object XSLFO extends RenderFormat[FOFormatter]

A renderer for XSL-FO output. May be directly passed to the Render or Transform APIs:



This renderer is usually used as an interim format for producing a PDF, where you do not deal with this format directly. But it can alternatively also be used as the final output and then get processed by external tools.


trait Format
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members

Inherited classlikes

case class Overrides(value: CustomRenderFunction[FMT]) extends RenderOverrides


Inherited from:
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Show all

Inherited types

type CustomRenderFunction[FMT] = PartialFunction[(FMT, Element), String]


Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete fields

val defaultRenderer: (FOFormatter, Element) => String

The default renderer function for this output format. It may be overridden by extensions for individual nodes of the AST.

The default renderer function for this output format. It may be overridden by extensions for individual nodes of the AST.

The function takes both, a formatter instance and the element to render and returns a String in the target format.


override val description: String

Short string describing the markup or output format for tooling and logging.

Short string describing the markup or output format for tooling and logging.


val fileSuffix: String

The file suffix to use when rendering the output to a file. When transforming entire directories the suffix of the markup file will be automatically replaced by the suffix for the output format.

The file suffix to use when rendering the output to a file. When transforming entire directories the suffix of the markup file will be automatically replaced by the suffix for the output format.


The function for creating a new formatter for each render operation, based on the specified context containing the root element, the indentation mechanism and the delegate function for rendering child elements (that may contain user-specified extensions this render format implementation is not aware of).

The function for creating a new formatter for each render operation, based on the specified context containing the root element, the indentation mechanism and the delegate function for rendering child elements (that may contain user-specified extensions this render format implementation is not aware of).

The formatter created by this function (or copies created from it) will be used when invoking the default renderer.
