
case object ReStructuredText extends MarkupFormat

A parser for text written in reStructuredText markup. Instances of this class may be passed directly to the Parseer or Transformer APIs:

val document = MarkupParser.of(ReStructuredText).build.parse(inputString)


reStructuredText has several types of extension points that are fully supported by Laika. For more information on how to implement and register those see laika.rst.bundle.RstExtensionRegistry.

In addition to the standard reStructuredText directives, the API also supports a custom directive type unique to Laika. They represent a library-wide extension mechanism and allow you to implement tags which can be used in any of the supported markup formats or in templates. If you need this level of flexibility, it is recommended to use the Laika directives, if you want to stay compatible with the reStructuredText reference parser, you should pick the standard directives.

Laika directives can be registered with the laika.directive.DirectiveRegistry extension bundle. The DSLs for creating directives are similar, but still different, due to differences in the feature set of the two variants. The Laika directives try to avoid some of the unnecessary complexities of reStructuredText directives.


trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait MarkupFormat
trait Format
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Self type

Members list

Type members



class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels = EmptyTuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements


Inherited from:
type MirroredElemTypes = EmptyTuple


Inherited from:
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type


Inherited from:
type MirroredMonoType = Singleton.this.type

The mirrored *-type

The mirrored *-type


Inherited from:
type MirroredType = Singleton.this.type


Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

override def createBlockListParser(parser: Parser[Block]): Parser[Seq[Block]]

Creates the parser for a sequence of blocks based on the parser for a single block.

Creates the parser for a sequence of blocks based on the parser for a single block.

The parser for a single block is already the result of merging all block parsers defined within this instance with all extension parsers defined by the user.

The default implementation simply applies this parser repeatedly while skipping blank lines between the parsed blocks. This method can get overridden for special requirements, for example when the previous result has an influence on which parser to pick for the subsequent block.


Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def fromProduct(p: Product): MirroredMonoType

Create a new instance of type T with elements taken from product p.

Create a new instance of type T with elements taken from product p.


Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]


Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

All block parsers for the markup language this parser processes.

All block parsers for the markup language this parser processes.


override val description: String

Short string describing the markup or output format for tooling and logging.

Short string describing the markup or output format for tooling and logging.


lazy override val escapedChar: Parser[String]

Parses the character after the one that started the escape sequence (usually a backslash).

Parses the character after the one that started the escape sequence (usually a backslash).

The default implementation parses any character as is, this can be overridden in case the host language has more specific rules for escape sequences.


The parser-specific extensions that need to be installed for each transformation that involves this parser.

The parser-specific extensions that need to be installed for each transformation that involves this parser.

One scenario where a parser needs to provide a bundle is when it produces tree elements that are unknown to the built-in rewrite rules and renderers.


val fileSuffixes: Set[String]

The file suffixes recognized by this parser. When transforming entire directories only files with names ending in one of the specified suffixes will be considered.

The file suffixes recognized by this parser. When transforming entire directories only files with names ending in one of the specified suffixes will be considered.

It is recommended not to support txt or similarly common suffixes as this might interfere with other installed formats.


All span parsers for the markup language this parser processes.

All span parsers for the markup language this parser processes.
