class TreeTargets(root: DocumentTreeRoot, slugBuilder: String => String)

Collects all elements from a document tree that can be referenced from other elements, like images, footnotes, citations and other inline targets.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def select(scope: Path, selector: Selector): Option[TargetResolver]

Selects a target resolver with the specified selector within the scope of the given path. A resolver can be looked up in any scope from the document it occurred in or any of its parent trees up to the root tree. Some selectors, like TargetIdSelector can be used to define a globally reachable target. Others, like those for auto-numbered footnotes will only be looked up locally, with the path of the current document.

Selects a target resolver with the specified selector within the scope of the given path. A resolver can be looked up in any scope from the document it occurred in or any of its parent trees up to the root tree. Some selectors, like TargetIdSelector can be used to define a globally reachable target. Others, like those for auto-numbered footnotes will only be looked up locally, with the path of the current document.
