute: renders an HTML attribute if the specified config value is defined

'''Conditionals and Loops'''

  • for: Accesses a value from the context and sets it as the reference context for its body elements, executing the body if the referenced value is non-empty and executing it multiple times when it is a collection.
  • if: Accesses a value from the context and processes the body element only when it is a value recognized as true.

'''PDF Output'''

  • pageBreak: Inserts a page break element into the tree (will only be rendered by page-based output, like XSL-FO or PDF.


  • todo: simple directive that accepts a string argument that will be ignored by renderers, overcoming the limitation that Markdown does not have a native comment syntax.

For extensive documentation see Standard Directives in the manual.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type